
A Random Fate

Our protagonist gets a system, which gives him a random power up every week, but he doesn't keep it permanently. Then he will have to live his life in a world of superpowers, with the ability to kill everyone or die trying. It all depends on what happens to him, now he only prays to his luck to be able to live his life comfortably............or not.

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs





The small eyes of a newborn child open slowly and the first thing he sees is some toys in the air in his crib.

[What has happened?].

The mind was blurry for the moment, but over time everything could be cleared up and everything that happened could be remembered.

He had died, in an earthquake that had affected his apartment, there was no way out for him and the whole building went down.

And for a building to fall with such an impact, it is because the earthquake was about 10.5, strong enough to kill many people, which happened.

More than 300 thousand people died from this disaster, more than 1 million people were injured.

But now let's get back to our protagonist.

[...I see...].

[But if I'm dead, where am I?].

He tried to move, but it was too difficult for him, and the most he could do was move his head.

Which was fair, to realize his situation, apparently he was a baby right now, but the model, figures and things that were all over the room, were not recognized by him.

And although it seems strange how he can know that, it is because he has that rare disease of remembering his entire life in detail, he knows everything he lived from the first day of his life until his death.

This disease was a gift and a curse.

Apart from that, as a child he was very intelligent and could understand perfectly quickly.

His mother, who was a professional psychiatrist, and his father, who was a renowned, Nobel Prize-winning physicist, could immediately tell that their son was special.

Unfortunately, that was a disaster for the life of our protagonist.

From just months of birth, they used many play experiments and quick teachings to develop their child's brain.

Noticing the capabilities of the little one, they decided to exploit their full potential, so with the knowledge of the mother and father, they began their experiment for the first 4 years of their son.

The results were fast and surprising, greatly developing the ingenuity of the little one, like first steps, making him learn 6 languages, and with challenging games, developing each part of the brain.

They made him read many books, physics, biology, the history of mathematics, and from there they found out about the rare disease his son had, which made him easily remember everything he had read.

And the thing was that he had "Hyperthymesia", which makes him remember moments perfectly and remember conversations and almost images and texts, but he also had "Eidetic Memory", and that made him perfectly remember images and texts with just one seen or read, so these two thingsThey complemented each other, making it a double-edged sword.

The ambition of his parents increased more and more and they decided that they would make their son, the new genius of that generation.

His mother who psychoanalyzed all his actions and thoughts, and his father who filled him with knowledge, excessively.

This made him even with his illness, which tormented him, since hyperthymesia sometimes made him create false memories, memories, of how his parents tortured him to the point that he killed himself and things like that.

And he got to the point of almost having autism, but the range went up and down, since his mother knew that autism was harmful, so with her experience, she made him experiment with tests, meeting other people, etc.

His autism came and went in the process and as a child he could bring all the knowledge very quickly, so that's what caused the "Savant Syndrome" in him, but in a very specific field, since this helped him with the ease of learning of languages.

Over the years, his autism had a lot of improvement since it was not so serious, but his syndrome remained as usual, his journey of being a genius continued, obtaining many achievements, but all because of emotional exploitation and reasoning by the parents.

Our protagonist, from a young age, knew that he was being manipulated and being a guinea pig by his parents, his IQ, which reached 210, was able to give him a deadline for many things and also because he read stories and analyzed the manipulations of the rulers.

He won a Nobel Prize in physics, and solved 2 of the 7 mathematical problems of the millennium, an achievement that put him in the eyes of the whole world.

The only thing that made him calm down and forget all the bad things in his life was music, he managed to learn how to use many instruments and he loved almost all genres of music.

Although his favorites, in, electronics, classical music and pop.

He was very varied with all his tastes, but sadly his life ended on 9/27/2048, at 18:23 in the UK, Britannia International Hotel Canary Wharf, Room 28, while doing a progress report with that, primordial black holes and dark matterthey could be the same.

This ability has given him many advantages, but he would also like to forget all the terrifying things he saw and experienced, but unfortunately he can't.

Now he has a personality, very neutral and somewhat bipolar, before things and that only focused on himself and his following achievements.

He no longer cared what happened to others, and deep down he had contempt for his parents who had died..... .mysteriously, due to "natural causes", although he was the cause of their deaths, it was easy to kill people with the required time and in a way that seemed mysterious, he did this when he was 28 years old, that was the only day he the one who was happy and felt a little freer.

He felt good, that his parents have died and more that he is the reason.

But hey, so as a genius, he sees life in a different way, he sees connections with people as unnecessary, but that doesn't mean that he can't transmit them, as a good genius, he's also a good manipulator, he learned it well from his parents.

Now going back to him, I try to adapt his body quickly and activate his brain, but with his memories, he remembers every detail of the interior of his body and how it works, so that he can move more easily or a little more than he already does. could.

