
2 Years

After 2 years of Valencia being in a coma, until she finally woke up.

She finally woke up when James was meeting someone in there. (side note: James rarely left her hospital room, so he decided to do all his work there. He wanted to make sure Valencia was alright. For some privacy, James put a curtain between his work and Valencia. But there would be a gap of space, so he could see Valencia.)

When James saw a bit of movement, in Valencia's side of the room. He told the person he was meeting with, to leave the room. And so he went to the other side and saw Valencia moving her hand a bit.

He called for the doctor when the Heard this he was surprised. "She's going to wake up!" when James heard this, he called Floin over. And called the rest but he told not to come.

When Floin heard the news of Valencia waking up, ran to the hospital. When he got there he saw James waiting for Valencia to wake up.

After waiting for a few minutes Valencia finally woke up. Her eyelids fluttered open, and her glimmering eyes sparkling with life in them. Even though with Valencia saw Janes and Floin, she had a confused expression on her face.

James looked at Valencia with tears in his eyes. This moment was broken with Valencia asking "Who are you?" when the doctor saw this, he walked towards Valencia and started to examine her.

When he finished asking his questions and examining Valencia he told them what was happening. "Valencia has lost her memories, but all her knowledge and attitude was not affected. You should help her get used to her old lifestyle and go slow on her, so she won't get to stressed. And teller about you all to her right now so she can recognize you."

James looked back at Valencia, seeing her wearing her eye patch on her left eye, making him want to hug her while crying on her shoulder. Which he did so with no hesitation. "I'm so happy you came back to us, but first we need to explain everything about your background to you" James looked at her

(you can skip this part if you already know what happened in the beginning. But the only thing you need to know is that James doesn't tell Valencia her the name of her last father and the other family he made)

"you were first born from your mother and father. That father was me Zeph James, and that mother is was Su Yedda. But your mother didn't know I was your father and thought it was her boyfriend at that, after you were born they got married and had your two brothers, Mu Alex and Mu Blare. But that father hooked up with a girl younger than your mother, having a child with her. With the lack of attention and care your mother died from sickness. After her funeral, that father abandoned you. Because you didn't have the will to live, you got in an accident went to the hospital and they figured out you had no parents. So they took you to an orphanage and stayed there for a month with Juliu, your adopted brother. Until I got you from the orphanage. While you were in the orphanage, you grandparents from you old fathers side found out about the situation of you being abandoned, they took your brothers from them. And they started to lose money fast. After we got you back here at home we put you in a normal school but you weren't like that, you graduated years before you were supposed to do in high school. You also did the same at college when you graduated from the best universities in the whole world. After you did all that you helped out with the company with your inventions, but you sadly got into an accident with your brother Luke, you were protecting him but by the cause of it this happened." After James explained to Valencia about her past. He told her about the rest of the family.

After a day of staying at the hospital, the rest of the family came. Although James warned about her memories so that they have to come one at a time, they all came at once. By seeing how much people came Valencia was overcome with happiness to the point that she started to cry. James noticed this and ran towards her, hugging her while he was paying her back asking all sorts of questions. "Are you alright, does anything hurt?" hearing this Valencia shook her head. "I'm just happy to see so many care about me even though my memories are gone." hearing this, the rest of the family came running for hugs.

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