
Ability Creation Within A New World

there are 7 realms within this world, and among the 7 realms, each holds 1 unmatched ability. I found myself in hell where I tortured myself, forced to relive my sins... but I ended up enjoying the moments, leading me to pass a trail and gain the ability to create other abilities. {first world is original, the second world is Naruto

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


[Supreme Overself]- this is a Godly Tier ability of the highest level. with this ability, you have unmatched mastery over yourself. if you wish to do something, you shall will yourself into having the capability to do so. this goes for healing, strength, learning, and so on. you tell yourself what to do, and not the rules of the universe,

Note that this ability has its limit, there is a limit to how far you can will yourself to get stronger, faster, or even healing. it all relates to the soul. note that all of the abilities fused into making this ability didn't all disappear

'Interesting.' this was the ability gained after fusing countless abilities, all coming together to gain this overpowered ability. I smirked as I wiled my strength stat to increase, and in the blink of an eye, my strength reached 105. I was only at level 47, just moments ago he had stats in the 80s, and now I could have my stats reach 105 with a thought,  so how strong was I?

at a stat of 91, a person could destroy planets. at a stat of 101, a person could destroy stars. at a stat of 91, a person could move at the speed of light, and at a stat of 101, a person could move at speed hundreds of times the speed of light.

Anyway, I willed myself to be back on the battlefield, where I found myself standing in the aftermath of a battle. willing myself to see the past, I saw everything that happened here before heading back to where the camp was at. there I saw James, who was shocked upon seeing me as he thought I was dead.

But seeing me, he froze. he just froze as he felt danger coming off me, he realized he was no match for me, even with my stats currently only at 80, he realized that this was false. I opened my mouth to speak, but I suddenly felt pain. my body shook before I coughed up a mouthful of blood. With a pale face, I fell to the ground fainting...

I created many powerful abilities and fused them all into creating even more powerful abilities. yet my ability which enhances resistance to any drawbacks to this was forgotten, so what would happen if so many abilities so detailed suddenly fused? Remember, creating these abilities was more detailed than anything else I ever created. this is because of my subconscious, I recreated many bloodlines and abilities, and now I was suffering from this, leaving me with an illusion that acted up

opening my eyes, I found myself lying in bed. looking around, I saw Rose sleeping next to my bed. I looked at Rose for some time, before trying to get up, only to let out a moan of pain, this was the most pain I ever felt, forcing me to lay back down. in confusion, I wanted to know what was going on, and instantly [Supreme Overself] activated willing the knowledge to me.

{You are currently suffering a drawback from too many abilities, drawbacks, and mutations. note that these abilities were too high grade many of them caused the many abilities you created to avoid suffering drawbacks to stop working. you are currently suffering the combined drawback of all abilities that were not canceled, but [Supreme Overself] ensured you don't die, but all of those ability powers would be forced on making sure you don't die and allowing your body to overcome the drawback on its own.}

"Are you alright?" Rose asked softly, her eyes filled with worry seeing how I just laid there, pain written all over my face. she had never seen me like this, as I was normally the type of person she knew to withstand any thought without a care. I opened my mouth to answer, but ii closed my mouth as that was too painful, instead all I could do was let out a soft "Hmm"

Rose went on to go get me something to eat, helping me eat since I couldn't even move. yet she didn't feel burdened by any of this, doing all of this with a loving smile, which made me feel... complex. 

I was left a cripple for a few months, and Rose was by my side, giving me all of her attention, and not never left my side once, at most she would be away for an hour at most. She spoke to me, read to me, and made sure I was never bored, 

"... I think I fell in love with you," I said softly, stunning Rose who was about to go take a shower. She froze as these were the first words I said for months now, she looked at me, not daring to believe what she just heard. deep down she knew, she knew that I wasn't the type to remain loyal. deep down she would have left if not for her parents, so me saying this shocked her...

She stood there for some time before she began crying. seeing me sitting up, she jumped in my arms and quickly realized I had fully recovered. we shared a deep kiss for a moment before we began making up for months' worth of sex which was messed up, yet Rose seemed extra sensitive, leading her to easily orgasm unlike ever before. After 5 rounds, she tapped out, leading us to take a small break, with my thing still inside her.

Rose lay on my chest, her hand moved to her back, where she rubbed the rock-hard stick that was still inside her. She thought for some time before speaking.

"Let's break up." She said stunning me, I just came around to falling in love with her and now she wanted to break up. Rose didn't look up to look at me, she felt my heart beat which suddenly began speeding up.

"You... can't be satisfied me alone, and I can't bring myself to share. I love you too much to force you to stay, never satisfied." She said softly, I felt my chest getting wet, and as she was crying, I was at a loss for words. indeed, I can't be satisfied by one person alone. sooner or later, I would start wanting to break up with her once more.

"I'm sorry... I had you forced to be my girlfriend for years. you must have secretly hated me." Rose said with a soft laugh, yet to her shock I suddenly wrapped my hands around her. She looked up, only to see the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen

"I don't hate you, if being your friend was so hateful, I would have run away or something. but I stayed. I will not lie, being with one was hard, so I will not make any promises like not going behind your back. I don't want to hurt you... so maybe this is for the best, you deserve better." I said softly, making Rose lower her head in slight disappointment, a part of her wished she I said that I would try my best and be loyal, but she knew that would have been a promise doomed to be broken.

We looked at each other for a moment, before we had the best breakup six. For the following few days, we just stayed in that room working to release everything, doing new things which even in the past we were not sure of doing. After all was done, she shared one last kiss before I left, heading off.

