
A So Called Liliana

After being reincarnated into her own unfinished novel, a young woman named Lily finds herself in the body of 7-year-old Liliane, the villainess she once created. Desperate to avoid her character's predetermined demise from her step-brother's hands, she sets out to alter the course of the story. However, as she navigates the world she once wrote, she uncovers hidden depths to Liliane's character that she never explored in her original tale. The characters she had once created had become unknown to her. This newfound understanding forces her to question: who was the true villain all along? Determined to fix her beloved creation's fate, she fixates her mind to do everything in her capability as she gives getting tangled into more trouble. [A/N: I don’t have enough will power to give a damn about this right now. So on a break for god knows How long! Give it a try though It's gonna go through changes when I return] [Summary credits to "Danespl"! Make sure to check his recent work since you’re here anyway!]

Yuki_nah · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter Two: Brothers

Long story short, I became Liliane, when she was 7 years old and just found by her father, who is kinda obsessed with her looks.

According to memory, somehow I have avoided being a villainess early on and still am trying not to become one. It's been 8 years since then. I somehow understand why Liliane became spoiled, it was because of the things she could get without even asking. She never lacked anything in a way like this. I'm trying hard to remain grateful and everything despite all this money and power.

I was able to successfully bring my mother into the palace. Though, it didn't go according to plan. The king never made anyone his queen, he only kept concubines and if he had children, he kept them away from their mothers after they grew enough to talk and walk. It was the same for me, even though he brought my mother here as a concubine and kept her somewhere else in the palace. Maybe in another palace, I couldn't know since the place was so big. I wasn't able to meet nor hear much about her. Good for me, I don't know how I am supposed to be with her.

Soon after I heard from Mathel that she was downgraded to a maid for who knows what reasons. She said the Emperor was so mad that he wanted to throw her out the palace but he didn't for my sake. So on, Mathel became my personal guard. She also stays close and attends to me like she is my maid sometimes. I like her, I guess she likes me too. I wonder, if Liliane was cared for like this by Mathel before too. I'm the one who created her and yet I'm the last person to know her. I don't even fully understand what she feels even though I'm the one in this body right now. Sucks knowing I would lose to that so called of a mother in a quiz about Liliane.

Today's the one and lovely day off of mine. I have been attending so many classes for manners, dance, studies etc! It's been tiring. I get it, other high society children start earlier than me so I have lots to catch up to. That doesn't mean, they have to suffocate me! So to not be disturbed on my day off, I found a nice hiding spot. Perfect to sleep-

"Agh!" A boy shouts. We both are startled. I look up to see Aaron. I give out a sigh of relief. "You didn't have to scare me", I say.

"What are you doing here?"


"You could go to your room, why here?"

"It's my choice", I get annoyed. In the original story, Liliane never got to bond with her older brothers, that's for sure. She was scared and after she became a spoiled brat, they didn't bother befriending her by then. I wish she knew that they cared for her a lot at least. It's pitiful and I'm the one to blame for her hardships. She probably didn't even want to live like that.

So this time, I couldn't help it and bonded with them out of curiosity. It will be better than bonding with a so called not yet found younger brother, who's going to kill me. Yeah, much better.

Aaron sits down beside me. "You're done with practice today?", I ask. He nods and rests his head on my shoulder. "Ugh, heavy~", I whine. He chuckles but doesn't move his head. Aaron likes to bother me while the other one, June loves to tease me. I don't mind. They do love Liliane as a younger sister. I like being with them more than my father. Even though we are kids, I feel at ease and protected around my stepbrothers. Which makes me feel guilty. I should be more of a good daughter than what I pretend to be. I wonder when will I finally be free around father too. It already took a long time to get used to calling his majesty, father.

I sigh out loudly. Aaron pinches my nose. "If you're not going to rest then don't bother sitting here", he says.

"I am resting!" I shout making him groan.

"You didn't have to shout", he replies. Within a few seconds, we get another person joining us.

"So this is where you guys hide~", June says sweetly, trying to hide his annoyance. He looks sweaty, guess he's been looking for us.

"Tch. Liliane just had to give it away huh", Aaron sighs.

"You started it!"

June gets in between us, "Sshh, no fighting please~ It's our last day off like this!"

"Why last?" Me and Aaron ask June, at the same time.

"Father's coming back early, just got the news."


The three of us sigh. Like I said, in the original story Liliane never bonded with her step brothers. I keep thinking it was because of her spoiled character but now that I'm living it I'm sure the story went on. Like the parts and plots I didn't bother filling in, the world that I created did. Just to make what I at least wrote make sense. That's the conclusion I came to.

A lovely girl like this shouldn't get to die. Specially a cruel death by the hands of her beloved brother.

I rest my head on June's shoulder while he pats my head real gently. I don't know why but we don't talk much nor act close in front of our father. I just get that father doesn't like me being close to them. I don't like the vibes he gives off when I used to try playing with them. He couldn't say it but his face sure didn't hide it well. So when he goes outside the palace for work, we play around a lot. Since it takes quite a few months for him to return. This routine followed for years now so the maids and workers in the palace kinda know what we do and they play along in this act with us.

So I started to like it more when he isn't home and is busy working. Resulting in me feeling guilty. Why am I such a bad daughter? But I can't help it if I don't feel comfortable around that man! I don't feel comfortable in the palace to begin with.

After lunch time, I play around with Aaron and June. Then we go for a scroll around the town. I wish I could be more free like this everyday of the year and not just for a few days. Well, we can't always have it all.

"Liliane, you tired?" Aaron asks.

I nod, "A little bit."

"Why didn't you say anything then?" June says worriedly.

"I'm not dying!" I yell at them, "Quit over reacting, both of you!"

They both look at each other before saying the same thing, "Say, you want a piggyback ride home?"

"Seriously? Why would I? We have a carriage- Wait where is it??"

"We told it to go back since we came here in disguise. We don't mind walking but what about you now?" Aaron replies.

I give out a sigh in defeat, "The offer still available?" I'm the younger sister, no need to be embarrassed but if I consider my past life, I'm so much older than them!

They both chuckle. "Let me carry her this time", Aaron says to June. June nods. I guess it's not bad to be spoiled like this once in a while. Would this be how I would have felt if I had siblings in my past life? I feel jealous of Liliane even though she's the one who missed out on this, unfortunately. I'm feeling guilty again since I'm the one to blame.

Aaron picks me up and I hold on tightly. "You eat so much yet you haven't been gaining weight?" Aaron teases.

"Shut up, you don't have to show off your strength!"

"No seriously, I thought you were a glutton but it seems that was an understatement."

".... Put me down..."

"As if! Hey June, let's race!"

"AH NO!" I scream as he starts running.

"Haha, Aaron don't drop her!" June laughs while trying to catch up to us.

"Of course I won't!" Aaron says. I tighten my arms around his neck, closing my eyes out of fear. Though the wind feels nice, I dare not open my eyes right now.

Oh lord, fix this fool after we get home safely.