
A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

After 10 years of a Loveless Marriage, Natasha Was Mysteriously killed by an unknown murderer, she is given a second chance at life, and she goes back to 5 years before it all happened, will she be able to change her fate and protect the ones she loves or will she succumb just like her previous life? Natasha White, she was wrongly accused of committing an unforgivable sin, with no one ready to fight for her innocence and believe her, she ends up dying in the worst possible way, now with her given a second chance, she is ready to stand up for herself. Dominic White, he hates his wife with Passion, after what she did to him, he never thought that he could forgive her, he had trusted her, and she took that trust and broke it, now with his Wife Slowly changing, would he give her a second chance? or not even care at all. Dive into the past, present and future with A Second Chance; I will not waste it.

Dan_does_it_all · Urban
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558 Chs


"It's my dad, he just had a heart attack" said Natasha as she was panicking, she did not know what to do right now.

"What??!!" asked Dom in shock as he could not believe what he was hearing, this was such a sudden news.

"They are taking him to the hospital, I need to go now" said Natasha as she looked around and she held her phone in her hand, she needed to go and get her car keys, so she quickly walked out the dining room to find her car keys, and Dom quickly followed after her, as Joy followed too, she did not know what was going on, but her mommy was not well at all.

"Wait, I will take you there, you cannot drive like this" said Dom as he saw Natasha get her car keys from the drawer.

"Alright fine!" said Natasha as she did not know what to do, all she knew was that she needed to get to the hospital quick and she had to see her father.

"Mommy, where are you going?" asked Joy as her cute voice reached Natasha's ears, and Natasha turned to look at her, and in that moment, tears began to drop from her eyes.

"Okay my princess, me and your mommy are going out okay, we will be back soon" said Dom as he quickly picked Joy up and he smiled at her as Natasha could not keep herself together, she was in distress right now, she could not talk to her daughter and explain to her what was going on.

"Okay daddy" said Joy as she nodded her head.

"Good" said Dom as he smiled.

"Alfred, Alfred" shouted Dom as he called for Alfred who was in the kitchen.

"Yes young Master, you called for me??" asked Alfred as he quickly rushed out of the kitchen.

"Yes, we are going to the hospital, something happened, can you please stay with Joy?" asked Dom as he explained quickly, he glanced at Natasha and she was getting worse every minute that passed by.

"Oh course Young Master, you do not have to ask" said Alfred.

"Thank you" said Dom as he gave Joy over to Alfred as he carried her.

"My princess, we will be back soon, okay?" asked Dom as he looked at Joy who still had confusion and worry written all over her face, but she did not say anything and she was being a good girl.

"Okay daddy" said Joy in her tiny voice.

"Good girl" said Dom as he smiled and he gave her a quick kiss on the forehead as she turned to look at Natasha.

"Alright let's go" said Dom as he walked to Natasha and he took her car keys from her they walked out the front door.

"They will be back soon Joy, they just need to go and settle some adult matters" said Alfred as he looked down at Joy and he tried to reassure her with a smile.

"Really?" asked Joy as she was in doubt.

"Yes my dear" said Alfred as he smiled.

"Come on, let me make you some chocolate milk to go with your chocolate cake" said Alfred as he smiled.

"Okay" said Joy as Alfred walked into the kitchen along with her.

"Natasha relax, everything will be fine" said Dom as he started the car and Natasha sat right beside him in the passenger seat, she was very fidgety, she tapped her foot up and down on the car floor, and her hands could not stay put.

"Just drive" said Natasha as she did not need his words right now, all she wanted to do was see her father.

Dom just kept quiet as he drove out the driveway, he could understand Natasha, her father just had a heart attack, that was no simple problem.

The only thing Natasha could think of was why?? Why did her father have a heart attack?? In her past life nothing of this sort had happened to him, he was still alive, well and healthy till she had died in her last life, so why now?? Why now??

Was it because she had gone to visit him?? Did she change something because of her visit?? If that was so then she was sorry that she had ever gone there to see him in the first place, if something happened to her father, she would never be able to forgive herself, she would never forgive herself.