Going home, but on the way home within my privet yet which I willed myself into improving, I got a special visitor. a blonde-haired woman appeared, in my spaceship, when I was watching a movie, catching me off guard.

I looked at the woman, and my heart was a woman over by her beauty. we both looked at each other for some time before smirking.

"so you're the one that has been trying to teleport me away?" I asked with a smile, when I was sick, someone had been wanting to teleport me away, but each time I would go to hell, and come back, leaving whoever it was helpless.

"Indeed, I have been wishing to speak with you. I'm the goddess Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and War. I wish you no harm, I only wish to know... how did you become the king of hell?" She said calmly, her godly aura filling the spaceship.

"Thats a secret, but if we were to sit down and talk, I might be able to spill the beans," I said with a smile, it was a charming smile, one enough to move even Athena's heart slightly. but the fact I was a mortal overwhelmed any feeling that could ever be birthed in her godly prideful heart, so she gave me a cold look, enraged that a human would dare to yet their eyes upon her.

But she was frozen in shock when she felt me give off an aura of divinity, she froze in shock as she looked at me, who had pulled out a seat. after some hesitation, she came over and sat down, looking at me in deep confusion

"You're not a god, I don't sense the blood of gods flowing for you. you a human." She said in confusion. What Made a God a God? it was that, unlike mortals, Gods had a unique ability called [Divinity]. Once a person gained this power, they would gain all types of abilities.

they would be immortal, able to control life and death, able to fly, no need for food or water, able to recover from pretty much anything, and the list just went on. but there are different types of [Divinity] Athena had the ability [Goddess of Wsidom and War Divinity], which allowed her to gain almost all knowledge she wished for with but a thought, and know the way of the battlefield like the back of her hand. She was not much of a fighter, weak compared to many Gods, but her intelligence more than made up for this.

"thats right, I'm something special I can be a god if I wish," I said as my blood changed to that of a god, shocking Athena, but my body changed to match her, then a human, and so on before it went back to normal.

"[Supreme Overself]?" She asked, to which I nodded slightly, Athena could see my stats, yet she couldn't see the detailed parts of my abilities. but with the information I gave her, she was able to guess what my ability could do.

"Join Mount Olympus..." She said softly, making my eyebrow raise for some time, seeing this she quickly explained.

"Mount Olympus is under the rule of my father Zeus, who is titled the King Of Gods. among the other gods, and his brothers stand amongst the peak of powers in the universe." She said softly, making my eyebrow raise for a moment. I thought for some time before speaking

"What is the truth behind the demon realm war?" I asked softly, stunning Athena who explained after some thought

"some gods pushed for the war, wishing to devour the demon realm for their own goals which I'm not sure of." She said to which I nodded slightly, as I guessed as much.

"Sure, as long as you agree to go on a date with me. but your real body and not this avatar." I said stunning Athena for a moment, she hesitated for a moment but nodded in the end, she wanted me to join her side as the ability I had was a bit too powerful, she already guessed it was hard to kill me, and there was a chance other gods might take me in, with promises of marrying beautiful goddess, so what was a simple date for the chance of having me on her side?

So, I had the spaceship go goes a galaxy known as the Galaxy of Love. there I stepped out of the spaceship, while Athena appeared, in her true body, which had taken on a human form. instantly, we caught the attention of many, my charm was godly, making all males and females eye me with love. Athena also caught the eyes of many males and females, she was a goddess, even in this mortal form

I reached out my hand, making Athena's body shake slightly, but she took my hand, and so we went to explore the planet. I of course made a move on this goddess, making her turn into a shy blushful girl, after hours, it was time today to come to an end...

"well, this is goodbye," I said with a smile while walking through the streets with Athena's hand in her hands. Athena nodded slightly, her hands moving slightly to look at the hand which held her hand. seeing this, I pulled her into my arms, causing her to let out a soft cry.

"We should do this again," I said softly, to which Athena's face turned bright red, it was rare for gods to be virgins. she was one of those rare few, so this moment was... a first for her, but she was a goddess, she didn't have the mindset of a normal human.

"N-no, I can't. we had a deal, a simple date." She said softly while lowering her head, but I lifted her head slightly and had her look deep into my eye. which she got lost in how beautiful and clear my blue eyes were.

"Is that how you truly feel? As long as you are following your heart, then I'm good" I said softly while lowering my head, slowly to kiss her. Athena placed her hands on my chest, she wanted to push me away, no she should push me away, she had no time for such things as love... yet was her heart beating for me out of all people? she knew my background, I was a scumbag, yet it was this person her heart was beating for?

My lips and her lips connected, and all of these thoughts suddenly disappeared from Athena's mind, leaving her mind blank. her eyes widened feeling my tongue entering her mouth, her body felt weird, a strange heat growing. without her knowing, her hands moved to wrap around me, and we slowly enjoyed this deep long kiss.

but when I saw Athena slowly trying to move my clothing, I teleported us away into my spaceship, where we got undressed. I couldn't help but swallow some saliva seeing the physique of a goddess, it was like nothing I had ever seen. seeing the liquid dripping down her legs, and her hands which were playing with her special place, I smiled slightly at her before picking her up.

Athena with a slight blush, wrapped her legs around me, before slowly lifting her hips and allowing for a dragon to enter her. but as the dragon entered her, her tongue suddenly fell out, and she orgasmed on the spot. she hugged me, leaving me smiling before I began trusting, leaving her letting out loud moans before she began kissing me, unable to get enough of my mouth...