
A Wicked Reincarnation

When a girl who's obsessed with MHA dies, she's reborn into the MHA world but she's given a role, that role being a villain and she's given a system accordingly. However she has a few problems, the biggest being she doesn't have a body and she only has 24 hours to find one. Started: May 24th, 2023 *Boa Hancock is how she looks

Priscilla_Davis_1230 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 4

Izuku's pov:

Once the day got going me and Sho went exp farming. I was driving to the strip bar when I began explaining everything to Sho who listened intently.

" Wait, wait, you mean you're sharing a body with your wife?"

" Yes well I was, but not anymore." I explained. Me and my wife had been on great terms and she was at home making the suits, though I felt bad about leaving her at the house, I'll buy her flowers to make up for it, and a teddy bear.

[ Actually Izuku Midoriya you and your wife are on bad terms, she currently feels as though you aren't trust-able, and that you are unstable. She fears that you two will fall apart if she brings forward such information. Your previous idea is extremely ill-advised.]

What! I fucked up again it was too soon to be bringing anyone else into our relationship especially how I did. She probably felt obligated to do so and now I need to make it up to her, I can't let her think that she's just my wife for show.

" Why can I see the system thing that you were talking about."

" Probably because you're technically considered one of our lovers by the system."

" So you're just kinda a fuck up when it comes to your relationship due to the fact that you've never even had a girlfriend before."

" Yep."

" So how about you take a while to spend just with your wife like a couples vacation and while I go and see what I can find then I get time with Yumi. " I smiled at my best friend.

" That's a great idea, but to where?"

" What about Bali or somewhere really secluded." I nodded liking his idea a lot more after each and every word. My brain was running at 100 mph as I considered that maybe my wife would like it. I decided to find a place and it worked as I bought it. I called Yumi.

" Hey Izu what's up."

" Pack a bag for an island trip." I stated and hit my head at my tone.

" Why? What's going on?" Yumi questioned.

" Oh and be ready once I get back, don't bother packing any technology, there is no service where our vacation house is." I shared and she laughed.

" What are you going on about, what house are you talking about?"

" We're going to take a nice vacation in a secluded area so that we can actually form a romantic bond instead of it riding on a thin line."

" What about Sho he's going through life changes we can't leave him here like that, and Midnight needs to be watched."

" I'll be staying back this time but once you two get back me and you will take a vacation of our own, and I'll hold down the fort here so that you two have to worry about nothing." Silence hung over the phone until Yumi said.

" Red or Purple?"

" Red" We said in sync ans she nodded.

" Okay I have to pack." Yumi said before she hung up the phone. We fist bumped as I continued into town.

" We got to head to UA." Sho said.

" Why?"

" Mineta's death I assume." I nodded and made my way towards UA.

We arrived and got out showing id and being let in. We walked to Class 1A. Everyone inside was sullen but Uraraka looked terrible with bruises on her.

" What happened to you Uraraka?" I questioned and she looked at me.

" Your girlfriend." Aizawa walked in and saw us.

" At least you two were together, the tragic news is the Mineta was found brutally murdered on after school let out for summer break." Me and Sho acted shocked. Everyone was quiet.

" Does it have to do with-" Sho asked and Aizawa nodded.

" Yes that brings us to our second matter, pro hero number 1 Endevaur was found brutally murdered in a even more grotesque manner by who we believe to be the same villian in his own home on the same day." Everyone in the class was all shocked.

" Do they not have camera's at your house?"

" We have camera's but the police said that they'd been messed with at the start of the crime."

" May I ask, not to be insensitive, but how long did this murder take."

" It took them less then 2 hours." Sho said looking at his feet. I rubbed his back.

" Due to this we are sending out forms of whether parents wish for their students to remain at UA or not however your parents voted that you all have to opportunity to decide."

" Guys it's no big deal we'll still be friends if we don't go to the same school right?" Jirou asked us all. We were all silent.

" It's unlikely seeing as we'll be on different schedules and we'll barely have any time to hang out." Momo said realistically.

" Well I'm not staying this is madness, every twist and turn I take I'm trying to be killed, hell no." Jirou said and Aizawa marked her down.

" My body would never even be found, I'm out." Hagakure said leaving.

" I- I can't possibly imagine being killed like that, it's in no way cool, I-I'm out." Sero said and left. Momo ended up caving.

" Momo why?"

" While we signed up to be heroes yes, but the whole no relationship interference, no public face changes against the school, the bills, the law suits, the injuries, and the fact that someone just up and decided to brutally murder students, I'm out, I'm so out, I can't do it, I feel paranoid every waking second I can't stand it." She cried as she left. We stood around and Tokoyami stepped forward.

" I wish to be removed from Class A I'd rather be in Class C or even just B but this class really does make me get such little sleep at night." Aizawa nodded and he left. We'd gone from 21 down to 16.

" I'm sorry everyone but I can't do this, sign me out of UA." Sato stated, 15 now.

" I want to be moved down with Tokoyami for the same reasons." Tsuyu said.

" You are aware of why I can't remain." Aizawa sighed and looked at the rest of us.

