
Abused and Mute

My name is Kat. I live with my step-mom and dad. I haven't spoken to anyone since the day my mom left.

saphire_evergreen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 2

I woke up to my dad dragging me out of my bed saying "Wake up you lazy whore." I jumped up and ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower and put on my black ripped jean and neon green crop top and galaxy converse.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen and grabbed an apple and was on my way out the door when my father who was clearly very drunk said " Where do you think you're going you little slut?" I looked to the floor not saying anything and started to open the door when it suddenly slammed closed and my head was slammed against a wall to my left. I cried out in pain. My father walked over and grabbed me by my hair and brought my face a few inches from his and said "you disgusting slut. My life would be so much better if you just killed yourself." And threw me on the ground.

I stood up with tears in my eyes and tried to walk out the door but my father grabbed me by my hair and threw me back on the floor and started punching and kicking me. I curled into a ball to try and protect myself a little bit. After about 10 minutes of my fathers unrelentless kicks and punches my vision started to blur and darkness was starting to consume my vision. I heard the muffled voice of my step-mom and looked up to see her pulling my father and making a bunch of motions with her hands. She looked at me and pointed to the door. I knew that was my que to leave. I slowly stood up trying to clear my head of the dizziness. I made it to school with only 5 minutes left before class started. I rushed to my locker throwing my bag in and grabbing my books and went straight to my class.

I walked in right as the bell rang and went to my normal spot in the back corner to sit with Tyra. She gave me a look and said "what the hell happened to you?" I just shook my head. She sighed "I really wish you would stop being mute, I really miss your voice." I smiled apologetically at her. I turned to the teacher Mrs. Evergreen who had just started explaining what we are going to be doing today. She was absolutely beautiful, she had ombre blue hair that went to the middle of her back and bright green eyes. I have always envied how perfect she is. And she reminds me of my mum a little bit.

*end of the day*

I walked out of school and started on my way home. I walked in the house being as silent as I could so I didn't attract the attention of my father. I went straight to my room and pet Smokey on the head as I went to put my stuff down and put food in Smokey's bowl so she could eat. I patted her on the head and walked out to start on the chores. I walked in the kitchen and started on the dishes. Making sure not to miss anything. Once I finished dishes I moved to sweeping. I was halfway through sweeping when my drunken excuse of a father stumbled in the kitchen and said "you dumb ass bitch you were supposed to have the laundry done by now." I nodded and started to walk to the laundry room to do the laundry when suddenly gravity changed and I was falling backwards. I felt my fathers hand connect with the side of my face before my world faded into darkness.

I woke up in my room with Smokey swatting at my face and meowing. I looked at her and said "will you stop?" She meowed and hopped off my bed walking to her empty food dish. I huffed and rolled my eyes and said "of course, you only wanted me so I could feed you." I pointed at her "I see how it is." I filled her bowl up and sat next to her watching as she ate her food. "How did my life get so messed up? I can't wait until the day I move away for good and never have to see my father or step-mother." Smokey walked over and sat in my lap content to let me have a conversation with myself and pet her. I smiled down at her "how did I end up with the most understanding cat in the world that chooses to love me unconditionally?" She started purring and meowed at me to continue petting her. I smiled and hugged her. "I love you so much." I walked down the stairs since I hadn't heard anything and I had been up for at least an hour.

I searched the entire house to find that no one was home. I walked into the kitchen to get food since I don't ever eat much and I was actually hungry for once. I saw a note on the fridge of the chores I had to do and noticed a few new ones. I grabbed a box of leftover pizza and put 2 pieces on a plate and put it in the microwave. While I waited for the microwave to be done I read through a note I found on the counter which read:

We will be back in a week, make sure all the chores are done daily and don't forget to do the laundry. The neighbor will check in on you so don't do anything stupid you little bitch. When I return I am bringing a friend so make sure the house is extra clean. See you soon you disgusting slut.

P.S. on the fridge is a list of your new chores while I'm gone.

I laughed even when writing a note he had to degrade me. I walked over to the microwave and grabbed my pizza and went up to my room. I laid in my bed sharing my pizza with Smokey and texting Tyra letting her know my dad was out of town so she could come over.

About 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door and I raced down the stairs to let Tyra in. I opened the door and jumped on her, almost knocking us down the stairs. She laughed "one of these days you are going to get us killed by doing that." I nodded and motioned her to come in. Before I got the door fully closed she asked "so did you invite Zak?" I shook my head no. She said "why not?" I typed on my phone I forgot to but you can text him and invite him if you want. She nodded her head and started typing away on her phone.

It was another 14 minutes before Zak showed up. I spent the night watching movies and dance parties. It had been so long since I had this much fun and was truly happy. It felt amazing. I was cuddling with Zak while we were watching Finding Dory. I looked down at Tyra who was on the floor in front of us and smiled at how cute her and Zak would be if they were a couple. I was feeling very sleepy and before I realized what I was doing I whispered "Zak carry me to bed please." He looked shocked and it was just then I realized I had talked to him. He nodded and said "I'm going to take Kat to bed because she is falling asleep. Tyra nodded "ok" and continued watching the movie.

He was sitting in my bed next to me and asked "Um why did you decide to talk to me first?" I shrugged my shoulders. He smiled "you know you're very pretty." I looked down blushing at his compliment and said "no I'm not." He grabbed my chin making me look him in the eyes "yes you are." And he kissed me. It was a slow and soft kiss. I pulled away, with my hands still on his chest. I said "Zak I like you but not like this."

Tyra walked in the room "So, what's going on here?" She looked at me with disbelief. Zak Said "nothing I just uh er kinda fell." I looked down at the floor not saying anything.. Tyra said "Kat can I talk to you alone for a minute?" I nodded and stood up walking out of my room to go downstairs leaving Zak in my room with Smokey.

Once we hit the bottom of the stairs Tyra said "WHAT THE HELL YOU WON'T TALK TO ME BUT YOU'LL TALK TO HIM? AND WHY THE FUCK DID HE KISS YOU? WHY WOULD YOU LET HIM KISS YOU? YOU KNOW I LIKE HIM." I looked down at the ground and whispered "I'm sorry I didn't know he was gonna kiss me and I told him I don't like him. What did you expect me to do?" She shook her head "I'm sorry I just really like him and didn't know how to react when I saw him kiss you and then he lied about it." I shook my head "I think he was embarrassed cause I don't feel the same way. I will talk to him about it." She nodded "ok, I have to go though cause it's almost my curfew and I'm not trying to get grounded." I hugged her "see you at school tomorrow."

I walked back upstairs to my room. I said "so why did you lie to Tyra about kissing me?" He looked to the ground "I uh, Well I didn't think she saw." I shook my head "dude she did see and it upset her that you lied to her." He sighed "I'm sorry, I will go talk to her." I said "you can't cause she already left so she wouldn't miss her curfew." He shook his head "I'm really sorry, I'm an idiot. I just thought that maybe you liked me." I smiled 'Zak you're not an idiot and I know I'm not the best at making sure it's clear when I like someone and when I just like someone as a friend because yea me and you can cuddle and act like boyfriend and girlfriend but I will always look to you as my brother and nothing more." He nodded "I understand and I'm sorry I kissed you." I smiled and gave him a hug "Just please don't do it again without asking next time." He hugged me back. "Of course." I smiled "you should probably get home before your mom starts to worry." He nodded "Yeah, I don't want her freaking out and think I've gotten kidnapped or something." I nodded.

I walked with him down the stairs and hugged him one last time before he left.. I picked Smokey up on my way back up the stairs and curled up with her in my bed and drifted off to sleep.