

Awoken by the sound of clanging our mc has found himself in another world, join us as we go through MYSTERY and ADVENTURES!!!!! leave your thoughts and Ideas and constructive criticism in a review, this is pretty much my first time writing so I am here to listen Sleepy is just an alias for him rn Not my photo just using it this is also being edited and co-wrote by my cousin so it may take awhile everyone try to be patient with me please

Psycho_Paradox · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Sal took us to someone who could give us new identities and a place to stay.

As im getting settled in my room Sal pops his head in the doorway and says "Yer gonna be goin to school tomorrow" I look upon him with utmost incredibility "Why would i be going to school?" "Well yer 12 boy" he replied

"Well fuck" I said

"im gonna lay down for a bit" I say as I close the door and, lay down on the pallet that was made for me as im laying there I decided to go into my mind palace when you first come in the double door it has two ramb shapes on the doors then there's three windows on the left right after the first window is a small potted tree it goes 75% up the window after the 3rd window there's two paintings the one on the left is of the moth king he's kneeling upon a rocky hill with three trees behind him with a staff in his hand with his wings draped on the ground, the one on the right is of a man with his collar turned up against the wind there's a fountain in the back about that is a railing suggesting there's a higher level and then by the man is another railing in the background on the right looks like two people at the bottom of the painting its labeled dust storm is coming, when I turn around there's a chair to the left and to the right of that is 2 paintings the one closest to the char is of a giant squid jumping out of the water at some birds there's a stone Ridge at the bottom with three people watching the squid at the bottom of the paintings its labeled old sea beast to the right of that is a man with a bloodfly in his hand at the bottom its labeled bloodfly nest keeper, to the right of that there's three windows, the first window has a skull mounted behind it, the middle window is broken and ,the last one has a taxidermy bird behind it

you look up and, there's two lamps on the ceiling with six bulbs that has six green protective glass orbs around them as i get to here i feel tired and fall asleep unknowingly pulling people into his mind palace!!!

Hello and welcome to this palace of mind

Murder and mystery you will find

Beyond this arch a crime ready two be solved

Work together and get involved

Two teams and two times

One villain two crimes

Multiple suspects look for the signs