

Awoken by the sound of clanging our mc has found himself in another world, join us as we go through MYSTERY and ADVENTURES!!!!! leave your thoughts and Ideas and constructive criticism in a review, this is pretty much my first time writing so I am here to listen Sleepy is just an alias for him rn Not my photo just using it this is also being edited and co-wrote by my cousin so it may take awhile everyone try to be patient with me please

Psycho_Paradox · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs



"keep it down old man damn"

yer not planning what i think yer planning are ya

"of course I am and, I can do it too just give me some time I mean its all we've got rn weellllll, that and, hope"

I guess yer right kid....okay let's do it 👌



Pick the lock and lock it back

100 push ups

100 sit ups

100 calf raises

100 Squats

martial arts stretches

plank for 5 minutes

meditate for an hour

+ 10 stat pts


Okay Mizumi stats

Str : 20( + 50)

Dex : 20( + 50)

Con : 15( + 5 + 50)

Int : 20( + 50)

Wis : 20 (+ 50)

Cha : 15 (+ 5 + 50)

AC : 15

Stat pts : 300

'Okay that should be good' 'stats '

Str : 70 +

Dex : 70 +

Con : 70 +

Int : 70 +

Wis : 70 +

Cha : 70 +

AC : 40

'Alright there will be an opening in the guards shift around 9:30' 'Mizumi what time is it'

*Its 9:00*

'okay 30 minutes'

I get off the cold stone floor put my new clothes on and picked the lock to my cell

'5 minutes'

I sneak out when no one is looking and unlock Sal's cell

we're about to sneak away when we hear a whisper "Hey take me with you I can help"

I squint my eyes as I observe her watching for any lie "we don't have much time so make it quick what are your qualifications ,cause I can't just take the whole prison with me" I whisper back

her jaw drops to the floor and scoffs "who the hell made the kid in charge I was.."

I stop her mide sentence by grabbing her by her prison clothes and pulling her against the bars "Call me a kid again and ill remove your head from your body"

she tries to pull away but im too strong as a witch she doesn't have much strength "now do you want to get out of here or not" I say in a frustrated and annoyed voice "Because I most definitely can leave without you"

"fine" she says "I'm a witch I have magic so you can see how that would be useful"

"if you're a witch and you have magic then how did you get locked in here and why are you still here?" I ask

She sighs and says "there's something to do with the cell and these cuffs I can't get out of them"

"fine" I say as I start unlocking the door and then her cuffs.

"alright let's get out of here"

all three get out no problem but now they need to find somewhere to go

"Allright that was surprisingly easy" Sal says

"Of course it was I planned it" I retort in a proud manner with a cheeky half smile

Sal suddenly says "Now what?"

"Well does anyone know anyone that can give us a new identity ,a place to stay,maybe a job?" I ask

Sal smiles "I know just the person"