
A Short Hair Girl Will Not Lose In Romance?

Being part of the "Kami" family means you are a genius . Although Shiriku Kami, is not like his siblings, his siblings are geniuses that doesn't really work hard to be called geniuses in school . Now that Shiriku is finally in Highschool, he's gonna be enrolled in the School where his siblings made the "Kami" Family name famous from being geniuses . This idea would take a toll on Shiriku as he struggles to keep up and not embarrassed his family name on that school . While unexpected romantics shenanigans happened to befall onto him, which hinders him to fully focus on what he should choose.

Rikushin · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
91 Chs

"This Is Our Goodbye #5: Beach"

Aoi held back a sigh as she maintained the charade, her voice filled with exaggerated enthusiasm. "Oh dear, you found me, Ayaka-sama! What a clever seeker you are," she said, injecting as much cheer into her words as she could muster. The pretense of excitement in her voice contrasted with the reluctance she felt inside.

Ayaka, thrilled with her success, beamed at Aoi. "Let's play again! I'll count this time. Ready?" she exclaimed, her excitement bubbling over. The idea of another round of hide and seek seemed to fill her with energy.

Aoi, quick to respond to Ayaka's suggestion, asserted, "I, Aoi, should be the seeker now since you have found me." Her tone was firm, suggesting that she preferred this arrangement to avoid hiding again. However, Ayaka interrupted with her infectious energy, eager to continue as the seeker. Aoi sighed quietly, conceding with a nod. "As you wish, Ayaka-sama," she said, her words almost a whisper.

Ayaka, now the seeker, covered her eyes with her hands and began counting aloud. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten..." The numbers rolled off her tongue with a rhythm that filled the park, the anticipation growing with each count.

Aoi used the brief window of time to consider her next move. Should she find a more creative hiding spot or keep it simple? She glanced around the park, noting the usual places: behind the swings, the sandbox, the slide. She opted for a bush, crouching low to stay hidden.

Ayaka's voice rang out as she finished her count. "Ready or not, here I come!" she declared, the thrill of the chase igniting her spirit. She moved through the park, her footsteps quick and light as she searched the usual hiding spots. "Hmm, where could Aoi be? Maybe behind those swings?" she mused, her eyes scanning the area.

Aoi stayed quiet, watching Ayaka explore the park with a hint of amusement. It was a game to Ayaka, a chance to play and have fun. For Aoi, it was a role she had to play, her mind elsewhere even as she hid behind the bush.

Ayaka eventually found Aoi's hiding spot, her eyes lighting up with triumph. "Found you, Aoi! You're really good at this game!" she exclaimed, her joy infectious.

Aoi, with a gracious smile, replied, "Thank you, Ayaka-sama. It was indeed an enjoyable round of hide and seek." Her words were polite, but her enthusiasm was forced, her true feelings concealed behind her composed exterior.

Ayaka, eager for more fun, asked, "What game should we play next? Tag again, or maybe something else?" Her boundless energy and imagination knew no limits.

Aoi, maintaining the charade, responded with her usual formality, "Certainly, Ayaka-sama. I'm open to any game you'd like to play." Her voice was courteous, her expression serene, but beneath the surface, she longed for an escape from the endless cycle of games and formality.

Flashback Scenario 2: THE BEACH

The sun cast a warm glow over the beach, with waves gently lapping against the shore. Ayaka, brimming with excitement, crouched beside a half-finished sandcastle. "Aoi, look at this!" she exclaimed, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm. "Let's make the biggest sandcastle ever!"

Aoi, maintaining her poised demeanor, nodded politely. "Certainly, Ayaka-sama. A grand sandcastle it shall be," she replied, her tone formal yet compliant. Her movements were careful as she approached the sandcastle, her posture upright as if even this simple activity required precision.

Ayaka handed Aoi a small bucket, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Here, let's gather more sand to make it even taller!" she said, her energy contagious. She had already started piling more sand onto the castle's walls, her hands working quickly.

Aoi accepted the bucket with a calm smile. "Of course, Ayaka-sama. Teamwork is essential for a magnificent sandcastle," she said, filling the bucket with careful scoops of sand. She moved with efficiency, her focus on the task at hand.

As the sandcastle took shape, Ayaka began adding seashells for decoration. "I'll add seashells for decoration! What do you think?" she asked, her tone light and playful.

Aoi placed the seashells with deliberate precision, her movements calculated. "An excellent idea, Ayaka-sama. It adds a touch of elegance," she replied, her voice even. Despite her reserved demeanor, she couldn't help but admire the colorful shells and the intricate patterns they formed on the sandcastle's walls.

Ayaka giggled, her laughter carrying over the sound of the waves. "This is so much fun! I love playing on the beach," she said, her delight evident in every word.

Aoi's smile was reserved, but she nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Ayaka-sama. The beach offers a pleasant setting for recreation," she said, her tone professional, even when enjoying a day at the beach.

Ayaka, sensing Aoi's formality, decided to add a bit of mischief to the day. She playfully splashed water in Aoi's direction, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Come on, Aoi! Let's enjoy the waves together!" she said, her enthusiasm undeterred by Aoi's reluctance.

Aoi, stepping back to avoid the splashes, maintained her composure. "I appreciate the offer, Ayaka-sama, but I'd rather stay dry," she replied, her voice steady, though her eyes showed a hint of amusement.

Ayaka wasn't discouraged. She suggested a new game, one that might suit Aoi's more restrained approach. "How about we collect seashells along the shore? We can make a beautiful collection!" she said, her smile bright with anticipation.

Aoi, relieved by the milder suggestion, nodded in agreement. "That sounds acceptable, Ayaka-sama. Let's find some unique seashells," she said, her posture relaxing as they began to stroll along the shoreline.

As they walked, Ayaka picked up a vibrant shell and held it up for Aoi to see. It was a deep shade of blue with intricate white swirls. "Look, Aoi! This one is so pretty. What do you think?" she asked, her excitement genuine.

Aoi examined the shell with a newfound interest. "Indeed, it's quite exquisite. A wonderful addition to our collection," she replied, her words carrying a touch of warmth.

Ayaka grinned and suggested a friendly challenge. "Let's see who can find the most unique seashells! It's like a friendly competition," she said, her playful spirit shining through.

Aoi, with a subtle smile, agreed. "Agreed, Ayaka-sama. A friendly competition it is," she replied, her tone lighter than before. As they continued their walk along the beach, the distance between servant and friend seemed to shrink, if only for a little while.

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