"This man needs attention now!" came the voice of female nurse who was wearing blue as she pushed a stretcher.

"What happened?" came the voice of another nurse as she rushed to join the woman.

"I have a male, about 56 years of age, he had cardiac arrest, I performed CPR on him and he responded, but he needs further treatment" said the nurse as she explained quickly.

"I will get the doctor now" said the nurse as she rushed.

Natasha quickly got out of the car as she closed the door with a thud and Dom quickly followed after her, she was not in the right space of mind right now, and she was not calm at all.

Natasha ran as quick as she could into the hospital, she went through the ER, she needed to see her Dad, she needed to see him.

"Natasha wait, stop running" said Dom as he called out to her as he ran after her.

"Hello, I need to see a man, grey hair, brown eyes, his name is Larry Cole, I received a call saying that he was rushed here" said Natasha as she breathlessly explained to the nurse at the front desk.

"Please slow down Ma'am and breathe" said the Nurse as she tried to calm down Natasha and Dom caught up to her.

"Don't tell me to calm down, I need to see my dad now" said Natasha as she was not calm at all, in that same moment she heard a commotion happening in the hall, and she quickly ran to check what was happening.

"Oh Dad, dad" said Natasha with tears in her eyes as she caught sight of her father on a stretcher and some nurses surrounded him.

"Dad" said Natasha as tears dropped from her eyes as she ran to her father without warning.

"Ta…sh…a" said Larry as he could not speak as he struggled too, his eyes were closing on their own accord, and he only caught a glimpse of his daughter's teary face.

"Oh dad, yes, I am here, you are going to be alright, I promise you" said Natasha as she cried and she caressed Larry's face.

"Ma'am , please step away from the patient, he is going into surgery" said one of the nurses.

"No, I am going to stay with him" said Natasha as she refused.

"Natasha, don't…" said Dom as he was cut off.

"Natasha, Dom" said Doctor Freddie as he was in scrubs.

"Oh Doctor Freddie, please save my father, please save him" said Natasha as she cried.

"Relax Natasha, I will do my best hmm, just stay calm" said Doctor Freddie as he smiled and the wrinkles on his face showed.

"Okay I will" said Natasha as she cried.

"Okay" said Doctor Freddie as he smiled as the nurses pushed Larry into the emergency room and he looked at Dom with a smile and Dom nodded as Doctor Freddie followed after them.

"Dad, please be okay, please I beg you, Oh God, not him, don't take him" said Natasha as she paced back and forth.

"Please Natasha, you heard what Doctor Freddie said, please relax" said Dom as Natasha did not listen to him at all and she continued to panic, all she could think about right now was for her father to be okay, he needed to be okay.

Meanwhile in the operating room.

"What is the status?" asked Doctor Freddie as he had a mask over his face.

"Doctor the patient had cardiac arrest, he was able to be stabilised by CPR, but he is stills looing blood flow" said a nurse.

"Okay" said Doctor Freddie as he checked Larry's pulse and it was weak.

"*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*" made the sound of the heart monitor as Larry's heart rate suddenly began to drop.

"Doctor we are losing him" said one out of the two nurses as she looked at the heart monitor.

"Get me the Defibrillator now!" said Doctor Freddie.

"Yes Doctor" said the Nurse as she rushed to the defibrillator.

"1… 2… Clear!" said Doctor Freddie as he shocked Larry's heart with the machine and he looked at the heart monitor as there was no change.

"1..2…3 Clear!" said Freddie once again as he used the machine on Larry to shock him again, and Larry moved up as he did so.

"1…2…3… Clear" said Freddie again as he shocked Larry again, and the next thing they heard was the silent *Beeeeeeep* sound of the heart monitor as Larry no longer responded.

"We lost him Doctor" said the nurse as Doctor Freddie sighed and the atmosphere in the room was sombre and colourless.

"Who will break the news to the daughter outside?" asked the other nurse, this was the worst part of their jobs… loosing someone, it never got easier at all.

"*Sigh*, I will…" said Doctor Freddie as he sighed, this was not going to be easy at all.