
Ability Creation Within A New World

there are 7 realms within this world, and among the 7 realms, each holds 1 unmatched ability. I found myself in hell where I tortured myself, forced to relive my sins... but I ended up enjoying the moments, leading me to pass a trail and gain the ability to create other abilities. {first world is original, the second world is Naruto

itachi1010 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Becoming The King Of Hell

"..." Lucifer just looked at me, as if looking at a clown. I awkwardly rubbed my nose, which was broken a moment ago, but it had healed in the blink of an eye. giving the illusion that it was never injured.

"Did you miss me or something? how did I even appear here?" I asked, to which Lucifer's eyes narrowed for some time, he ignored the first part of my words and simply sp[oke

"There are 7 realms within this world... well, there are more realms, but these 7 realms are the major realms. Each major realm holds a unique ability that transcends all other abilities, you have the ability [Ability Creation] from the trail of hell and leave through the doors twice, and with the gain of this ability, you gained the right to become the lord of hell upon having this ability reach level 4. which you just did upon reaching level 46." He said calmly, stunning me slightly,

"You need all of that, I have no interest in fighting for this please... so good luck," I said while trying to teleport back home, but something was stopping me.

"You have no say in the matter. you either take the role of the king of hell, or be tortured in hell, and this time without the chance or right to leave." He said coldly, making me frown slightly,

"Are you not the king of hell? don't you have the ability to create stuff like me? I don't get why you would want to lose that... That reminds me, the devil rebelled against god, leading to his imprisonment in hell. Like hell I will switch places with you," I said softly, making Lucifer's eyes narrow slightly but he shook his head.

"Indeed, this is my imprisonment, bound to stay here as the ruler of hell. I can only regain my freedom if someone like you takes my place. but unlike me, you would be able to leave as you wish. I don't have that unique ability of yours, it can only be gained through another trail." He said calmly, to which I nodded with a slight understanding, but I didn't believe his words 

"Sorry, but you being the prince of all sins, lies, and so on doesn't help you. And with the whole thing about you being sealed away, it also doesn't help." I said with a shrug of my shoulders, but this enraged Lucifer who suddenly disappeared

Before I knew it, Lucifer broke through all of my abilities which auto-protected me. He grabbed my neck, slamming me hard against a wall, my body transformed into a pancake, but quickly I began to start recovering from my injuries.

"You foolish little humans know nothing. I fought against the creator of everything for a chance a freedom. A chance to break free of his omnipotence and gain the power to do as we wish, yet I went down in history as some devil sitting on your shoulder telling you to do wrong? Do I have so much free time?" He yelled angrily, to which I could only cough up blood. All of my bones and organs were shattered and although I recovered, it hurt like hell

He coldly looked at me before throwing my body to the ground, where I lay there for some time in confusion. The fact just happened, why did all of my abilities seem to just dear like I didn't have them? My mind was even affected, leading me to suffer that pain with the mindset of a normal human.

"What do you mean? Are you talking about Fate and stuff?" I asked softly, to which Lucifer snorted slightly, but he didn't need to explain as I quickly understood what that snort meant. I feel deep through before looking at hell. there should have been countless lifeforms from all over the universe being sent here, countless people who were forced to suffer for their sins, unable to pass on to the afterlife, or reincarnate without passing through the door

"I'm guessing I was the fated one to pass the trail here... Haha, interesting, the concept of everything I do being preplanned," I said with a slight laugh, to which Lucifer looked at me, caught off guard by my weird reactions.

"I don't know... so far everything has been too easy, a bit boring I never felt no sense of success. right now I have over 5,000 abilities, and with my [Self Ability Creations] which create abilities for me without even having to think of it, I have an ability for such about anything. Defense, Attack, Support, Rest, Fun, and so on, I have an ability for everything. it's just too easy." I said with a smile, before looking at Lucifer

"But breaking through of fate, cutting my strings and something worth wild," I said with a smile, making Lucifer's eyes narrow slightly. He eyed me for some time before he went on to speak while walking away,

"You can leave hell as you wish, but you can no longer remain in other realms freely. you need to pop in every few weeks or else it will forcefully fill you back. also, you are immortal and unkillable within hell, but you can die outside. once you die I will be forcefully pulled back to be the king of hell." He said calmly as a nullification window appeared in front of me.

{Requerments have been met, you have gained the SS rank ability [King Of Hell], Lucifer's seal has broken free and he is now allowed to walk this world. You can stop this by killing yourself...} My eyebrow raised seeing that nullification, but why would I kill myself, didn't this pretty much mean that I have a personal guard

Lucifer would not want me to die, and he would have no choice but to come save me if I needed his help. but as such thoughts flashed through my mind, Lucifer stopped and slowly turned to look at me, his eyes sharp. he slowly opened his mouth and said a single word

"Die." The world instantly went dark, and I fell to the ground. one should know I had many abilities that helped me from instantly dying from such abilities, yet they were all bypassed, I found myself just looking around in some dark void until my eyes landed on a woman. she had pale skin, almost as if she had no blood flowing through her blood, she had on dark makeup, and had this emo-like look to her... yet she came off as having a caring, welcoming aura. making me feel like walking into her arms, like thats where I belonged

"It's you again, Lucifer is such an annoying guy right?" She asked with a smile as she sat on nothing, I looked at her with a confused look, not knowing who this sex woman was... was she single or what?

