
Ability Creation Within A New World

there are 7 realms within this world, and among the 7 realms, each holds 1 unmatched ability. I found myself in hell where I tortured myself, forced to relive my sins... but I ended up enjoying the moments, leading me to pass a trail and gain the ability to create other abilities. {first world is original, the second world is Naruto

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

A Small Messed Up Family

"I want you to break up with my little brother, this was a mistake." A handsome black-haired young man said softly. He was around 18 years old, with beautiful blue eyes. these blue eyes were indeed beautiful, beautiful enough that some might take them away. he had the charm that could make male and female both enchanted by his looks,

"What? you are the one who began paying me to start dating him, and now that I started to like him, you have a problem?" a young brown-haired woman said with a deep frown, making the handsome young man sigh softly at her words.

"I know how this looks, but you have to understand my brother wants to stay in the star system instead of leaving to go to a better army base. if he stays here with you, he will only be limiting his future." the handsome young man said softly

"Lucas is considered a prodigy, and this to his A tier ability [Dragon Form] he would grow stronger even when he is doing nothing... I don't want to be rude, but someone like yourself without any clear goals in life can't be running around sticking his head elsewhere. All you do is destroy things you want to touch, Lucas is not a child who needs you to shield him." She said before walking away, leaving the young man letting out a deep sigh.

Who was this handsome young man? Sora Dragnof. thats my name, 18 years ago I found myself in hell. Hell was a unique realm where those who sin went, and within hell a person who sinned would be torturing them. the weight of the sin would turn into a flame which shall burn you, but never injure you or kill you.

Oddy... I enjoyed my stay in hell. well, let's say that reliving my sins was something that made me jump for joy. All of those Porn videos I lost, I got to rewatch them and bust a nut to all of them. but when the flames began to hurt due to hurt, I left through a door, where I walked through here. there I saw the king of hell, the fallen angel Samael. but he went by Lucifer, the prince of sin.

He seemed to have been waiting for someone to leave their room, but oddly he threw me back into my room, where I found it much harder to leave. why? because I was burning this time, I had to endure the sins and crawl myself out of that room once more, and leave... I will be honest, I was crying like a little baby. I never felt such pain, and the look Lucifer gave me seeing my face... made me feel the shame of being a man.

Anyways, Lucifer threw me out of hell, where I found myself being born with my twin brother Lucas. I found myself reborn with the ability [Ability Creation] an unranked tier ability. this ability allowed me to create any ability I wished with the only limitation being my level.

there were 100 levels, and each level to this ability reflected a tier. the number of tiers being D, C, B, A, S, Demi-God, and God tiers. each ability had its own level, the higher the level the more of their powers they could show, along with fewer limitations.

for example, if the C tier ability Fire Ball, and the B Tier Great Fire Ball, were to clash with each ability on the same level, the B tier Ability would win, unleashing the person who used the ability as far weaker than the one who used the C tier ability.

Levels 1 to 10 were D tier, the ability of this tier would have a max level of 3 levels,

Levels 11 to 20 were C tier, the ability of this tier would have a max level of 5 levels,

Levels 21 to 30 were B tier, the ability of this tier would have a max level of 7 levels,

Levels 31 to 45 were A tier, the ability of this tier would have a max level of 10 levels,

Levels 46 to 60 were S tier, the ability of this tier would have a max level of 15 levels,

Levels 61 to 80 were Demi-God tier, the ability of this tier would have a max level of 20 levels,

Levels 81 to 100 were God tier, the ability of this tier would have a max level of 30 levels,

My ability allowed me to create any ability I wished a tier above my level. in other words, at level one, I could create any C-tier ability I wish. if I was at level 61, I would be able to create God-tier ability. also, all of my ability would be at max level.

Anyways, My brother Lucas was born with a special ability of the Dragnof ability, mastered abilities had a high likelihood of being passed down to offspring. but if the abilities are many, then there is a chance that the offspring might gain a unique ability, This is what Lucas gained

the ancestor of the Dragnof family was born with the ability called [Dragon Mode] a B-tier ability, but Lucas had gained an evolved version of that ability. He gained A tier ability, [Dragon Form] which made him pretty much have the blood of a dragon flowing through his body.

he was powerful, but sadly he was foolish and was going to waste his talent. There was a saying that went something like, You can't teach an old dog new tricks. the older one gets, the less XP they would get from killing, making it harder and harder to level up.

Lucas who was about to reach his prime should be leaving to go far away to level up as much as he could, instead he would be staying on this small star system.

