
Ability Creation Within A New World

there are 7 realms within this world, and among the 7 realms, each holds 1 unmatched ability. I found myself in hell where I tortured myself, forced to relive my sins... but I ended up enjoying the moments, leading me to pass a trail and gain the ability to create other abilities. {first world is original, the second world is Naruto

itachi1010 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Sora Vs Ares

Days passed within the land of Mount Olympus, During this time I was mostly with Athena and Aphrodite. I did get to see more of their siblings, Dionysus for example quickly became friends with me.  the guy was known as the god of wine, vegetation, pleasure, festivity, madness, and wild frenzy. The guy knew how to throw a party and create good wine, and only top-class beauties would come to his parties.

But getting around Athena and Aphrodite to enjoy these goddesses was hard. You question why I could still play around with some of the most beautiful goddesses in the world by my side. well, because I want to. there was no reason for this, I just like being free and doing what I like.

I got to meet Ares, the god of war. we set up a date where he and I got to spar, I wanted to know the limits of my power, so fighting the guy known as the god of war was something. Ares was a master of all forms of master arts, both known and unknown to the gods. he created and fused many martial arts, making him unmatched in martial arts. 

Ares represented the uncivilized, violent, and brutal aspects of war, inclusive of slaughter, massacre, genocide, and anything physical and primal.

Athena, as a Goddess of War, was the strategist, and the tactician:.she represented the 'higher' arts of warfare, and was also known as a patron of the 'Hero'.

to say the least, these two were not on good terms. mostly Ares who was displeased with Athena having the title goddess of war, when she was so weak. but Ares was not a fool, he understood the importance of a mind, he just believed Athena should have another little, like the goddess of strategy or something.

Anyway, the day for me to spar with Ares came. So, I walked onto the arena, where a bunch of lesser gods and goddesses were watching, waiting to see a good fight. being a newcomer, I was booed, but I didn't care as my attention was one Ares who walked onto the Are with a spear and shield in his hands. he had on his gear, a golden armor, with a red cape. but his face wasn't covered, allowing everyone to see the manly appearance of the god of war.

"No weapons?" Ares asked with a raised eyebrow, they were allowed to use weapons, and he could easily tell that I was a master of all forms of weapons, so he expected me to have some weapons.

"I'm a cocky man who doesn't need a weapon to bring you down," I said with a smile, to which Ares nodded slightly while his shield and spear disappeared. after some thought, his armor also disappeared, released with normal clothing which didn't increase his stats. He threw a look toward Aphrodite for a moment, in his eyes this fight meant more. to show his love that she picked the wrong person.

So, the match began and he shot towards me. He was quick, but as his fist was about to connect with my check, he knew that no matter what he did, he could never touch my check. he could feel it, he could feel his fist moving at a speed far above the speed of light, yet it could never reach me. he flashed, disappearing from me while looking at his fist and back at me. he looked at my stats, but he couldn't find what ability gave me this ability, other than [Supreme Overself]. he couldn't see the detail of such an ability, and even his instincts for some reason weren't helping.

normally, his 6th sense could help him break down anything and everything, allowing him to tell if a person had a hidden ability or something of the kind. he could even break down that hidden ability capability, and even guess its name. thats how sharp his instincts were, they were so sharp his instincts alone allowed him to make the best movement possible while fighting, he need not think, his body acted on instincts, avoiding all attacks with perfect timing, speed, and no wasted movements. this went for attack, defense, and even countering, every movement he could make was perfect... so, what was going on here?

'he must be hiding an ability, or [Supreme Oversefl] most mean complete control over some space-time,' Ares thought while looking at how off guard I was. gods were powerful, in truth the form I have been seeing is not their true form, for being like Zeus, entering their true form would increase their stats greatly, the same for Ares. I knew this, these were a goddess, and even in their human form, they had the power to destroy countless galaxies with ease. there were an endless number of galaxies, all filling up this endless human realm.

'... even so, can someone so weak have the capability to control his space-time to the point where someone as powerful as me can't break through?' Ares thought with a deep frown, Ares thoughts were not wrong. no matter how overpowered the ability, in the end, it would have its limits being the person who was controlling the said ability, but this is where [Supreme Overself] ruled.

Yes, there was limition to have strong I could make myself, or how fast I could just become. but what was that limitation? this is what I wanted to know, So I was looking forward to this battle. at first, Ares was holding himself back to a stat of 121, but his stats shot up to their original, and with that, he moved so fast he might as well have been teleporting.

