
A Random Fate

Our protagonist gets a system, which gives him a random power up every week, but he doesn't keep it permanently. Then he will have to live his life in a world of superpowers, with the ability to kill everyone or die trying. It all depends on what happens to him, now he only prays to his luck to be able to live his life comfortably............or not.

Killer_Shiro · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


-----All humans are slaves to something------------

In one room, two children could be seen playing a video game with controllers.

-Nee-chan, how do you do that?

"Ha, you still have a lot to learn little brother."

"Your big sister, she's a genius at this."

-Wow, nee-chan, it's very cool!

Jirou was rubbing his nose, he had a face of superiority in front of his little brother.

"Yes, I already know, but as my little brother, let me teach you."

•Guys it's time to sleep, it's very late.

His mother's voice carried outside the room, drawing the attention of both of them.


"I think we have to go to sleep, tomorrow we continue to teach you, okay."

Shiro nods in response.

Jirou stays in his room and Shiro goes to hers, it's time to sleep.






// Time after //

11:59 PM










12:00 AM

[The system installation process begins...].







[Installation complete].

»Please log in to the system«






That voice in his head made him wake up, but when he opened his eyes a screen in the air appeared in front of him.



After looking at this for a few seconds, he did what every human being would do.

Wondering if he was in a digital world made by someone else, like Rick and Morty.

With his arm trying to touch that screen I go through it as if there was nothing and it made it very strange.



»Please, start your session in the system«.

[...Ah....., Login...].

At that time, a whole database is formed with all your information.

»Login, the state will be started«.



Level: 1 [0/10] [EXP]

Name: Shiro.

Age: 4 years.

Gender: Man.

Height: 105 cm.

Weight: 18 kg.


IQ: 210


Hyperthymesia, Savant syndrome, eidetic memory.


-Narcissistic personality disorder [First Degree].

-Antisocial personality disorder.

[Special Skill] | [Cooldown] | [168hrs].




[How specific...].

When reading all this, after it seemed strange to him, he quickly assimilated it and just asked.

[This is a system, video game type].

»This is the host«.

[Can you explain to me the basis of all this].

»The system will give you knowledge of your current state and will give way to new things on your journey«.

[I see that I have a special ability, how useful is it].

»It has the levels section, the more you level up, they will give you 1 of the 3 types of rewards«.

»Increased luck, cooldown reduction and chance increase«.

[And that is useful to me].

»This is based on the actual function of this system, randomness«.

»His special ability [Random]«.

»Gives you the possibility of being able to obtain any type of ability, whether they are good or bad, but with a range«.

»Ranges are«.

[Level D] | [Use Time] | [5:00-10:00 min].

[Level C] | [Use Time] | [2:30-5:00 min].

[Level B] | [Use Time] | [1:00-2:30 min].

[Level A] | [Use Time] | [0:30-1:00 min].

[S-Level] | [Use Time] | [0:10-0:30 sec].

»Rewards work like this«.

»[Luck Increase], being a random ability, luck is essential«.

»Then, the more luck, you have the possibility that you will get a skill that does not risk your life with its use«.

»This does not affect ranges, only utility, so with a good luck, you can still get a D skill, but with better use«.

»[Cooldown Reduction], Basically reduces the skill usage time, which is 1 week«.

»[Probability increase], this is based on ranks, the more percentage you have, the better rank you will get«.

[Mmm I see.....].

[So, I can use my special ability now].

»If you want it that way, if you can«.

Shiro had already understood all this, and from the function of this system and his ability, he knows that something bad can happen to him and more because of his luck that he sees it with a 0, but.... curiosity is a privilege of geniuses, they will instinctively approach it.

[Then.....activate my special ability].

At that time, the screen stopped showing the status and showed a small letter with a question mark.

It changes different colors, such as gray, green, blue, red, and gold, until it stopped at the color gray.

The process took about 10 seconds and when it stopped a voice sounded.

[Acquired Skill] | [D Rank] | [10 minutes].


At that moment, knowledge filled Shiro's head and also made him lose his vision and could not see anything.


He was alerted for a few moments when he lost his vision, but then he calmed down...resuming the knowledge he had now.

[System, is what I'm thinking].

»This is the host, he obtained invisibility, which is the diversion of light towards his body«.

[Ahh and since the light doesn't reach my eyes...I can't see].

»That's right, host, but right now he is invisible«.

[.....so, now I have to be like this for 10 minutes....].

[System and how would it be to increase my level?].

»You will be given some missions in your daily life, depending on your situation and status, you just have to look at the missions section and you will see what you have now available«.

Shiro had no words to say, since he is blind right now.

[I suppose I'll fall asleep, that's what I was doing...].

Without further ado, he lies down and returns to resume his restful sleep.

