
A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

After 10 years of a Loveless Marriage, Natasha Was Mysteriously killed by an unknown murderer, she is given a second chance at life, and she goes back to 5 years before it all happened, will she be able to change her fate and protect the ones she loves or will she succumb just like her previous life? Natasha White, she was wrongly accused of committing an unforgivable sin, with no one ready to fight for her innocence and believe her, she ends up dying in the worst possible way, now with her given a second chance, she is ready to stand up for herself. Dominic White, he hates his wife with Passion, after what she did to him, he never thought that he could forgive her, he had trusted her, and she took that trust and broke it, now with his Wife Slowly changing, would he give her a second chance? or not even care at all. Dive into the past, present and future with A Second Chance; I will not waste it.

Dan_does_it_all · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
558 Chs

Not me instead


Song Recommendation

Lights are on [Tom Rosenthal]


In all his thirty years plus of practicing, it was never easy to announce to a family the death of their loved one, and he was sure it was going to be even worse now, he was a personal Doctor to the White's and he had known Natasha since she was a child, and now how could be bring himself to tell her that the inevitable had happened??

It never got easier, through all his years practicing, all the deaths he had seen, but this one… this one would surely be the hardest for him.

Doctor Freddie sighed as he braced himself and he removed the cap on his head and his gloves as he hung them, and he readied himself and he opened the doors of the operation room.

"Doctor how is he??" asked Natasha as the whole time she had just been standing and praying that her father would be alright.

Freddie sighed, the hope on her face, he was just about to crush it.

"I am sorry Natasha but…" said Freddie as he hesitated.

"We lost him" said Freddie as he sighed.

"No… No… it can't be true, you must be joking" said Natasha as the hope on her face was crushed, her whole world came shattering down as she broke down in tears.

"I am sorry Natasha, believe me I truly am, but he could not take it anymore, he has gone to a better place" said Doctor Freddie sadly.

"No… Nooo" said Natasha as she cried bitterly, all the tears she had been trying to hard to stop all came pouring down.

"Dom, please take care of her" said Freddie as he turned to look at Dom who had the same looked of sadness on his face, Freddie could not stay here any longer, Larry was his friend as well, and he needed to get himself together.

"Natasha, accept my condolences" said Doctor Freddie before he left.

"No, no" said Natasha as she broke down crying like a baby and Dom rushed to her to hug her as she held on to him as she cried bitterly, she did not even reject him or push him away, she needed someone right now, she needed someone.

Her Dad just died, her only parent, her father, who had sacrificed everything, who had decided to be both her mother and father, he singlehandedly raised her, and now he was gone… he had left her all alone in the world.

She was so young when her mother had left her, but now that she was older, and her father was gone, she felt like a piece of her heart was torn and stepped on.

"Pleasee, why him?? Why him?? He was fine, he was good, why him, why not me instead why??" asked Natasha as she cried, even Dom could not comfort her right now, he was also feeling pain.

Larry was like a father to him, he had known him since he was a child, he had grown up knowing him, and he had promised him that he would take care of Natasha no matter what.

"I cannot live anymore, I cannot" said Natasha as she cried and she hit Dom's chest with her fists as he just let her vent, she had just lost her father.

Dom saw a nurse walk out of the operating room as he called out to her.

"Can we see him?" asked Dom.

"Go in" said the nurse sadly as she smiled and Natasha did not waste any time at all as she walked into the operating room and Dom followed after her.

There he was, her father, he was just sleeping, he was just sleeping right?? Right, yes he was, those were the thoughts that went through Natasha's head as she slowly walked to the hospital bed that her father was laying on.

He was sleeping, with his eyes gently closed as Natasha reached out to caress his face, the same way he liked to do to her.

"Dad" said Natasha as she called out.

"Dad, daddy, it's me your Tasha" said Natasha as she smiled sadly.

"You have to be joking, you are alright, you are not gone" said Natasha as she smiled and she held the hand of her father's lifeless body.

"They are all lying" said Natasha.

"You have to wake up, you need to wake up" said Natasha as she spoke as if he could hear her.

"You cannot leave me alone, you have only started to get better, and I… I have no one else except for you" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Daddy, please wake up" said Natasha.

"I promised Joy that I would bring her to see you" said Natasha as more tears dropped from her eyes and she quickly wiped them away.

"You are yet to see your granddaughter, and I promised you will see her" said Natasha as she sniffed.

"So please wake up Daddy, I love you, please don't go" said Natasha as she pleaded and she broke down, no number of words could bring back her father, he was gone, she was talking to the air, and she realized that, and it hurt her, why?? Why did this happen.

"Daddy" said Natasha as she broke down into sobs and Dom walked to comfort her as a tear slipped from his eye.

"Natasha, let's go" said Dom gently as being here was not helping her at all.

"No leave me alone, I want to see my dad" said Natasha as she pushed him away.

"I want to see him, I want to talk to him, I want him to talk to me, daddy talk to me, please daddy, I am begging you, don't leave me" said Natasha as she cried even more.

"I beg you… daddy" said Natasha as Dom hugged her and she did not push him away at all.

"I…I beg…daddy… don…don't go… don't leave me" said Natasha in between sobs, she was horrible, she was terrible, she was in pain… so much pain, indescribable pain.

"The patient will be taken to the morgue now" came the voice of a nurse as she entered into the room.

"Alright" said Dom as Natasha was still crying.

"Some papers need to be signed, will the miss be able to do that?" asked the nurse, because as much as she felt for the woman, the correct procedure still needed to be followed.

"She will be unable to do so, but I am her husband, I can do it" said Dom.

"Alright Sir" said the nurse as she walked out of the room.

"Natasha, we need to go now, you need to calm down first, let me sign some papers, and then we can go home alright?" asked Dom as he looked down at Natasha and she did not even reply to him as she kept on crying.

"Alright, let's go to the car first" said Dom as he decided Natasha could not be seen like this, he would first drop her off at the car and then he would come back and sign the necessary documents, because she was not in the right space of mind right now to do that.

"Let's go" said Dom as Natasha cried and he walked her out of the room.

As the sun set, so did Natasha's happiness, and as the sky turned dark, so did her thoughts and emotions, the only difference was that there was no star or moon to at least brighten her life.

She felt horrible, totally horrible, she could not stop crying and she did not care at all, all she wanted was her father back, but that could not be possible, as much as she tried and she hoped and she cried, and it made her hurt even more.

"Natasha, please stop crying" said Dom as he was trying to make Natasha feel better, he had never seen her like this before, she just sat in the living room, sobbing as nothing or no one could make her feel better.

"I am sure Joy would not like to see you like this" said Dom as he sighed, and he only made things worse as Natasha cried even more, Dom did not know what to do at all, no one, no one at all could make her feel better right now, and Dom mentioning Joy just made her cry even more, she promised her that she would take her to see her father, and now that was impossible, because he was gone too soon, and it pained her, she was in despair.

"Mommy??" came Joy's little, sleepy voice as she walked down the stairs rubbing her eyes.

"Oh Joy, I thought you were asleep" said Alfred as he sighed and he walked down the stairs after Joy, he had put her to bed, but it would seem that her mind was not at ease at all and she had woken up as soon as she heard noise.

"Daddy" said Joy as she walked towards Dom while still very sleepy.