
Ability Creation Within A New World

there are 7 realms within this world, and among the 7 realms, each holds 1 unmatched ability. I found myself in hell where I tortured myself, forced to relive my sins... but I ended up enjoying the moments, leading me to pass a trail and gain the ability to create other abilities. {first world is original, the second world is Naruto

itachi1010 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

I don't need to work hard

{Name: Sora Dragnof

Age: 18

Race: Evolving Human

Level: 12 [1,380/12,500]


Strength- 33

Defense- 31

Speed- 32

Stamina- 32

Accuracy- 32

Charm- 33

Intelligence- 31


D tier ability: None

C tier Ability: None

B-tier ability: [Evolver] [Unmatched Strength] [Unmatched Speed] [Unmatched Defense] [Unmatched Stamina] [Unmatched Accuracy] [Unmatched Charm] [Unmatched Intelligence] [Unmatched Body] [Unmatched Mind] [Minds Hands] [Unmatched Eyes] [Unmatched Control] [Unmatched Stealth] [Copy Cat] [Unmatched Lover] +40

A-tier ability: None

S tier ability: None

Demi-God: None

God tier: None

Unique tier: [Ability Creation]

I looked at my stats while stepping off the spaceship, In this world, normally a person had a limited number of abilities that they could hold. but [Ability Creation] allowed me to hold an unlimited amount of abilities, so long as I was the one who created the said ability.

every 1 level, a person gains 4 stats. every 10 stats is a quality change in a person's strength and ability. 1 stat would be equal to a normal person's strength, but just because one has 11 stats in strength doesn't mean they would be 11 times stronger than a normal human, but more like hundreds of times.

At level 12, a person normally would have a combined stat of 48. Of course, if they have an ability that enhances their stats or train hard enough to increase their stats without the need of leveling up or skill, then their stats could be higher. and there was also a chance they might be weaker.

meanwhile, I had a combined stat of 224. This was of course thanks to all of my abilities, Unlike others if I need something I can just create an ability to help out. I want to get stronger. I can just create an ability that would make my body stronger, and to maximize it, I simply had to make it so my strength grows as if I'm training.

"Well, it's time for me to level up," I said calmly, It had an ability called [Unmatched growth] This ability gave me +400% XP I gained from killing, with a max of 500 XP, and it also gave me 10 XP every day.

Anyway, I went on to report that I was there. after which I was given information on what I needed to do. it was all just a bunch of papers I needed to sign and some rule books I needed to read through, After some time of all of this, I had to go take the exam which happened a week later.

Along with thousands of people from all over the universe, we had gathered, watching a middle-aged man in armor

"As you may have noticed, the condition of this planet is weird, leading to no devices being used. this is because this planet has a strong magnetic force. So, I have no choice but to come get you all. so follow me to where the exam will be taking place." He said calmly, before turning around and running off.

no one had time to even say anything, so they quickly turned to run after him. At first, things were simple, after all, everyone here had high stats. but something was off as they found themselves feeling like a normal person, It was as if the planet was suppressing their stats

which wouldn't be far from the truth, The weird condition of this planet affected everyone, making everyone's stats drop to that of 1. Even I was not immune to his, although I could resist such things, I didn't use it.

We ran through a forest, and we quickly found the risk of the forest as there were many wild animals there. we had to stay close to the man up ahead or else he would outrun us, and the wild animals might just attack us.

to say the least, those behind us were the first to have to fight the animals. but they quickly found that their abilities were not working to enhance their stats, and the gear was too heavy or didn't work.

it went from thousands of people, yet countless of them dropped dead. I simply watched all of this happen, sure Many of my abilities were not working, but that didn't mean I was hopeless. I had the ability [Self Taught] which allowed me to teach myself almost anything, I need to improve my breathing and running skills. I shall learn this while running, sure This ability wasn't working now, but I already taught myself many things, breathing a running were simple stuff.

Like this, we ran, for hours. many people quickly found themselves growing thirsty, or hungry... oh, a few also ran out of breath and fell behind. anyways, everyone was reaching their breaking point, Almost everyone but a few people in the found were running without trouble, among them being me

Soon night fell, and the difficulty only increased, it was harder to keep up with him at night, and the forest seemed to have only gotten more dangerous. people's screams filled the air, a horrifying night, yet we didn't stop all night.

even I was reaching my limit by now, but seeing as everyone else wasn't tired, or at least showing it, I didn't show down. this army base was known as the best the humans had to offer for a reason, and I wanted the benefits of being the very few handful of people to enter this army

but I soon hit my limit and began falling behind the others, Honestly, this was hard. This was hard. I didn't come prepared like the others, and I never truly trained myself to be able to withstand such a hard task, so after 24 hours of one-stop running my body was yelling at me to stop. I was so sure in my abilities that I didn't take this seriously, but to think all abilities were made unusable, and for some reason, I couldn't find any information about this online

'After this, I will create an ability to ensure my body and mind are trained to their peak,' I thought taking deep breaths, I ran towards a body of water to the side, where I began drinking the water with my hands, my senses were sharp as [Self Taught] improved all my senses, so when something within the water began to move, I reacted quickly and dodged.

I looked at the hairy alligator-like animal, which wanted to follow me onto land, but I quickly turned and ran, rushing to try and catch up to the group. that small window of break time allowed me to recover a bit of my energy, I had of course trained myself to recover faster, so I quickly to try and catch up, but a bunch of animals from the forest were unwilling to let this free meal go.

A large lizard-like tiger jumped at him, but I jumped and rolled, dodging it, and with another jump, I dodged another animal, and kicked off it to dodge the lizard-like tiger that was following me. I ran at top speed, dodging all types of animals without the need to look, my senses were just that good.

I quickly saw the group ahead, and seeing this the animals were uneasy getting closer, allowing me to quickly catch up. still low on breath, but it was not as bad as before. those who managed to keep up with the man looked towards me, slightly surprised I caught up, after all, I had a small amount of time to regain some energy. thats nodding it would cost more energy to catch up to them, having to avoid so many animals.

but that was no longer important as up ahead, the finishing goal appeared. I was speechless, as it was 23 hours, 40 minutes, and a few seconds since we began running. it would be less than 10 minutes later before we reached that finishing line with the rate we were running at

it was not hard to understand that the exam had already started, The first part of the exam was to most likely reach this place on time, and the 2nd part was to run 24 hours straight, Letting out a deep breath, I picked up my speed and ran next to the man leading everyone, causing him to turn to look at me.

"You don't seem to be much of a runner." He said calmly while looking at me, My running style and so on was perfect, but I didn't give him that feeling of an experienced runner.

"Yeah, the first time I ran this much. I guess I'm just talented." I said with a laugh, to which he nodded as he agreed with my words. He didn't say anything else, and in no time we arrived at the the finishing line, which was a base. As soon as we took a step within, I felt all of my abilities return to me. in an instant, I felt all of my energy and strength returning to me, allowing me to let out a deep breath in relief.

{creations: Ever Developing Body (B-tier)- this ability allows the person's body to be ever-growing and improving, pushing towards the absolute limits. it would be as if you were training, without the need to train. the gains shall remain to impact you even without this ability.}

{Creation: Ever Developing Mind (B-tier)- this ability trains the mind, it would be as if you had endured countless tortures, seen the worst of things, and so on. your natural state of mind shall be stronger without you having to do anything. The gains shall remain to impact you even without this ability.}

'I don't need to work hard... I can just create an ability for it.' I thought with a smirk,