It was partly my fault. Lucas always envied me growing up, I never told anyone of my overpowered ability, so he was not envious of that ability. instead, it was the reason why his girlfriend said I destroy everything I touch.

I may be the reason why our school doesn't hire female teachers anymore, I always manage to charm their clothing off. I was the reason why many students couldn't sleep because I charmed their elder sisters or mothers' clothing off... or both. and I was the reason all of the beauties of our school were no longer virgins. I just can't control the thing in between my pants, I'm a slave to it.

Lucas's girlfriend, Sakura was a unique case. She was too poor to give a shit about my crap, I was going to use the money to get her clothes off, but I stopped when I noticed how Lucas had a thing for her. so, I hired her to be his girlfriend. which she agreed to under some conditions.

Her mother died, and her father was a good-for-nothing piece of shit that took all the money she made. so making some money in secret thanks to me was something she needed, She also had a little sister to support.

Anyways, now it was the end of the school year and we had to take our required 5-year duty in the army. I was going to join the best army base, meanwhile, Lucas was going to waste his talent staying in the army base in this low-grade star system.

I did all of this to try and help my little brother, he was too nerdy and awkward, and I thought I would do something nice. but that seems like it backfired. Shaking my head, I went home where I bumped into my mother.

My father died when I was young, Our mother cooked something and all we knew was that he dropped dead. she was a cold-hearted witch, so the fact she killed him never impacted her much, instead, she sighed in relief that his money was hers. A part of me believed she killed him on purpose,

"There you are, go and get changed. To stay we are going to celebrate." She said with a smile as she put a cake on the table.

"... did you cook that?" I asked with a step backward, making her smile disappear and replace with a blank look.

"Dear, if I wanted to kill you, there are 100s of ways I could have done it... for example, with how you sleep with your mouth wide open. it's like you're asking for some insects to crawl into your mouth," She said with a shake of her head, making a chill run down my spine

"Just what have you been doing near my bed when I'm sleeping?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, to which she snorted and didn't bother to answer. signing, I went upstairs to get changed, where I ran into Lucas.

Lucas looked a lot like me, just shorter, with glasses, and not as handsome. for example, his eyes were not as beautiful as mine.

"Well eat her cake for me, I will give you 100 Skill Crystals," I said calmly, Skill crystals were the currency of this world. they are used to help level up skills, Of course, it is better one level up a skill using hard work, but using skill crystals to help form from time to time wouldn't hurt. skill crystals could also help an ability evolve to a higher tier,

"Just where do you get your crystals from... but sure, seems worth it. mome wouldn't hurt me." Lucas said with a shrug, before going down to go get a piece of cake. I calmly listened, as a moment after his first bite, he began coughing for his life.

"That witch should stay out of the kitchen and let the maid cook," I said with a sigh while listening to my mother's panic cries

"Don't cough on the rug... I mean, lay down right here. Let me lay down a tower first." My mother said in a panic, unable to listen to any more of this, I snapped my finger, and the next moment Lucas's coughs stopped. I snapped my finger once more, changing my clothes before heading down stars,

"..." But I froze while looking at the cake, if one were to look at the cake one would see eggshells and other unknown things used to create it. I slowly looked toward my mother who had an innocent look. I looked towards Lucas who was thinking god that he was alive, How did he not see the inside of the cake?

"Anyways, I'm leaving tomorrow morning for my army base. I will be heading towards the Azure Dragon Galaxy to enter the Azure Dragon Army." I said lazily as I went to get something to eat that would not kill me

"Wait? thats more than... a billion light years away, When would you come to visit?" Lucas asked in shock, to which I shrugged lazily

"I'm entering the best army base in our universe. You are the fool for limiting your future for some woman." I said calmly, making my mother's eyes widen for a moment before she happily hugged Lucas

"Don't listen to him, you can stay close to mommy all you want... until you're 30, at that point it would be sad. but you get the point." She said with a happy smile, making Lucas speechless,

"Lucky you... Well, there are a few mothers in the city I need to say goodbye to, as well as a few elder sisters." I said calmly, leaving my mother shaking my head.

"Don't be like that. Sure, he's living the dream life. but what you have is special, sitting back with the love of your life. thats priceless." She said with a smile, to which Lucas nodded in understanding.

after hours of saying goodbye to all of the lovely people in this city, morning came and I went to hop on a spaceship. My family saw me off, which was only the 3 of us, so after a short goodbye, I got into on spaceship, which shot off at unimaginable speed,

To say the least, I needed to take many spaceships while hopping through many portals, it took me 2 months before I arrived at the Asurea Dragon Galaxy.