
Ability Creation Within A New World

there are 7 realms within this world, and among the 7 realms, each holds 1 unmatched ability. I found myself in hell where I tortured myself, forced to relive my sins... but I ended up enjoying the moments, leading me to pass a trail and gain the ability to create other abilities. {first world is original, the second world is Naruto

itachi1010 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


"by fucking time," I said while crushing the head of a demon in my palm. It took 2 fucking years for me to reach level 31, now all of my abilities were at the S-tier. My truly overpowered,

"Watch your mouth... Anyway, you wasted enough time. Hurry up and head home to your brother's wedding... I trust you, so don't run around sleeping with random people." She said with a death stair, to which I just gave her an innocent look as if I would never even think of such things.

She was in no mood for my words, so I left and headed home as we left this battlefield. Hoping on a private spaceship, I shoot off at a speed far above the speed of light.

In the past, it took me 2 months to reach this galaxy, yet it took me only 3 weeks to reach my home galaxy, just in time for the wedding. The spaceship landed at the airport, and it went on to park itself, while I teleported above the city I was born in

"Lonely milfs... I'm back. The feel of freedom." I said while looking down at the city, my smile growing... But I was a respectful son, so I went to see my mother

"I'm home," I said lazily entering through the front door, only to see a bunch of people inside the house. Among them, I saw my mother, a bunch of strangers, and Lucas who was greeting everyone 

"... Wrong house," I said calmly, but my mother quickly stopped me. Giving me no choice but to enter, everyone eyed me in confusion, leaving me sighing softly

My mother's new friends were a bunch of rich people with nothing better to do than to show off. My mom of course jumped at the chance to show me off, I being the son who she have told them so much about but none of them believe her until now.

I was that she showed off, after all, I joined the Azure Dragon Army first division. Quickly, all of the ladies surrounding me, 

"What a handsome son, are you signal?" one of them asked to which I shook my head with a gentle smile...

So after all of them gave me their daughter's contact, I sat back to tell them how training in the Azure Dragon academy was. Although I could only tell them a few things, it was enough for them to hear what it was like on the battlefield, and what it was like to see those at a level above 70, something that pretty much never appears in this part of the galaxy.

The stories I told were mostly fake, after all, I was too overpowered to ever face any real danger. And when I'm about to, my instincts kick in along with my other abilities.

After a few hours of talking, these ladies said their goodbye, giving us time to ourselves. Instantly, I turned my attention to Lucas who had an envious look, after all, he was the show of the party, but the moment I popped up, I took all the attention. I tried to switch the subject to him, but it always made its way back to me

"How much of that was a lie?" My mother asked while lazily pulling out a cigarette, which she put in her mouth 

"About 60%, anyway how the wedding planning going," I asked lazily, making everyone's eyebrow raise slightly

"So you didn't get trapped in a cave, where you had to dig your way out. Pilling the flesh of your skin to the skin?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, to which I snorted

"That was just a story someone else went through," I said lazily while going to get something to drink. Lucas rolled his eyes slightly, What else did he expect?

"Sakura is having cold feet," My mother said making me nod slightly, not shocked. Lucas only lowered his head in worry, Looking at him I shook my head before leaving

"Anyways, good luck. I didn't travel hundreds of thousands of light years for nothing." I said calmly while leaving, and I went to see Sakura, who was now living in her own house, no longer the poor girl.

"Sora? I'm shocked you came, Let me guess you came to change my mind about the wedding?" She asked in shock seeing me at the door, I just nodded while entering, not giving me a chance to stop me.

"So, what's the deal? I came thousands of light years for what?" I asked calmly, making Sakura's face twisted in annoyance, but she sighed and simply explained the reason 

"Maybe you were right, and I should have broken up with me." She said softly, only for her face to twist in annoyance seeing me going through her fridge 

"Naw, I was wrong. Maybe I was envious of what you guys had with him. Anyway, I managed to find a woman I love and managed to be with her for more than 2 years now. Honestly, you set me on the right path." I said softly, stunning Sakura

"you? A meaningful relationship?" Sakura asked, She rather believe that pigs could fly. I smiled slightly before I had a screen appear with pictures of me with Rose.

"We met at a training base, she was the managing it. She hated my guts, but after some time she gave me a chance... Oh, speak of the devil." I said seeing a phone call popping up, Sakura watched as Rose appeared her eyes quickly looking all over the place 

"whose that?" Rose asked coldly, to which I simply raised my hands. I let out a deep sigh as if I was caught doing something bad

"You caught me, this is my ex. She missed me dearly, just look at the look in her eyes which screamed love." I said making Rose calm down upon looking at Sakura once more, That look of pure disgust made things clear

"I'm Sakura, Lucas soon to be wife," Sakura said coldly, to which I laughed slightly

"She getting cold feet," I said with a laugh, only for Rose to throw me a look, This was not jo shocking matter, in her eyes, I should be worried for my little brother and not be making jokes.

"What's the matter?" Rose asked with a worried look, to which I just sat back and watched as the two began talking. It took some time, but the Rose managed to ease Sakura's worries about the future.

