
Chapter 3

I walked into school with Zak and Tyra and instantly all the attention was on us. I didn't like all the people staring at us but Zak didn't seem to notice all the people staring and continued talking to Tyra. But how could he notice when everyone always stared at him cause he's the star football and baseball player. We all went our separate ways to our lockers. I grabbed my stuff and made my way to Mrs. Evergreen's class. When I walked in Tyra was already there with Zak and they were talking to someone I didn't know, which isn't a surprise because no one wants to talk to me. I went over to Tyra and Zak. "Hey guys." They both smiled "hey Kat." We talked for a little bit while we waited for the bell to ring so Mrs. Evergreen could start class.

Mrs. Evergreen walked in class and got everyone's attention before she started talking about partner projects. I turned to Zak and Tyra "does one of you want to be my partner for this or are you two going to partner up if she lets us choose partners." They nodded and said "yeah one of us will be your partner."

I turned my attention back to Mrs. Evergreen "This assignment is about getting to know someone new and getting out of your comfort zone. I will be choosing your partners." The whole class said "ugh." Mrs. Evergreen said "This will be a good opportunity to make a new friend." I sighed and put my head down tuning the teacher out and getting lost in my head until I heard. "Kat your partner is Noah." I groaned internally and though of all the people I could be paired with why is it the school fuckboy? Why me, I'm nice I think I don't really talk or have issues. I get good grades so why am I paired with someone that is the complete opposite of me?

I tuned the teacher out as she went back to explaining the assignment and was completely unaware that she quit talking and someone was standing in front of my desk. Until someone tapped my shoulder. I grumbled "what do you want" I looked up and realized it was Noah who had tapped me on my shoulder. He said "so are we gonna work on this stupid assignment or are you just gonna to sit there and sleep all day?" I snapped back "I was not sleeping. I was thinking about food. Thank you very much." He shook his head "Ok, sure." We worked on the assignment but we didn't get much done since we didn't have a rubric for everything that the teacher wants us to do for this assignment.

I was happy once the bell rang signaling it was the end of the day and I could finally go home. I went to my locker to get my stuff. I pulled my Ipod that I hid from my dad out of my bag and put in my headphones I pressed play on my favorite song and started on my home. I made it about halfway through the school parking lot before someone tapped me on the shoulder. I took one of my headphones and turned my attention to Noah. "what do you want?" He said "I was wondering if you wanted to work on the assignment at my house or yours on saturday?" I sighed "we can work at my house cause my parents are out of town for a little while and we should hopefully have a rubric so we know what we need to do. He nodded "ok, see you in class tomorrow." I shook my head "whatever."

I got home at 3:30 as usual and went up to my room filling Smokey's food bowl and walking downstairs to start on chores. I skipped the kitchen since it was still clean and moved on to cleaning the garage. I cleaned half of it before I decided I would finish the rest tomorrow. I finished the rest of the chores in about 30 minutes since there was no one telling me I did them wrong or did the wrong one first.

I walked up the stairs to my room. I grabbed my bag and pulled out all the homework I had to get done. I was almost done with it when my phone went off. I checked it to see a message from Tyra. asking if I wanted to have a sleepover with her and Zak which I of course agreed to. I finished up my work and as I went to put my homework away and a small piece of paper fell out. I picked it up flipping it over to see what it was. It read:

Kat here is my number ***-***-****. IDK if you want it but here you go. You can text me if you need anything or just want to hangout ;)

I tossed the paper on my dresser and grabbed my pj's and hopped in the shower. Once I finished I sat on my bed drying my hair. I played a game on my phone while I waited for Tyra and Zak to show up. I was in the middle of breaking my high score on jingle bells on piano tiles when there was a knock on the door.

I continued playing the game as I walked down the stairs so I could beat my high score. I got about halfway down the stairs when I missed a stair and went crashing down the stairs. I landed at the bottom of the stairs with a loud thud. Zak walked in the door with a screaming Tyra "Kat are you ok what's going on. I just heard a big crash sound from in here," I laughed a little and started to stand up. "I'm fine. I was just playing my game and walking down the stairs at the same time." Tyra shook her head "Of course you were. You know you are bad at multitasking. Half the time you can't walk in a straight line without tripping over the air. What made you think you can walk down the stairs while playing on your phone?" I laughed "I was just trying to beat my high score."

She shook her head "let's go watch movies before Kat finds a new way to attempt and harm herself." I started hopping up and down "Can we watch Frozen, PLEASE?" Tyra shook her head "We just watched that. What is your obsession with that movie?" I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know I just like the movie. So can we please watch it?" She looked at Zak and he put his hands up "I don't care what movie we watch but I'm not getting in the middle of the argument." Tyra huffed "of course. Fine you can watch Frozen as long as we also get to watch a star wars movie." I nodded "ok, deal." I ran into the living room and jumped over the back of the couch but my foot caught on the back of the couch and I fell face first into the couch and not caring I got back up and continued for the TV so I could put the movie in. Tyra and Zak laughed at my clumsiness and just walked around the couch and sat on it like normal people. I sat on the couch with them and pressed play.

We finished the movies and it was almost midnight. I jumped up "So what do you want to do now?" They shrugged their shoulders. I Smiled "HAHA I has an idea" I ran up the stairs and grabbed my speaker and quickly connected it to my phone and started playing Goddamn by falling in reverse. I walked down the stairs singing "I'm just like a hand grenade, you pulled the pin now you're too late, excuse me while I detonate." I reached the bottom of the stair and yelled "DANCE PARTY!" Tyra laughed but got up and danced like an idiot with me. "Zak come dance with us, please." Zak playfully said "Do I have too?" We both laughed and said "YES!" He huffed and said "fine." And got up and came and danced with us.

Our dance party lasted a couple of hours before we put on spider-man homecoming. I was sitting on the floor with my soft blanket and Smokey while Tyra and Zak were on the couch. We were about half way through it when I fell asleep.