"I'm a Primordial, I embody the primordial of Life and Death... but people just call me Death, it's a pleasure to meet you once more for the... 3rd time now." She said with a smile, leaving me shocked, and confused

"why 3rd? I'm guessing the first should have been when I was born, then I died, and then I was reborn. this should be the fourth right?" I asked in interest, but she shook her head slightly at my words

"you are not of this world, it's the main reason you could pass the trail in hell with it having such little effect on you." She said leaving me shocked, well, that made sense... wait, did this mean that I have been sinning running around having sex all the time? surely not, I must be overthinking. since when was it a sin to help those in need?

"Wow, you are a pro at lying to yourself... anyways, every time you die, the closer I reach to taking you. I'm sure Lucifer killed you to make sure you don't run around putting yourself at risk. You have one more death, after which it's the end of your story." She said making me blink.

"what do you mean the end of my story?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, to which she smiled slightly

"True death, your fate is not linked to this world. so once you die, it's a true death. you would not be able to come back to life... I will never let you. we will be together, until I end the story of this world, and end my own story." She said with a gentle smile,

"... what do you mean by we will be together?" I asked with slight interest, leaving her speechless before she laughed slightly. 

"You're a weird one. but unlike you mortals, we primordials have no true form, I'm Life and Death. I'm a concept that you could never hope to fully understand... well, then again you have that unique ability, so maybe one day you could. Until we meet again." She said with a smile, before I disappeared, only to find myself in hell all alone.

'I thought I was unkillable in hell... or did he have a way around this? this is so annoying... I wonder if there is a way for me to speak with Death.' I thought with interest burning in my eyes, but after some time I just stood up and looked at my stats.

{Name: Sora Dragnof

Age: 21/ immortal

Race: Perfect Human Human

Level: 47/130 [1,930/19,000]


Strength- 87

Defense- 86

Speed- 87

Stamina- 85

Accuracy- 86

Charm- 88

Intelligence- 85


D tier ability: None

C tier Ability: None

B-tier ability: None

A-tier ability: None

S tier ability: None

Demi-God: [Godly Evolver] [Ultimate Strength] [Ultimate Speed] [Ultimate Defense] [Ultimate Stamina] [Ultimate Accuracy] [Ultimate Charm] [Ultimate Intelligence] [Ultimate Body] [Ultimate Mind] [Psychokinesis] [Ultimate Eyes] [Ultimate Control] [Ultimate Stealth] [Perfect Copy] [Ultimate Lover] +60,239

God tier: None

Unique tier: [Ability Creation]

"Ha... at least they know what's most important... I'm charm should be the highest stat." I said in approval. I didn't even care that I had over 60,000 abilities, with all of them being special and overpowered in their own right, it was to be expected with the [Self Ability Creation] which had evolved into [Mother of abilities] it shall birth Demi-God tier abilities none stop, with the drawback of it causing me unmatched pain, and suffering for every ability... of course, such drawback was nullified.

"Haha... Demi-God tier. I wonder if ii can recreate it." I thought softly before creating an ability,

{created the ability [Sharingan] a A tier ability. this ability gives the person the Sharingan, The Sharingan grants the wielder two broad abilities: the "Eye of Insight" and the "Eye of Hypnotism". 

The Eye of insight grants a person 3 special capabilities.

1. It allows a person to see energy that is normally invisible to the naked eye

2. The user is granted incredible clarity of perception, enabling them to read lips[22] or mimic something like pencil movements.  In combat, this allows them to see fast-moving objects and, they can anticipate an opponent's next move based on the slightest muscle tension in their body and act accordingly to dodge or intercept.

3. The user can copy almost any ability they see, memorizing every ability they see with near-perfect accuracy. They can then either perform that ability or modify it to suit their needs,

The eye of Hypnotism grants a person 1 ability.

1. The user can perform what is generically called Genjutsu: Sharingan. through eye contact, suggest thoughts and actions to a target, coercing them to divulge information or act in a particular way, potentially without the target's awareness. In extreme cases, the Sharingan user can take complete control of the target's body, forcing them to do exactly as the controller wishes; this control is visually indicated by the Sharingan's design appearing in the target's eye

when these eyes are mastered, a person has the chance to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan by experiencing the trauma of loss, granting unique, user-specific abilities in addition to the Sharingan's standard abilities. Awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan will automatically fully mature a Sharingan if it isn't already... Congratulations you have awakened the Mangekyo SHaringan, an S-tier ability

[Mangekyo Sharingan]- the evolved form of the Sharingan, once these eyes are gained you can switch between the two eyes, allowing you to use either eye's abilities. these eyes gave you 3 abilities, the first ability is a collection of every Mangekyo Sharingan ability you remember. the second ability gives you all of the Susanoo that you know of along with their weapons.

