
Ability Creation Within A New World

there are 7 realms within this world, and among the 7 realms, each holds 1 unmatched ability. I found myself in hell where I tortured myself, forced to relive my sins... but I ended up enjoying the moments, leading me to pass a trail and gain the ability to create other abilities. {first world is original, the second world is Naruto

itachi1010 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


Rose was nervous throughout my meeting with her father, no words were said between us two as we were simply reading each other. after some time, he simply turned leading off to a portal that led to the gate leading to the battlefield.

"He will start fighting on the front lines tomorrow." He said calmly shocking Rose who quickly wanted to change her father's mind. in her mind, I only had stats in the 50s, a far way for me to even think about taking a step on the front line

"He hides his strength well, he has stats all in the 70s." He said calmly without looking back at me, leaving Rose shocked, to the point she looked at me. I just awkwardly rubbed the back of my head

"I don't enjoy letting people know my true strength, I prefer to be lowkey," I said with a bitter smile. Rose glared at me slightly, to think I was keeping such a huge secret from her, it displeased her greatly. but she quickly realized something, her eyes widened in shock as she looked at me, as if looking at a monster

"you're only at level 31... how do you?" She asked in shock, to which I could only sigh at her questions. What could I say? what would she say if she knew that my stats were all at around 77, with the lowest being 75, and the highest being 79.

one should know, that stats in the 70s could normally be found on those at level 70+, her shock was justified as I could show capability rivaling those 30+ levels above me. to make things worse, I was only growing stronger by the moment, as my body and mind were growing stronger, shattering their limits to grow stronger.

James just calmly looked at me, he could tell I wasn't the type who liked to show off or the type with great dreams. he easily could tell I was only here for the benefits that came with being here and would most likely leave once I got everyone I card for. but he could also tell that this was just the basics, and there was more I was hiding.

So, we entered the gate leaving Rose behind. James wouldn't allow his daughter to go to the front lines no matter what. there is where the true demons were, demons who managed to survive the harshness of the demon realm, where only the strong could live. it's because of this that the demon realm created those cannon folders humans had something similar but in the form of robots.

"Tell me, do you love my daughter?" He asked calmly while looking straight ahead, I was slightly caught off guard by the question, but after some thought about that question, I nodded slightly.

"But I don't think I'm the one, the life she wants and the life I want are completely different, plus our ideals are different as well," I said softly, making him look at me with narrowed eyes, before speaking

"what do you plan on doing then?" He asked while looking at me closely,

"To do what you want me to do, break up with her before it goes on for too long and end up wasting her time and hurting her... just a few weeks ago, my brother was facing some trouble, yet from light years away, she managed to talk to my mother now wife, and help fix all the problem. something I'm sure I would have only made worse without her. she is amazing." I said softly, making him frown deeply for some time. as a father, he hated the fact his daughter was with someone. he was willing to go out of his way to see my character, but he found it harder than expected to read me. now with these words, he felt weird.

"Tell the main reason why you want to break up with her." He said making me frown for a moment, but seeing the look in her eyes I sighed softly.

"Two reasons. the first reason is that I'm scared for my safety. My mother killed my father one day, it's a deep-rooted trauma I have. After all, I watched as he tried his best to breathe after he ate her cooking. I don't know why, but every time I think of getting married, I think of that moment." I said softly, making James' lips twitch slightly as he didn't expect such an answer.

"the second reason was birthed off the first reason, I see and heard many times of wives or husbands just backstabbing each other, leaving the lower sleeping in a cardboard box outside. This one is weird, right? what would Rose want to steal from me? That would only leave me as the thief. How could I hurt her like that?" I asked with a shake of my head, leaving James quiet for some time.

"You need therapy, the Azure Dragon army proves it for free." He said calmly, to which I waved it off

"I can deal with it on my own, plus it's just marriage, I have like 10 years to deal with it," I said with a shrug, leaving him quiet once more as I was 21 years old, so he nodded, he shall not allow his daughter to continue to date such a coward. therapy is something cowards would avoid, at least thats what he believed...

we soon arrived at the camp, which was super far away, in the heart of the battlefield, there I got to see just how big the 4th division was. pretty much anyone could join this, leading to it having the highest number of people, with many of them having all types of unique abilities. my eyes scanned many people and saw all types of S-type abilities I had never seen before, which I copied.

