
Ability Creation Within A New World

there are 7 realms within this world, and among the 7 realms, each holds 1 unmatched ability. I found myself in hell where I tortured myself, forced to relive my sins... but I ended up enjoying the moments, leading me to pass a trail and gain the ability to create other abilities. {first world is original, the second world is Naruto

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


"I can't believe you did stick up for me," Rose said unhappily while looking at her mother. Her mother could only stretch her head, for a moment before sighing

"You know how your father is when it comes to you, and since he had the [Martial Emperor] he can read people's characters, so he just wants to get a read in him." She said softly, and seeing how Rose wanted to hear more, she had no choice but to speak up.

"Okay, he isn't bad. He cares for his brother, enough to go out of his way to pay someone to date him, and although not right, he wants her to break up with him for his future. He also went out of his way to help him out when he heard about her having cold feet. He comes off as a dick, but he has a heart. At least for his brother." She said making Rose's eyebrow rise

"Well, I can't say if he is with you because of us or something else." She said with a sigh, making Rose eye roll,

"he wanted to break up with me upon hearing who you guys were," Rose said calmly, to which her mother was slightly shocked, but she nodded slightly. She thought for a moment before giving Rose a few questions to ask Sora, after which she gave me a call.

On the second ring, I picked up standing next to a hot spring butt naked. Rose went blank seeing my perfect body, no matter how many times she saw it, she could never get enough of it.

"what's up? We just spoke like 1 hour ago... I'm pretty sure this might be a red flag. Or am I the red flag that you need to check up on me?" I said while in deep thought, but Rose snapped out of her lost look seeing her mother's eyes were places they should never be looking at.

"cough, I... Never mind,  I will call you later." Rose said before ending the call. As soon as she did, I let out a sigh before looking at the hot spring where Hana came out off...

"See, not you got him thinking," Rose said while glaring at her mother, she simply raised her hands and went home, leaving Rose signing slightly, before she too left

"I just can't get enough of this thing... This thing is simply god tier." Hana said softly while kissing the tip of my magical stick, I simply smiled slightly while sitting at the edge of the hot spring, watching Hana unable to get off my stick

But suddenly someone called Hana, Hana quickly had the call be a voice call before answering. 

"hey baby," Hana said while giving me a worried look, but all she saw was me picking her up, and having her sit on my magical seat.

"where are you, I thought we could go shopping today for your sister's wedding... Why can't I see you?" A voice came from Hana's earpiece, whole Hana gritted her teeth to stop herself from moaning.

"I'm at a public hot spring filled with girls... So, let's talk letter when I'm out." She said with great difficulty,  to which her boyfriend nodded, allowing her to let out a deep breath before glaring at me.

"don't give me that look when you were turned on, you're such a slut." I said while pushing her over, leading Hana to shake her head slightly, her tongue fell to the side of her mouth, while she tried her best to talk through the pleasure 

"N-o... Your dock is just so good." She said, to which I ignored, and choked her, which only made her tighter... a few hours later we left the hot spring, looking super refreshed.

"Can we start dating?" Hana asked while giving me a loving look. I gave her a look for a moment before shaking my head

"Naw, you're not the wife type, but the type to fuck around with as you wish," I said making Hana frown slightly, who would want to hear this? Even more so from the person they love,

Seeing this, I smiled slightly before pushing her into an alley, where went after round until she knew her place. After that, I said goodbye and went to check up on my favorite ladies in the cities

I quickly found that a few had left the city and even the star system. But I did find 1 pair of mother and daughter, although the daughter was married, with a 1 year-old... Like I would care

Within a store, I walked around while picking a few things before I bumped into someone when I wasn't looking. Stunned, I looked at and saw a beautiful blonde-haired woman, she was stunning, just like I remembered

"... Sora!" She said in shock, my eyes also widened seeing her. 

"I can't believe your back, how did things go at the Azure Galaxy." She asked in shock, while secretly swallowing her saliva, she couldn't understand why I looked so handsome compared to when she last saw me

"Well, I came back for my brother's wedding... It's like I never left, god looks as beautiful as ever, shall we catch up on where we last left?" I asked with a smile, making her blush slightly, but she nodded

"I miss your mother, let's have her join," I said with a smile to which she nodded with a smile and made the call, and after which we to have some fun with a threesome...

"I see you haven't changed." My mother said with a shake of her head seeing me enter the house. I just smiled slightly, before going to sit on the living room table, which was floating inches off the ground

"don't just smile, take off your shoes. Good, you know this carpet is made of out yeti skin?" she said leaving me speechless, but I took off my shoes before sitting at the table, where a hologram of a game popped up.

"where Lucas?" I asked lazily as she looked at me with a weird look, what type of grown-up plays games?

"Since Sakura for some reason doesn't have cool feet, the wedding is on and he went to make sure everything is perfect." She said softly while looking at the pool game I was playing,

"Interesting..." I said lazily while aiming the hologram pool stick, and went on to play, a perfect game without making a single mistake, at times even making impossible shots that coughed the person I was playing against to give up

"Okay... Enough. I think as a mother these are those moments where I should put my foot down. let's talk about your future. When do you plan to ever sit down and get a wife?" She said while turning off the board game

"don't force yourself to do something," I said with a roll of my eyes, but she cupped my face, forcing me to look at her.