Note that the more you use these abilities, the more you shall get blind... until you can gain the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, once gained you would no longer go plain. note that you would feel unimaginable pain every time you use these abilities

Congratulations, you awakened the [Mangekyo Sharingan]

[Mangekyo Sharingan]- with these eyes, you can now use the perfect susanoo. you no longer need to worry about any side effects of using these eyes.

'I only tried to create rinnegan. weird,' I thought as I opened my eyes, revealing scarlet red eyes that had a unique pattern. I looked around for some time before I created more eyes I could remember, or at least eyes I was capable of remembering from shows I watched in my past life.

[byakugan] An S tier ability, [Shinigami Eyes] A tier ability, [Geass] S tier ability,[ SIx Eyes] Demi-GOd Tier,  and the list went onwards. All went on to fuse, to form the God-tier ability called [The Supreme Eye Of God]

[The Supreme Eye Of God]- these eyes allow you to be all see, able to copy any and all ability you see with but a look. they allow you to see the past simply from the first version's point of view but from all points of view. you shall be a god, seeing through all eyes and none. you shall be able to see past time and space, freely seeing the past and the future is what you so wish. you shall gain the power to see the unseen, and unknown. 

These eyes do more than simply enhance your power to see, they give you an unmatched level of comprehension capability, allowing you to always be in a clear state of mind, and comprehend things nearly instantly. they shall give you near-perfect control of yourself and your ability, down to an atomic level. The amount of energy lost when these eyes are activated is infinitesimally close to zero, making it impossible for you to run out of energy.

They would empower you, giving you unmatched stats. just having them all gives you great strength, and when used the power gained shall be countless times greater.

These eyes give you unmatched talent within everything and even give you passive abilities toward Space, time, Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Air, Light, Darkness, Yin, and Yang.

[Unreachable]- A god-tier ability, with this ability the space between you and anything that might cause harm to you in any way shape, or form, unless you allow it. this goes for abilities that would affect you, to attacks.

[Time Block]- A God-tier ability, with this ability, your time shall remain blocked from the outside world. this means anything that wishes to affect your time shall have a harder time affecting your time flow. So when attacks hit you, they would seem as if they attacked an invincible object, as you would be unharmed and unaffected. pretty much, the outside world would have a hard time changing you unless you allow it.

[Self Heat]- A God-tier ability, with this ability, you have control of her body heat. to the point where your body heat is the most powerful weapon you have. allowing it to outburn thousands of stars. just be careful not to damage yourself if you're not capable of such a level of firepower yet. you're also able to absorb other heats

[Hygroscopicity]- A God-tier ability, with this ability, you can absorb any liquid you touch. with this, you can absorb all the liquid on a planet by simply touching the planet. 

[Self Geokinesis]- A God-tier ability, with this ability, you have complete control over yourself, allowing you to reshape your body down to the atomic level. this is the deepest level of earth control.

[BrainStorm]- A God-tier ability, with this ability, the electricity flowing through your brain moves at a speed far above light speed, making it so that even without martial arts at the level of self-movement, or anything of that, you do not waste much time processing and thinking about your next move

[Breath Of Power]- A God-tier ability, with this ability, with this ability, you would have complete control over your breath, allowing for your breath to attack a target, absorb incoming attacks, have your breath transform into weapons, and so on

[Photonic Battery] A God-tier ability, with this ability, with this ability, you can absorb all forms of light and in return use it as XP, the amount of XP isn't small as your body shall be changed to ensure the light isn't wasted in the slightest.

[Tactile Darkness] A God-tier ability, with this ability, you are darkness shall gain power, being a second you. your shadow shall gain the power to devour shadow, transforming XP to you, and even space to shadows to help collect information, your imagination is the only limitation... and strength,

[Yin Force]- A God-tier ability, with this ability, your imaginations can reshape the world around you. this is the power of the mind, the power of dreams, and the power to reshape reality with a thought. your body is erased? don't worry, with but a thought your body shall be reacted. your soul and mind are damaged? don't worry, a thought is enough for it to recover. just be careful not to use up too much of your mental power or else you would die. 

[Yang Force]- A God-tier ability, with this ability, your lifeforce and body shall become the ultimate weapon. Do you need to heal? just a thought is enough for you to rebuild your body from a drop of blood, or even an atom if you have the energy for such a task. you shall be as strong as you wish, as fast as you wish, and so on. the only limitation being how much energy you have for such a task

'Well... there is a lot of ability to be created, Saiyan, Kryptonian, Martians... and the list goes on.' I thought with a smirk as I created countless abilities that I fused, and in the end, when I had a list of countless God Tier abilities, I fused them all together to get the ability...