This worked over time, as it made him able to sit up, and that was quite an achievement, for a baby only a short time old.

Seeing better, the room where he was, was more or less big, but that was it, he needed to know more things.

So quickly, she began to cry, raising her voice as loud as she could.

Within minutes, a person opened the door, it was a woman.

"What's wrong, little shiro?"

A beautiful woman, with dark purple hair and glasses, approached where our protagonist was.

[...Japanese...., well, then, now my name is shiro, I'm not picky about names either, so it's normal].

The woman noticed that the little shiro was sitting and looking at him, as if he knew of his situation, that made him very strange.

"Are you hungry, shiro-kun?"

Shiro, makes a small cry in response, affirming her request.

Then immediately, the woman looks in one of the drawers for a thermos of milk at the baby's exact temperature, puts it in a bottle, and approaches Shiro so she can drink it.

This was seen by Shiro and he learned that this woman was not his real mother, since if it were his, he would give her breast, but it seems that he cannot lactate milk.

But in the process of that the woman begins to carry Shiro and gives him a bottle.

He realizes something.

In the woman's ears, there were things that dangled...they were, headphones...?.


// Years later //


Shiro, had closed a book, of the many that he had around.

He had marveled at this new world, new norms, new rules, new problems, many changes, new technologies.

All this was simply wonderful, for a theoretical physicist, experimental physicist, astrophysicist and with advanced knowledge in mechanical engineering and biotechnology, all this made him feel like a baby when he had his first toy.

A world where 80% of the population has powers, or better known as quirks, this looks like those marvel comics and superheroes.

A society like this would be chaotic, if a regime was not put in place immediately, but they already have it under control, there are Heroes to fight the villains.

An ironic smile appeared on his face, it is assumed that at 4 years old, their "quirk" can be detected and depending on that, it is how society will see and judge you.

Although to him, it didn't matter to him if he had a quirk or not, he didn't want to be a hero or have a job based on his quirk.

His same intelligence would be enough to get him through his whole life, earn more than enough money and live a quiet and peaceful life, without anyone bothering him.

He wanted to live where his life is based on the actions he wants, whether good or bad, but if it is his decision, it makes him happy.

He has already lived long enough, and he knows very well that there is no point in burning his eyelashes to change the world and fill himself with achievements.

That thing was what his parents did to him, and he could not stop, due to the contracts, social and governmental pressure of world powers that had him in their sights, and when he could give himself that freedom.

He was already over 30 years old and almost nothing mattered to him anymore, except to continue investigating, listening to his music, while he was alone in his apartment.

Something was true, they took time away from him, they took away his childhood, adolescence, until the beginning of his adulthood.

He now wanted to live new experiences, like having an active sexual life, or getting into new industries, doing things he never did, he wanted to experience it.

So the first thing he did here was.

Search for information from this world, that is essential when being in a place that you have no knowledge of.

And for that I analyze what their "parents" were like and well.

If we compare them with his in his previous life, there is a clear difference.

Although it is also that, you are not his parents, since none of them meets my physical characteristics, so it is likely that he will be adopted.

But hey, by analyzing and understanding my elders, I started the plan "The perfect courtier".

And experience new things that this world brings me.

The first thing is... not to show my abilities at all and only when the circumstance warrants it.

And it was clear, "Never be too perfect."

›It is always dangerous to show yourself superior to others, but the most dangerous thing of all is to appear free of all flaws or weaknesses. Envy breeds silent enemies‹

So he acted like a normal child, all the time in these years and with some words and games he was able to get information.

"Shiro-kun, you were here, how did you get here?"

The voice of a woman with goat horns spoke, this was one of the teachers in this place and she was worried about Shiro's whereabouts.

Since now Shiro was in a room with a lot of books and all of them were messy, he was able to sneak up to get here, he already had this place in his sights and he only had to make a little plan to get here.....and he succeeded .

Shiro just made a silly face while scratching her head.

He was in kind of a modern kindergarten right now, he's not even in elementary school yet.

"Well, what does it matter, come on, let's go, your father is here for you."

The woman leads him to the exit.

Shiro had seen in the distance, the car of his now "Father".

And he went immediately to him.

The doors opened for him and the first thing he saw was an older girl, about 8 years old, she had the same purple color and the same headphones.

•Hello shiro-kun


Jirou rubbed Shiro's head tenderly and this being seen by the father and making him smile.

"And as you did son, you learned a lot"


"That's good, we have to go now, we're going to have pizza for dinner today."


Jirou's voice of excitement could be heard.

Shiro only raised her hands according to her emotion, or well almost.

He wasn't a big fan of fast or junk food, but if it's once in a few months, he can eat it.

Then without further ado the car moved forward and began the trip to the house where their mother was waiting for them with emotion.