"I'm your mother, I care." She said seriously, making me have a weird look as I was not used to this person. But with a sigh, I nodded and fell into thought 

"When do I plan to sit down and have a family... Well, when I met the person, it would come to me. So far, I haven't met the one." I said with a shake of my head while sitting back 

"then how would you know that you meant the one?" She asked with narrowed eyes, to which I shrugged slightly

"When I find myself missing more than simply their bodies. When I find myself enjoying spending time with them more than simply doing them." I said calmly, to which she shook her head slightly while sitting back, giving up, she tried her best...

Later that day, I called Rose and we talked for some time before calling it a day as I went to sleep...

So, the days went by. I got to meet my mother's rich friends and their daughter, I even slept with a few of them as they might be old some of them were hot...

Anyway, the day of the wedding came, and being the kind brother I was, I stayed away from being in the center of the event... Only for Hana to pull me away when her brother wasn't paying attention, yet her moans got too loud which led everyone to find out what was happening.

A battle almost broke out, forcing me to control my mind of Hana's boyfriend to just walk away, leaving me as the center of everyone's attention. With an awkward look, I had to make it up to my brother, after all, I had pretty much just destroyed his wedding 

So, I simply brought out the best wine, a wine that was like none other they had seen. Using my powers, I control the mood of the party, quickly turning the awkward mood into a party they shall never forget...

Honesty, I could have controlled the mind of everyone mind. But I didn't, as that would have been boring, and laws against such things. I did control Hana's boyfriend's mind, but I just gave him a thought, which he followed.

"I can't believe you... But it was a good party." Lucas said with a sigh while sitting in an extremely expensive car. I smiled slightly at his words for a moment before getting up.

"I will be heading off now... Oh, do keep everything a secret, or else I will start talking about that money." I said calmly while throwing a look toward Sakura, making her eyes narrow slightly, but she nodded leaving Lucas confused, but he planned to ask about it later

"thanks for coming... And the gift." Lucas said softly, to which I nodded slightly before disappearing, leaving both of them shocked that I could teleport. But they sensed me in the sky, which made them realize it was some time of C or B-tier teleportation-type ability,

And so, I headed off to the Azure Dragon Galaxy. I sat back in the private spaceship, lazily sitting back while eating food and watching a few movies... And so 3 weeks passed

Rose was the first to greet me, she gave me a big hug which was just a cover for her to try and see any think of another world, sadly for her, I used one of my abilities to remove any hints of me sleeping with another woman.

Seeing nothing, and sensing nothing, she pulled me off while my private spaceship parked itself. While pulling me away, Rose told me everything that her father did, leaving me speechless for some time but I nodded in understanding 

So, I went to a portal that sent me to her father, where I got to see the man known as the demonic Azure Dragon. They say he bathed in the blood of his enemy, turning into a half demon half human... Which was not false as I saw his stats.

[Name: James Conner

Age: 87/250

Race: half human/ half demon

Level: 96/101 [183,028/10,972,990]


Strength- 101

Defense- 98

Speed- 99

Stamina- 92

Accuracy- 101

Charm- 80

Intelligence- 93


D-tier ability: None

C-tier Ability: [Clean] [Great Smell]

B-tier ability: [Breathless] [Hungerless] [Super Sleep] 

A-tier ability: [Demonic Power] [master of weapons] [Super Senses] [Super Flight] 

S-tier ability: [Fused senses] [6th Sense] [Soul Sense] [Telekinesis]+ 10 ability

Demi-God ability: [Martial Emperor]

SS-tier ability: [None]

One should know I was special, for other people they would need to search high and low for something like an S-tier ability which only enchases the 5 senses. Meanwhile, I simply can make it. For something like senses-based ability, they only grow rarer and rarer the higher the tier.

Starting at the D-tier ability, one shall only have basic improvement to one of the 5 senses. Such as [Heigtened smell] and so on. Going a tier above that would be the C-tier ability, [Eagle Eyes] 

Above that was the B-tier ability, at this tier, you might see an ability that enhances all 5 abilities or enhances one to a greater level.

It was almost impossible to find an A-tier ability that enhanced just one sense. Although they could be found, they are considered extremely rare. Meanwhile, I could just create them. this was also even harder for Charm based ability,

'Wow, he managed to evolve an S-tier ability into a demi-God agility.' I thought while looking at Rose's cold glare, I just calmly looked at him not bothered by the aura he was giving off, stunning him slightly.

It was hard for the ability to evolve to a higher tier, James was born with the S-tier ability called [Martial King]. He was talented enough to level it up to [Martial Emperor] making James an unmatched martial artist. He had sharp instincts, allowing him to read everything needed from a person, be it a small movement of muscle, their way of breathing, and so on.

He was currently trying to read me, but I was capable of hiding such things from him, which he caught on to.