// Days after //

Days had passed since he got the system, although curiously the day he got it was his birthday.

But hey, in the process these days, he was able to adapt to the missions he sometimes received, they were very simple, like sleeping 8 hours, or impressing your parents with something or doing some homework, etc.

They were very simple things and without difficulty, but there were few missions, right now he is at level 2, almost reaching 3.

When you level up, I play "Luck" and that increases you 1 point, even if it is better than 0.

Now leaving that aside, he was with his parents, since they were going to see what my "quirk" was.

"Come through here, the doctor will take care of you."

Paying attention to what a nurse said, my parents took me to where the doctor was.

He was an adult man, tall and with a forelock, he also had scales on some parts of his body, something already very common for shiro's eyes.

The doctor did an x-ray and made me take some blood from my body.

After the procedure, I took a little time to determine my quirk and now it's time for the verdict.

And my quirk is.....................nothing.

I don't have any quirks.

"I'm sorry, but your son does not possess a quirk."


•Are you sure doctor, I checked well, there must be some mistake.

"I already checked him well, all his x-rays and a review of his blood analysis, and no, he does not have it, it seems to be one of those 20% of cases, of children who do not have a quirk."

My parents were worried and a little sad about the news, but instead I was.

I was…..normal, I didn't care that I had a quirk either before the system or not.

For him, having a quirk, the only thing that would help him was to have a high social status in society.

Besides that, nothing, I couldn't use my quirk to defend myself, because even with that, I would already get in trouble with the laws here, and in jobs it would only work if my quirk benefits me in a specific one.

So....what does a quirk help, he doesn't have the dream of being a hero or a villain.

That is silly, when everything is based on one's freedom, because good and evil is an artificial product.

[....I think, I should be sad about this, but I don't care that much either].

Shiro opened her system and saw a mission that was red in color, it said.

⟩Get 10,000 yen into your bank account⟨.

⟩Reward: 100 [EXP]⟨

[By God I'm only a 4-year-old boy and they're already asking me to steal.....how funny].

[Although it doesn't have a time limit, so it's that typical mission that I can complete in years, but....why do we have to wait?].

[But now, the only ones I can steal from is my parents...well, I'll steal from my father, it's more relaxed and it's easier].

[So with that, I could already reach level 5].


[Oh, right, sad face-sad face].

Shiro's expression at that moment was very delicate and with a depressive aura, my mother, realizing that, hugged me giving me the greatest comfort in this situation.

// The next day [At school] //

"Shiro-shiro, what is your quirk."

A little blue boy approached Shiro, it was his classmates and he was excited, since they had already told him his quirk.

-No idea.


-They delayed the deadline to discover my quirk, so there is no answer yet.

-Now changing the subject, and yours Nishikata?.

"Uh-oh, I can do this, see."

In that from his hands he takes out a thick dark mist......and that's it, that's all.

"I can create darkness, it's not cool."

[What a fucking power, I think I should have a notebook of all the fucking powers I see in this world].

-Wow, Nishikata is super cool, with that you can scare the villains while you camouflage yourself and kill them.

"E-eh, you mean it."

-Of course, it is an honor to be your partner.


The boy just put on a goofy smirk.

•Are they talking about their quirks?

Another girl also approached, since just today many had discovered their quirks and were talking about it.

"That's right Hina, what's your quirk?"


Little Hina touches Nishikata's clothes and from one moment to the next he changes color and turns all pink.


"Hey, what did you do?"

"It's not that cool, but I can change the color of things."

Hina rubbed her arm uncertainly.

[And another one for the list].

-Well, you can make your way in the field of fashion, and be able to make many kinds of clothes with inexplicable and difficult colors and with a little genius and luck.

-Obtain recognition, fame and a lot of money.


The girl had never thought of it that way, she never thought that her power could give her a lot of potential.

"Hey, you can change the color of my clothes, it's a bit embarrassing."

the children who were in the room laughed a little in the distance when they saw nishikata dressed all in pink.

•Oh, yes, I'm sorry but....I don't know how to do that.


Shiro wanted to laugh, but she kept her composure and held back.

[Now not having a quirk, it will make me have a lot of trouble for this society, so, I must create a quirk that I can have with my abilities].

[I must keep a low profile, but a mediocre profile is also not good, I need to be on a neutral level since I must demonstrate my power, even if it is in one way or another].

// Law number 24 //

"Play the role of the perfect courtier."

›The perfect courtier, fawning and intriguing, thrives and thrives in a world where everything revolves around power and political savvy. He flatters, he submits to his superiors and asserts his power over others in the most charming and humorously indirect and false way‹.

[I think I know which one to have......].


Throughout the story I'll be posting Robert Grene's 48 Laws of Power, because I read it, and now I'm in psycho mode xD