Ares's fist appeared before my face, but no matter how fast he was, he could never break through the distances infinitely between my face and his fist. he attacked countless times, raining all types of attacks, trying to overwhelm this ability of mine, before giving up.

"It's called {Unreachable] I'm just too high up for you to ever reach," I said with a smile, if I had gained ability just now, then Ares would have reached me. the thing about infinity is it's that always increasing. so the longer time goes on, the stronger this ability gets for me. and of course, I can increase the rate at this wall increases by willing it.

"To high up you said? do you think I can break through a wall of infinity?" He asked with narrowed eyes, making my eyebrow raise. Ares pulled his fist back, causing his fist to start growing. this next attack was called Waring Fist, an attack which warred against the very law of the universe, allowing it to ignore them greatly,

This meant space and time had less effect on this next attack. So, he punched forward, sending a glowing blood-red fist shooting towards me. space and time bent around this fist, it was honestly fast, the only reason I could see this fist movement was because I wanted to look at it, which led to my ability [Supreme Overself] increasing my brain thinking speed, and eyes to unmatched levels.


I was sent flying back, but I landed on the ground the next moment without trouble, leaving not just Ares, but the whole crowd shocked. they all just watched as I willed myself to withstand this incoming attack, leading to my level which was at level 49, increasing to level 59. leading to my stats increasing greatly at the same time, and for me to barely withstand Ares attach which given an attack stat would have been 141.

"How? Did you just have your level to increase?" Ares asked in shock while looking at my badly injured body healing as if the injuries were all an illusion.

"Haha, I didn't even know I could do that," I said with a laugh, making Ares's face darken as he realized I was using him to see the limits of my ability. with a cold glare, Ares, disappeared, appearing before me.

'He managed to break through my [Unreachable] and my [Time Block]. I don't want them to know about Kamui just yet. A man needs backup abilities.' I thought while Ares's fist destroyed my body. but to Ares's shock, my body appeared not too far away, unharmed like an illusion.

This scene shocked everything, why? Injrues caused by Ares couldn't be healed so easily, yet I just healed like this, so of course everyone was shocked. I smirked while looking at Ares, my level increasing with ease, until I reached level 64, which seemed to be my limit.

With an average stat of 142, I smirked as this was my absolute limit. the best thing about all of this was that my levels all evolved to God-tier abilities, which brought a huge boost to my already high strength. but that was not everything I could do... with a deep breath, energy gathered around me, forming ribe cages that shielded me, and slowly a whole skeleton formed with me in the ribe cages.

Ares whichehed as the skeleton grew flesh, followed by skin, and clothing. in the end, I ended up floating up as the skeleton grew legs. slowly I went from the rib cage to the center forehead of the humanoid, with my arms crossed. everyone's eyes were in the sky, why? because this humanoid was as large as mountains, 

"This is called Susanoo. it's my avatar," I said calmly while my Susanoo slowly began to shirk, its power compressed down to the point it became an armor that covered me. it was see-through, yet it was no longer see-through.

"..." Ares was quiet while looking at my stats, a moment ago I had an average stat of 142, yet all of a sudden I had an avatar stat of 145. That was a huge increase, so, of course, he was shocked. he was even more shocked seeing that the Susanoo was not done transforming.

parts of the Susanoo began disappearing, revealing my skin. the mask of the Susanoo disappeared, revealing my face. lightning flashed all over my body, leading Ares to take a step back, shocked by the stats which increased once more, he quickly summoned his armor and shield, along with his armor and looked at me seriously,

I raised my right hand, and blue energy gathered forming a ball that acted like a black hole... no it was a black hole. Ares acted quickly, shielding himself and not being pulled by the black hole.

but I raised my left hand, red energy gathered, forming a red ball that pushed everything red. Ares watched this in confusion before his pupils shrank.

"This is called Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue. I pretty much produced a vacuum. Through these, I create a scenario where the world itself is forced to correct itself and fill in the negative space, causing all matter in the range of the commanded space to be pulled together." I said calmly, while everyone watching paid close attention

"in my left can, is Cursed Technique Reversal: Red. Being an inversion of Blue, Red has the opposite effect. He uses his reversal technique to invert the properties of Blue. pretty much, it repelling all matter in its vicinity." I said as I brought the two balls together, fusing them to form a purple ball, Ares instincts screamed at him to run, but for some reason, he couldn't move.

"This is a fusion of both, Hollow Technique: Purple. This technique brings the concept of motion and reversal into reality. Purple is born from merging both infinites: Blue and Red, to produce an imaginary mass that rushes forth and erases everything in its path." I said softly while aiming it at Ares, who was shaking, unable to move. he only now realized why he couldn't move, his instincts knew that no matter what, he couldn't dodge.