I was not introduced to anyone, instead, I was told to rest and after a day, we got up to go meet the demons that were launching an attack. Looking forward, I saw many demons that looked a lot like demons, I got warning bells from many of them, my instincts telling me to be careful, with some telling me to run with everything I had.

James stepped forward, looking at the incoming demons, and with an order, he sent us charging forward, while his eyes were locked on the demon leading this demon army. 

I ran almost them, and when close, I shot forward, forming swords using an ability that allowed me to create weapons... oh, this reminds me. equipping gear could allow a person's stats to reach higher levels. for example, some armor might increase your stats to a limit. this is why James had stats so high for his level, after every 10 stats was a quality change, this also meant that the differences in 1 stat for those at level 90 were huge.

of course, not anyone could just pick up gear and instantly gain strength, many gears had requirements, amongst them being levels, or for your stat to reach a level. there were types of gear as well, such as demonic weapons that give you power at a price, such as a cost, or your mind would be darkened each time you use the said item.

I had created the ability [Armor King] [Hat King] [Glove King] [Pants King] [Ring King] [Necklace King] [Boots King] [Sword King] [Gun King] [Spear King] and so on. these abilities allowed me to create armor, a hat, or whatever of my liking, once created I could give the item created the stats enhancement, and ability for them to give me.

The creation only needed a thought, the drawback to this ability is that, after 0.0001 seconds of this ability being used, the item created shall disappear. because of such a huge drawback, the strongest gear I could make could enhance a stat by 13, but it would not increase it past 90. this ability and its limitations are that I can't stack the same item buff on top of each other, all but rings. 

of course, everything would be pointless if I didn't know how to use a weapon, So I had abilities for all types of weapons, allowing me to become a master in them all. I also had an ability that made it so that any weapon I touched became an unmatched weapon, and could even shatter the limits of weapons, meanwhile, the weapons I create shall have their limits broken as well...

Anyways, the sword I created glowed with A holy aura, and with a flash, I disappeared, leaving countless dead bodies of demons behind. With a flash, a mask appeared over my face, as I didn't want everyone to know who I was, I rather stay lowkey.

'let's reach level 60 in one go.' I thought with a smile. I had the ability [Super Prodgy] which instantly made the amount of XP I needed to level up drop by 90%. Adding my other ability which lowers the amount of XP needed to level up, I only needed 3,100 XP to level up. I also had the ability, [A Prodigy Growth] which increased the amount of XP I got by 900%, with a max of 45,000.

these abilities had a huge drawback. the first drawback is that this ability would kill you 3 seconds after using this ability. but such a drawback didn't bother me, as it did not affect me.

I created a set of gear to enhance my XP gain, quickly allowing my level to skyrocket. instantly my level began to skyrocket upwards, I needed not worry about the Level-Up Cooldown, as I had an ability that temporarily made the Level-Up Cooldown disappear, but thanks to a few of my ability, this ability shall have an effect that last forever.

It was a bloodbath, I got 3,000 XP with every kill, this would drop as I leveled up, so I simply needed to kill more and more to level up. I quickly caught the attention of many people on the battlefield, James being one of them who had a shocked look while seeing just how smoothly I danced through the battlefield, without wasted movements.

It took some time, but soon the demon leading this army set his eyes on me, trying to kill me. this forced James to move, and instantly they started a battle in the sky, leaving us with the task to win down below. I was slightly shocked with the power James had, he had the power to destroy small stars, which seemed to be the level of power for those above a strength stat of 100.

I ignored that, and just went deeper and deeper into the demon realm army, and after killing nearly 600 of them, my level finally reached level 46, allowing all of my ability to evolve to the Demi-God Tier.

With a smirk, I shot forward, wanting to continue with the slaughter, but I suddenly disappeared from the battlefield, only to find myself running into a wall, running face first, breaking my nose. I quickly fell back, while holding my nose, I looked around in shock and confusion, only for me to realize where I was at... I was in hell