
A Short Hair Girl Will Not Lose In Romance?

Being part of the "Kami" family means you are a genius . Although Shiriku Kami, is not like his siblings, his siblings are geniuses that doesn't really work hard to be called geniuses in school . Now that Shiriku is finally in Highschool, he's gonna be enrolled in the School where his siblings made the "Kami" Family name famous from being geniuses . This idea would take a toll on Shiriku as he struggles to keep up and not embarrassed his family name on that school . While unexpected romantics shenanigans happened to befall onto him, which hinders him to fully focus on what he should choose.

Rikushin · Realistic
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91 Chs

"This Is Our Goodbye #4: Tag"

As Aoi painted the scene from the past, reliving the memories and conveying the gravity of the interactions, Shiriku, his eyes gleaming with amusement, couldn't resist interrupting. His laugh was soft but infectious, accompanied by a mischievous smile. "You used to be like that, huh?" he quipped, his lighthearted tone suggesting he found humor in her disciplined past demeanor.

Aoi's response was swift, her expression turning from nostalgic to noticeably affronted. Her eyes narrowed, and her voice carried a sharp edge. "What do you mean by that, Shiriku-sama?" she snapped, her question punctuated with clear indignation. She crossed her arms, a sign of her growing irritation at being cut off in the middle of her story.

Shiriku, realizing he'd made a misstep, attempted to smooth things over with a forced laugh. His smile grew a bit awkward, his eyes darting away from Aoi's piercing gaze. "You may continue, haha," he said, trying to brush off his earlier interruption as a joke. His laugh lacked its usual confidence, betraying his nervousness.

Aoi, clearly not amused, shot him a stern look, her voice firm and unyielding. "Please don't interrupt me again if you aren't going to say something important!" The irritation in her voice was unmistakable, and her expression left no doubt about her annoyance.

Shiriku raised his hands in a placating gesture, his head nodding earnestly. "Yes, Ma'am!" he replied, injecting a bit of humor to lighten the tension. He'd clearly struck a nerve with Aoi, and he knew it was best to avoid further interruptions.

Aoi's lips twitched, her attempt to suppress a slight smile failing. She laughed discreetly, a subtle sound that Shiriku wasn't sure was genuine or just a way to maintain her composure. Either way, it was a sign that she was willing to move past his misstep, albeit with a warning not to repeat it.

With the brief exchange settled, Aoi refocused, her expression once again serious. "Let's continue," she said, signaling her intent to resume the narrative. Her eyes conveyed the urgency of the story she was recounting, and Shiriku, fully aware of her irritation, listened attentively, careful not to disrupt her again.

In the midst of the flashback, Aoi's voice carried a nostalgic tone as she delved deeper into the complexities of her past. "My job was to be Ayaka-sama's friend, but I was never really the friend she needed," she admitted, her words tinged with a sense of remorse. The atmosphere around them seemed to shift, as if both Aoi and Shiriku were transported back to a different time, a different setting.

The scene unfolded at Ayaka's opulent residence, where a younger Aoi diligently carried out her responsibilities. The mansion's grand halls and luxurious decor set the stage for Aoi's careful movements as she tended to Ayaka's needs. Every step was measured, every action calculated to perfection, reflecting the precision and dedication that characterized her role.

Aoi's gestures spoke volumes about her commitment. She poured tea for Ayaka with steady hands, her posture upright, her gaze focused. The air was filled with a sense of formality, mirroring Aoi's singular focus on fulfilling her duties. Each action demonstrated her loyalty to Luciel Kazahana's expectations, as well as her desire to make her father proud.

"The only thing in my mind at that time was serving her and making Luciel-sama and my father proud," Aoi continued, her voice soft but firm. Her words echoed the weight of her sense of duty and responsibility. The unwavering dedication in her tone revealed the lengths to which she went to ensure that her service to Ayaka was nothing short of impeccable.

Aoi's role was not just that of a servant; she was expected to be a silent companion, always present yet never intrusive. She accompanied Ayaka throughout the day, ensuring her comfort and meeting her every need. However, the emotional distance between them was clear. Aoi's demeanor was professional, her actions dutiful, but the boundaries she maintained spoke to the line she could not cross.

As Aoi shared these memories with Shiriku, she painted a picture of a structured relationship, one where friendship was overshadowed by duty. The gap between her and Ayaka was the product of Aoi's strict adherence to her role, a self-imposed barrier that kept her from forming a true bond with the person she was meant to serve.

Flashback Scenario 1: Tag

In the park, with the sun setting and a gentle breeze rustling the leaves, young Ayaka was full of energy, eager to play. She bounced over to Aoi, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Aoi, let's play hide and seek! It's the best game ever!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with youthful enthusiasm.

Aoi, trying to match Ayaka's energy, feigned excitement, her smile carefully crafted to reflect the mood. "Hide and seek, you say? Well, that does sound like a thrilling game, Ayaka-sama," she replied, her words polite yet lacking genuine enthusiasm. Playing games wasn't something that naturally excited her, but her role required her to participate in whatever Ayaka desired.

Ayaka clapped her hands in delight. "Yay! I'll count first, and you go hide! Ready?" Her eagerness was infectious, and she was already covering her eyes with her hands, preparing to count.

Aoi nodded, her expression neutral despite Ayaka's enthusiasm. "Absolutely, Ayaka-sama. I'll find the perfect hiding spot," she replied, her voice smooth and measured. She watched as Ayaka turned away and began counting aloud, her voice echoing across the park. "One, two, three..."

As Ayaka counted, Aoi glanced around, her eyes scanning the park for a suitable hiding spot. The swings creaked in the distance, and a few children were playing in the sandbox. She took a deep breath and slowly walked toward the grove of trees at the park's edge. It was a decent hiding place, but her steps lacked urgency, her movements almost methodical.

Ayaka's voice grew louder as she neared the end of the count. "Ready or not, here I come!" she shouted, her excitement palpable. The park fell silent, save for the distant laughter of other children, and the hunt began.

Aoi settled into her hiding spot behind a large tree, her back pressed against the rough bark. She let out a quiet sigh, her eyes fixed on the ground. Despite her calm exterior, her mind wandered, contemplating the mundane nature of the game. She whispered to herself, "I wonder where Ayaka-sama will find me," her tone devoid of genuine curiosity. This game was just another part of her role, another responsibility to fulfill, and her enthusiasm was as hidden as her chosen hiding spot.

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