'he has an ability that increases his chances of hitting a target.' Ares thought, he raised his shield, ready to take this attack. the attack power behind this attack? 149, even Zeus would not dare to take this attack head-on.

So, I fired my attack, and everything in its path just disappeared. Ares let out a roar as his shield which could block all forms of attack, took the attack head out. but he bent backward, and with everything he had, so much so that his veins exploded, he launched the attack into the sky,

Falling to his knees, Ares breathed heavily before looking at his palms, his shield, and his arms nowhere to be seen. he looked at me, only to see me calmly standing there, with a calm and easy look, which annoyed him. With a thought, his arm grew back. he had to beat me up before I could reform those blue balls, at least that was his ideal.

Just as he was about to rush towards me, he froze as thousands of purple balls appeared, surrounding Ares, all of them as powerful as the attack he couldn't take head-on. Ares took a step backward, not knowing how he could take on thousands of these attacks.

"every attack I see I'm able to record and play instantly with 15% more energy cost... but let me show you and all the gods just how overpowered I can be," I said softly as the thousands of balls gathered toward me, forming an arrow which I aimed towards him. Behind me, countless black orbs gathered

"I will do it slow so you can understand, behind me is called teeth seeking orb, a combination of all 5 elements, fire, earth, water, air, and lightning, plus yin and yang," I said calmly as the teeth seeking orb gathered into the air, increasing the power of this attack to higher levels, and next a purple ball of pure destructions gathered, making everyone feel as if they would be erased

"It is called Hakai, a technique of pure destruction," I said calmly as the Hakai fused with the attack, increasing its power once more. The next thing they saw was black flames which were called the Amaterasu, but hundreds of times better. these flames could burn away anything, even souls, flames, and shadows.

"This is my willpower, Conquuer Haki, and this is my spiritual armor, Armorment Haki. this is gura-gura no mi, power of vibration...." I said calmly as everything fused into this attack, leading to it having a power of 150. but I was not done as I fired the attack into the sky, I canceled it, leading it to disappear, leaving Ares whose legs were shaking to sigh in relief... but as I began a chant he froze

" I am the bone of my sword. Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades... I forget the rest, Ulimite Blood work?" I said as the world around me and Ares changed, there we stood in a land of blades, and countless weapons. Ares looked all over the place in shock, his instincts allowed him to guess just what was up with this place.

I snapped my finger, leading to countless arrows similar to the arrow I had just fired a moment ago, all filling this world and making Ares's legs go weak.

"Venuzdonoa!" I called out. and form memories and using the power of this world I created, this sword formed, sucking up the power of all of the arrows I created to form its body. I took in hand a sword, which released a black fog, I studied the sword for a moment, before calmly looking at Ares.

"all that just to make a sword of pure destruction... funny right? To make it more funny, I made sure that this sword grow stronger the more it destroys. it would be an aim to have do create this world every time I want to create this sword, so I plan to just keep it." I said with a smirk,

"J-just who are you?" Ares asked in hear, that sword scared him. he had never seen anything so broken in his life. a sword with the ability [Pure Destruction] a sword that could destroy cause and effect, reason, order, and chaos. a sword that just destroys, and the more it destroys, the stronger it shall get.

He couldn't dodge these sword attacks, as the effect of dodging would be destroyed, and he would be hit even if he did dodge it. he can block it, but the effect of the block would be a dodge, even if the shield could block such things, then the sword can destroy Reason, reason says since it was blocked it can't hit him. than reason shall be destroyed

"I'm fucking broken," I said calmly while sealing Venuzdonoa away inside me, with a thought, the world disappeared, and the Susanoo around me disappeared, and I got off the Arena, leaving the crowd looking at Ares who was on the ground, with a horrified look.

'I should go and try and level up to 60, that's why I could just will myself to reach more and more levels.' I thought lazily, I closed my eyes, before using the ability [Grim Reaper] I targeted countless demons with levels at 90+, and with a snap, they dropped dead, and I leveled up, reading level 55 on my base level, meaning I could now increase my level to 69

'Sigh, I could have just snapped him to death.' I thought calmly, with [Supreme Overself] I could have removed all 8 Gates, the 8 Gates being limits set upon me. I could remove all of them without many drawbacks, and my stats would have reached greater heights. but I was happy with how powerful I was, I used that as a good chance to see what my limits could be...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

itachi1010creators' thoughts