
A Rider Kick in Marvel

A young man who always wanted to be a Kamen Rider trains himself to become a suit actor. He creates a Kamen Rider collection but dies due to an earthquake. He, however, wakes up in the world of an AU of Marvel with all of his collection becoming real. He now wields the power of all of the Kamen Riders. Discover the birth of Kamen Riders in the world of Marvel. *** I don't own any rights to Marvel and Kamen Rider. If you want to see advanced chapters support me on my P atreon. p@treon.com/Najicablitz *** None of the artwork is mine.

Najicablitz626 · Filmes
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53 Chs

Chapter 52

Ace felt disappointed as he watched Agent 13 and Creel slip away. He could have prevented their escape if he had been more attentive. However, dwelling on the missed opportunity would achieve nothing. Focusing on the task at hand, he rallied the Hydra agents and began to rouse them from unconsciousness, preparing to interrogate them.

"Hey, wake up!" Ace slapped the Hydra agent's cheek over and over until the agent began to stir. As he slowly regained consciousness, he caught sight of Ace standing over him, with his comrade lying unconscious nearby.

"Ugh… what? You! How dare you resist! You should be captured, you dangerous criminal!"

"Who are you calling a dangerous criminal? I did not even attack you first. Anyway, who sent you? I'm sure it wasn't Fury."

"I don't understand what you mean. It was the director who sent us."

Ace smacked the agent to stop talking nonsense. "Stop lying. I know Fury. He doesn't need to recruit me. Tell me who you are working for, or you will be in a world of pain."

"Hehehehe… you don't scare me, Rider. Today, you have made a mistake. We will definitely capture you."

"Why are you after me?" asked Ace

"Your technology is too tempting. It has surpassed any current conventional weaponry known. How could anyone resist getting their hands on it."

Ace's mind raced, understanding the gravity of the situation. The Rider system, a marvel of technology, was a game-changer. Its power was undeniable, its potential limitless. Even in its most basic form, it could transform an ordinary person into a superhuman, rivaling or surpassing Captain America. 

Ohma Zi-O, often regarded as the most formidable Rider, is the Demon King of Time & Space. He can manipulate time at his whim and access every Kamen Rider power across all dimensions and eras. His influence even extends to being able to reset the entire world should he desire to do so.

That's what makes the Ride system dangerous in the wrong hands. That's why he's careful not to let just anybody get their hands on a Rider System. Naturally, many people would want to get their hands on one, even if they don't know how powerful the Rider system is. Seeing how powerful it is from the videos he's been posting is enough for them to want to steal it.

"You can run or hide, but we will capture you no matter the cost, Rider. It is only a matter of time. You do not know who you are dealing with. Our reach extends far and wide. You will be hunted, and society will see you as a criminal, and there is nothing you can do to stop it." said the Hydra agent

"Huh? What do you mean!" Ace was confused about what the agent was saying. He has a bad feeling that something will happen.

The agent did not respond, but Ace heard something break, and the agent started frothing from the mouth. Ace was shocked and tried to help him.

"Hey! Are you okay!? Hang in there!"

The agent only smirked, and slowly, the light in his eyes faded, and his body slumped to the floor dead.

"He killed himself?" Ace looked inside the agent's mouth and found a cracked capsule. Ace thought it must be the poison in the capsule that killed him.

"Hydra… they really are a crazy organization." Ace had an idea of who ambushed him. It was the secret organization called Hydra. Hydra must have watched his movements for a long time and planned to ambush him, but they underestimated him and failed to capture him.

Upon noticing the unconscious Hydra agents nearby, Ace suspected that they might have poison capsules in their mouths for suicide. He chose not to wake them up, believing they would end their lives instead of revealing any information about Hydra. Ace decided to leave them be to prevent further violence.

Ace has his hand hovering over his phone, contemplating whether he should call Fury for advice on how to handle the situation. As he pondered his next move, the wail of police sirens pierced the air, growing louder as they approached from the distance.

"The police?" Ace asked, confused. Ace thought they must have heard the commotion and decided to investigate.

Many squads of police officers surrounded Ace with their weapons drawn, aiming at him. This alarmed Ace, who thought they might have mistaken him.

"Hello, officers. Nice meeting you here. I know things might look bad, but I did not do anything wrong, I promise! So why don't you put the guns down and talk." said Ace, raising his hands and trying to de-escalate the situation.

"Don't move! Kamen Rider, you are under arrest for killing and harming a government agent. Surrender now!" said one of the police officers. The police ready their aim with their fingers ready on the trigger to shoot.

"What! They attacked me! And I did not kill anyone!" replied Ace.

"That doesn't seem to look like it. Shoot him!"

As Ace heard the first shot, he instinctively dodged and took off running. He refused to engage or harm the police officers, knowing that it would only further incriminate him.

"Don't let him get away! Dispatch, the Kamen Rider is on the run."

Ace hopped onto the Ride Macher and rode away, leaving a trail of dust in his wake. The piercing sirens of numerous police cars and the thudding rotor blades of choppers filled the air as law enforcement pursued him with unwavering determination. Revving his engine, Ace weaved through the intricate maze of New York's bustling streets and narrow alleyways, yet the relentless police presence remained hot on his trail.

"These guys are relentless."

The sound of choppers reverberates through the air as police officers wielding rifles peer out from above, their sights set firmly on Ace. With a steely focus, Ace becomes aware of the imminent danger and swiftly dodges the hail of bullets raining down on him. He urgently formulates a strategy to outmaneuver the officers and make his escape.

"What should I do… I know! Come, Shift cars!"


Miniature cars materialized and began driving on tracks next to Ace. The Shift cars are Transformation Devices used by Kamen Rider Drive and Mach. Each one grants different abilities when used by Drive or Mach. These cars possess their own sentience and sapience. While they are unable to speak, Shift Cars can experience emotions such as mischief, frustration, and happiness, as well as more complex feelings like regret and loss. They express these emotions by beeping or displaying car signs alongside their tracks.

"Colorful Commercial, do you thing!" An orange shift car moved from Ace's request.


Colorful Commercial can use holographic projections to mislead enemies and project videos with sound. It created two holographic copies of Ace riding side by side. 

"What! There are three of them now!" said one of the officers, surprised.

The three Aces then split up to divide the police. The police had no choice but to split up and chase after the Aces since they could not know which was the real one.

When the police officers chasing the real Ace diminish, he calls out to Justice Hunter.

"Justice Hunter! Trap them."


Justice Hunter looks like a small police car. He deploys cages made of steel pipes to capture enemies. Justice Hunter throws a line of cages onto the ground behind Ace. The police noticed the line and slammed on the brakes. Some police cars stop, while others crash into each other. With no more police pursuing Ace, he quickly vanishes, and the police lose track of him.


I hope you can leave a review for this story and donate power stones; thank you!

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I have created a new book called Ultraman A New Light. check it out if you are interested.