
A wizard in marvel

A Man dies of old age and reincarnate in the world of Harry Potter but it is an AU. a lot happens and the made a choice that changed everything. this is a HP X Marvel crossover, the MC knows the world of HP but not marvel the prologue will help you to understand. I own shit, the HP world and Marvel universe are owned by their respective people. i own only my MC nothing more nothing less. NO Harem or Romance until further notice

hassassein · Filmes
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 No bald

Well that was... i dont think i can find the correct words, at first i was squeptical about him but seeing how he won the students with words and actions well he is a good teacher, the class was a bang and the rest of us that was watching were even tempting to take that potion, just look at me the potion that he gave me made wonders and restored my long lost hair, so i'm not longer bald. Also he told me that is very posible to use again my legs, he says that he is confident that he can restore the movility of my lower body and that they will not be side effects, but he says that the potion will take at least 2 months and that i will need to take physical therapy in those monts to restore the loss of muscle, so together with Mccoy they created an excersice plan for me also that he also has a way to restaure youth something that i told him that i didn't need, also a month has passed since he started to teach the students.

Also why is the Ancient One here again and is fighting Karl for the potion of luck?.

"Hell NO! I'm not giving my potion to you. Also stop you no longer bald ancestor, are you a child?!"

"give me that boy, its no use in your hands and also are you calling me old?"

"Yes i did! Do you know how long it took to find all the ingredients and i'm not even taking in to account the brewing time? and if in one of those steps i made an error no matter how minimum it is i will lose all what i was working. Did you take in to account the amount of tears and blood that i needed to sacrifice to find the ingredients?, the amount of money that with tears of blood i needed to shed to obtain them every time i made a mistake and the potion became garbage?! Shooo shoo stay away you no longer bald demon, you look more and more as my master, she liked to take all the good stuff from me. And also why in all the hells do you want my potion in the first place!?"

Yeah two children fighting for a toy, but said toy can give you absolut luck for a certain time; i never new that i have greed in me, but can you blame me? That thing is so powerfull that if its known a blood shed will ocur, even a war if we go to the extreme and the only one in the world that can made that is fighting with a woman with long and black hair thart reach her feet. According to her that was her appereance a few thousands of years ago. Sigh... i'm old i dont need this kind of exitment in my life.

"Coul the two of you stop?" i asked and the two were locking in my direction, the Ancient One has her hand in the ear of Karl with one hand and the other trying to take the potion, Karl was portecting the potion with his life it seems because he was pushing the ancient one with his hand in the chin of her and the other protecting the potion.

"i dont know but.. can you made another one?" the two of us were locking at me and it seems they recovered a little, Karl composed and with an Ehem...

"I don't know i only have three of these in my posesions, i brewed another more before i came here but i used it, so i don't know. I need to see if there are the same ingredients here and if its not possible to find them maybe i could find althernatives but the time to experiment is really costly, let me find the list... Aswinder egg, Aquill bulb...murtlap tentacles...tincture of thyme...Occamy eggshell and powdered comon rue.." he told the infredients and with each one the face of the Ancient One was becoming more and more black...

"can you tell me the caracteristics of the ingrdients?" asked the Ancient One, Karl told her the caracteristics of each ingredient and it seems that they exist here but they are really difficult to find. But according to her its seems posible, extremely expensive and time consuming but possible, ok an egg made of silver? An egg that if not frozen will explode? And what the hell is a murtlap?

"of all the ingredients only three are very difficult to find but it seems they exist, i need to visit a bunch of people, tell me do we have a deal? And also i need to talk to Kun'lun it seems they have the silver egg, the murtlap i can find it in England, and the other eggs can be found in Africa" the ancient one spoke to him and

"remember i need at least three sets of the ingredients, three. Thats the minimum and if i will prepare the potion no one can interrupt me. Trust me its very dangerous and things can go KABOOM! Very easyly, so yeah i need complete peace and that no one can interrupt me. Also remember the things about the use of the potion, that thing can give you luck but also that luck needs to be in the realm of reality, don't go provoking existences outside your realm after taking the potion, i don't want to know that you died because you became full of confidence and defy death!"

yeah that also was one of the reasons that this potion is dangerous, it needs to be ingested in small dosis and with a very long period of rest after you drink it, also the time that the potion last is at most twelve hours, and as he says don't ask the immposible luck is not everything.

"I know, who do you think you are talking to? I'm powerful yeah and i have more power that you can imagine but that can help me or others to protect our world, also you can only stay here another year or two, you need to leave and travel the world it will help you and also you can help more people." said the ancient one, it will be difficult but i also know that he can't stay here forever, his first class was a routund succes, the children are working hard and also how he gave Anna hope was something we couldn't do but he achieved that... (Flashback)

"First you need to empy your mind, its difficult i know but try it..." Karl was talking with the students that were relaxed do to the effects of the incense, after a few minutes and moving my powers i check that each one of them have entered a empy state in their minds. Nodding to him he continued

"you are in what is known as your inned world... in there are your memories but also your powers, concentrate in your surroundings... try to see what you have forgotten... all your happy memories and also the bad ones... " he continued speaking and directing the students,

"are you ready?... remember you are the one in control your powers are yours to control not the other way around...try to put your memories in a single place...use your imagination... build a construct... it can be anything you want... a computer... a cellphone... a library... your house... a tree... a forest....a praire full of flowers... etc..." more and more of the children are acomplishing the expected results. It is becoming more and more difficult to enter their minds, but here comes the difficult part.

"remember...remember... you control everything in your mind...memories... abilities...feelings... etc... you can show what you only need to show and to whom..."his voice was more and more sothing the students became one with their minds and my intrusions became no more.

The sun was beginning to set and night was arriving when the first part of the method that he was teaching was becoming more prominent. The other members of the staff were also in some sort of trance, they started to follow his instructions without noticing it, well i'm also started to follow said instructions...

"You can awoke, and also don't do brusque movements stay in your chair... yes like that... slowly let your mind to rest... yes like that..." after finishing the first sesion he told the students to go to their rooms and rest, after all that method is really taxing to the mind.

"remember you need to rest, recover your energies and continue to train your mind, build more and more, but also do it at your own pace... don't ignore the sympthoms when you are overdoing it... rest and do it very very carefully."

Later in the weak he continued teaching the students a few were faster than the others, like Jean her inner world became a place that no one want to be there. Anna is also making fast progress, how was that posibble? Well by accident she touched kitty but the only thing that happened was a single shock as the same when you accidently became electrical charged and touch someone, it produced an spark.

At first she was shocked but saw that nothing harmul happened and for the first time i saw her smile, a real smile, according to Karl he not only teach them how to protec their minds but also how to canalize their powers, the deffenses they are building not only work as a way to protect but also as a way to contain effectivly their powers, in the case of Anna her powers are so vast and powerfull that its difficult to contain but with time she found a way.

She told us that he imagine her world as a Nuclear Plant, in wich she produce an insane amouunt of energy but that she started to encase her powers that look like a sun, and very very carefully she is connecting and extracting 'energy' prom there. Karl was entusiastic because he also use something similar but also different, he told her to start to build traps and defenses, not only to protect her mind but also to contain her power and also if it was possible to connect the deffenses to her sun, using it as a way to supply energy to her deffenses.

According to him the results can be very good for all the students, and with constant training and meditating two hours before rest, they will start controling their powers in a few months. Cases like Anna or even Scott that also was recovering his sight after a month of training. His eyes still launch energy lasers but they have becoming more and more controlables, as in intensity or for how long can be used.