" An update meeting will be in 2 weeks, please be here by 10 am and bring lunch and dinner, along with a friend or significant other." Me and Sho got in my car and he put his head down as I rolled the window up, all of them were tinted. I went to drive when a knock sounded on his window. Kacchan, Kamanari,and Kiri. I rolled it down.

" Can we ride with you, it'd be safer all the girls are riding together." I nodded. Kacchan got in and looked around so did Kamanari and Kiri.

" Wow, this is nice." I dropped Kamanari off first and then it was us four. Kirishima tried to be uplifting but it was still a sullen mood. He got dropped off. Kacchan's phone rang.

" What's up?" He asked his voice hollow of emotion. " No I'm with Icyhot and Deku."

" What's going on?" I whispered asked.

" I need to get some medicine for the hag, you think we can stop by there?" I nodded and we went through the drive through. He got the medicine and then he sat back.

" Are you alright I didn't think you and Mineta were so close." Sho whispered.

" We weren't I was just the one who stumbled upon the body." Kacchan stated and I looked at him through the rear view mirror.

" Do you need me to stay o-"

" No you fucking nerd, I need to know that the bastard who did it was caught, I need to know that nobody else of my loved o- Stop the fucking care." I did so immediately he climbed out and we followed we walked into the alley and found a gang of known villians dead, with my wife's touch of reason all over it. I scrambled for my phone shakily. I called Aizawa.

" What now problem child?"

" I need you to get to saint street right now the alleyway between Mikey's and Target, we just found so-some-some villians gutted." I fake struggled to say. He hung up and within in 20 minutes he was here with police and more pros. They pulled Bakugou, Sho, and I away from the scene we were checked, and all, they found not a trace of my wife much to my relief but I couldn't show it.

" You three did the right thing, maybe we should relocate you guys somewhere out of the city." Aizawa said while he sat in the car.

" I'm leaving for vacation like tonight, with my girlfriend we'll be back in a week."

" I'm house sitting for them." Sho said and Aizawa and Kacchan gave me confused looks.

" What we moved recently like a few days ago, my mom likes it so I bought her house, and my girlfriend is from America I wouldn't dare make her pay for a hotel when she could be in my house, cuddling with me, I'd be a terrible boyfriend."

" You're a crappy boyfriend anyway, since you keep forgetting to update her she's text and called like 5 times." I scrambled for my phone like my usual idiot clumsy self. I looked at it.

' Where are you guys?'

' Are you guys safe?'

' 3 missed calls from Yumi'

I put my phone down and they looked at me expectingly. I called and she instantly answered.

" Baby, where are you guys at, you said a little while, are you two in danger, do I need to call the cops or the pros?"

" Baby, we're fine, well sort of it's a tragic story, but we're with the pros right now, as safe as it gets, I'll call you back later okay?"

" Of course, I'll talk with you later, please for the love of all things good, be safe, you have the tendency to forget about your own safety."

" I will, I will." I said and she said bye and hung up.

" You got a very understanding girlfriend on your hands."

" Yes sir, she's great." I confirmed and he nodded.

" Well I guess that you could stay at mines Bakugou." Bakugou nodded and went to get in his car. Aizawa saw us off. I reached under my seat "accidentally" hitting the fricking camera and listing device.

" Frick my girlfriend just paid for that." I said and hit the camera as I backed into the yard, it crumbled into nothing and I got out. My wife ran up to me and Sho hugging me.

" Are you all packed?"

" I sure am, are you sure you'll be okay alone?" Yumi asked. Sho nodded.

" I got it on lock down, don't stress my love."

[ System notification: Yumi is showing signs of being more attracted to Shoto but she still cares for you.]

Yumi went inside to get us food and Sho smirked at me as he took his shoes off. Smug bastard, curse him for being more fan service material. Yumi walked back to us with food so she didn't get the notification. Shoto smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

[ System notification: Shoto: 40/100 Izuku: 65/100( Stuck)]

I went to pack and packed so that I could match Yumi's outfits. I heard girls like that. I also packed a bunch of cash away for our trip. Yumi and I then left to get on plane. The flight was a few hours and she slept the whole way there so I did pretty much the same thing. Yumi woke me up a few hours earlier.

" Are you hungry for anything?" She asked. I nodded and she got us a meal and drink to share. I thought nothing of it, first class was nice and she did like to save money. She looked at me sort of expectingly and I realized. I slapped my forehead and she laughed.

" I'm sorry, I'm completely brand new to having a significant other." She shook her head and fed me. I felt like crap. She then went back to sleep. System what's my standing?

[ System Notification: Shoto 43/100 Izuku: 60/100( Sinking due to stupidity)]

Damn the system is really mean. System will you please help me wow her, I want to impress her.

[ You currently have 10000 personal points it'll cost you 1000 for 10 percent out of a hundred, these are easy to make a bunch more.]

I sighed and nodded. Take them all just make sure I don't fuck up any more on this whole trip. The system dinged and a women came by she peeked in and she offered some candles and candies. I had no control as I bought the candles and candies. I laid them out in front of Yumi who woke up again as she'd slept a lot. She looked at the gifts and turned to me.

" They're perfect, how'd you know my favourite smell."

" I guessed." I said and she smiled happily as she looked at them. I then fell asleep. This will be perfect and no more half and half bastard stealing my wife's affection and heart. I kinda sound like Kacchan, now that's scary.