"Sora can you be supportive of your little brother, I mean you guys are twins," Rose said with a displeased look, leaving me sighing helplessly

"I don't know how to do such things, but I will try my best. I will take my brother to a club to help him in the best way possible... No touching or looking through." I said softly, to which Rose took a deep breath

"I'm joking, trust me... I will not mess up the wedding. I was going to throw money at her if she was going to back out of the wedding." I said with a shrug, to which Sakura suddenly reached out, grabbing my shirt

"You will never bring that up to anyone." She said seriously, making Rose's eyebrow narrow as now she wanted to know what the matter was. To her, it sounded like maybe in the past I had paid her to sleep with me.

"Calm down, you're making her have the wrong thoughts here," I said while slapping her hand away, to which Sakura paused seeing Rose look. With a sigh, I explained how I paid Sakura to date Lucas,

"She was poor and her father was... well, let's just say she needed the money. My brother liked her, we worked a deal, she ended up falling in love with him. and boom, she refused to dump him when I asked." I said calmly, making Rose's brow raise as she was even more invested

"I didn't hold back his potential. he is now at level 20, with stats in the 30s. how strong could a skillless person like you have gotten? He was born with an A-tier ability, even if this small galaxy he is bound for greatness in the universe." She said with a snort, to which sighed softly before nodding

"You have a point, Enough talk about me," I said before Rose could say anything, I grabbed a few things to eat, making Sakura glare at me. who just enter someone else house, grab what they like, and leave

"I loved the talk, Do me a favor and not tell Lucas I was here," I said lazily while opening the door, only to freeze at the sight of a beautiful blonde-haired girl wearing revealing clothing. the beautiful blonde-haired girl froze seeing me before her eyes widened

"Sora!" She cheered before jumping onto me, but I quickly raised my hands, showing Rose that I wasn't touching anything.

"Oh my god, I almost didn't recognize you... but I know those beautiful eyes. Sis, I can't believe you didn't tell me he was home." She said while looking at Sakura who had an annoyed look seeing all of this. her little sister had always had a crush on me... who didn't? the fact that I was giving them money almost made her crush grow. the only problem was that she was almost a child, and now she was 18 years old, fully developed, and looking stunning.

"Sora was just leaving... get off him," Sakura said as she pulled her off me, disappointing me slightly, but I quickly waved goodbye and went on with my day.

"Who was that?" Rosa asked with a deep frown, making me speechless for a moment.

"Thats her little sister, Hana. The last I saw her she was 15, and she always had a thing for me. never could bring myself to show any emotions towards the sister of my brother's girlfriend." I said lazily while jumping into the sky, and flying off. Rose nodded slightly, while in need of thought, only for her attention to be caught by a yell 

I also looked over and saw a middle-aged man yelling while pointing towards me, he had a horrified look, as if a great evil beast had returned. many husbands had hurried looks, and they quickly rushed to hide their wives and daughters while warning everyone else, leaving me Rose confused but I didn't stop and flew to a forest, which was a scene right out of the picture.

"Are we going to act like we didn't just see a bunch of people panicking upon seeing you?" Rose asked with a frown. I stretched my head slightly, before sighing.

"I was a troubled kid," I said softly, to which Rose snorted. Trouble was an underestimate, How does one sleep with someone's wife, mother, and daughter. and sometimes even their grandmother? adding my overwhelming strength, just what could they do to me?

Rose and I spoke for some time, before Rose finally hunged up, allowing me to let out a deep breath. meanwhile, Rose looked up to look at her parents who were watching the whole time.

"Thoughts?" She asked, Rose's father had an emotional look, while Rose's mother had a deep look before sighing.

"Don't know, you're smart. just don't let your judgment be blinked by love, know your worth. you are not showing the normal behavior of trying to cover up for his past mistake. but I will not let my guard down around him." she said with a gentle smile, to which Rose could only smile before looking at her father

"He shall join my division." He said calmly, he wasn't asking but that was an order making Rose's heart drop slightly. the first division was known as the best division for one reason, because they were the strongest. they were the heavy hitters, meanwhile, her father led the 4th division, those that fought on the front line. rarely does anyone in this division die of old age, they sleep on the battlefield, eat on the battlefield, and die on the battlefield.

"B-but..." Rose wanted to change his mind, but he was not having it, leaving her quiet and unable to say anything. She could only look towards her mother seeking her help, but her mother suddenly saw the wall, which looked so interesting. She had never seen such an interesting wall before...

"Oh yes! More! More!" Hana moaned in pleasure, her arms pulled back by me while my hips moved, slamming against her hips and creating clapping sounds. and with one last shot, Hana instead was colored white, Letting her go, Hana fell to the bed, before she rolled over to look at me.

"T-that was amazing." She said softly, to which I smirked, she thought it was over. Her eyes widened as I picked her up, and had her legs wrap around me. I looked at the white still spilling out of her lower parts, before I stabbed her with my magical stick once more.

Hana hugged me tightly, unable to control the moans that escaped her mouth. She began kissing my neck, slowly making her way to my mouth, where we enjoyed a deep kiss, while I moved her body up and down, while my hips moved back and forth, hitting all the right spots.