
A Prayer For The Mantis

Trapped within the body of a mantis, he's got a year time to figure out a way to extend his lifespan. But first he's got worse things to worry about. Like the giant insect monsters running around trying to eat him.

Nuklite · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 3

A mantis claw stabbed into the body of a small aphid. The little aphid had died before it knew what had happened. Zack descended the stem with the aphid in claw. Zack had melted once more after the fight as the spider was a great source of food. Zack gave the aphid a quick prayer as he inspected the leg that was chewed off in battle. The limb was beginning to regrow, but Zack estimated it needed one or two more molts to fully regrow. His remaining three legs also have grown a little longer.


Name: Zack Huntt

Species: Chinese Mantis (Tenodera sinensis)

Age: 5 Days old

Lifespan: 1~ Year

Lifecycle: Nymph

Size: 11 mm

Prayers Collected: 14 Prayers

Biomass Collected: 37 Biomass

Abilities: None


Zack ate the aphid as he looked at his status panel. It has been three days since the fight. Before his second molt, he got lucky and found a small opening beneath some rocks to call home. Zack felt like the Flower Forest would serve as a decent base of operations. The aphids were plentiful and that was more than enough. Additionally, since encountering the jumping spider, Zack has yet to encounter another bug as dangerous.

The only thing close to posing such dangers were the bees floating about. They were a little larger than Zack. Thankfully it seemed they mostly kept to themselves, rarely descending to the floor.

Days pass as Zack collects even more biomass and prayers. Although he had yet to figure out what was needed to evolve, it'd never hurt to stock up. Zack also spent his time trying to fly but was unable to. He wasn't sure why, but Zack guessed it might be because he was still a nymph.

Another day had passed, and upon waking Zack got a familiar feeling. He was going to molt soon. It wasn't easy to tell at first, but Zack was slowly getting a sense of the biological processes of his mantis body. Before Zack could celebrate, his antennas picked up an unfamiliar scent.

Zack immediately tensed and hoped whatever existed outside his cave was not larger than himself. It was getting closer, it approached the mouth of his cave. Zack struck first, the priority was ensuring his safety. Identifying who the enemy was came second, especially when the enemy was smaller.

Within less than a second, the insect had met its end. There were more scents outside his hiding hole, but Zack would hold his ground. With the victim in claws, Zack identified the origin of the unknown scent. It was an ant, roughly 6 mm in size.

For once the enemy was smaller than Zack, but he was not happy. Ants are a horrible foe to face. A species of bug that conquered the insect kingdom, not with their individual might. But with their collective strength. When one ant died, ten more filled its spot. This was the type of enemy he had encountered.

Right on cue, another ant barged into his little cave. Zack did not hesitate as he clamped his claws into the small creature's skull. This process repeated until a small mound of dead ants piled in his cave. The scents outside his cave dwindled until it was no more than a faint smell. Minutes pass as the ants stop pouring into Zack's base.

Wary, Zack peeked his two compound eyes outside the cave to get a quick glimpse of the outside. It was empty, no ants. Zack picked up a few scents further off in the distance. A few ants had escaped, and Zack knew they were likely to return with reinforcements. Either he remained in the Flower Forest or he had to explore the surrounding territories.

Zack furrowed his imaginary eyebrows. He was going to search for new areas. While aphid farm was a haven of food, it now came at the risk of ants. Ants which were numerous in numbers, if any of those nature documentaries held any truth. Zack slowly consumed the pile of ants as he thought of the best areas to escape to.

Zack thought of going back to the bush from where he was born. However, he instantly shot that idea down. Mantises weren't a species that helped each other. In fact when mating, the female sometimes cannibalizes the male. Zack did not want to have anything to do with his monstrous siblings. That was also the direction the ants had retreated. So, heading deeper into enemy territory was not the brightest idea.

Evaluating the other areas, Zack also refused them. The first was toward what looked like a field of reeds. Reeds signified water, and water hinted at frogs. No thanks, Zack didn't want to be snatched up by a frog's tongue. The ground also got increasingly marshy the further out. So, from the little he experienced movement became troublesome. Not entirely debilitating, but definitely life-threatening in combat.

The other path led to wide plains of dried land, no plants grew in that wasteland. The sun had long cooked what did not remain under the trees or near the water. Plus, any bird wouldn't mind a free mantis for breakfast if he did decide to venture through it.

Lastly, the tall grass area. Zack couldn't see much past it. Though he felt it would provide excellent cover. But at the same time limit his vision. Additionally, he wasn't sure if the source of water from the reeds was connected to the tall grass. If it was, then that place was practically a death sentence. If not, it might be the best option among them all. All the options were horrible compared to the Flower Forest, Zack mulled.

In the sky, the two celestial bodies switched places, indifferent to the restless mantis. The influx of food had expedited the molting process. As a result, Zack underwent his third molting despite his own reluctance. The night went by fast, for Zack, however, it was excruciating.

The morning sun greeted Zack as he broke free of his melted exoskeleton. Atop his cave's entrance, Zack checked his attribute panel.


Name: Zack Huntt

Species: Chinese Mantis (Tenodera sinensis)

Age: 9 Days old

Lifespan: 1~ Year

Lifecycle: Nymph

Size: 15 mm

Prayers Collected: 23 Prayers

Biomass Collected: 54 Biomass

Abilities: None


Zack clicked his mandibles at the size increase in his attribute panel. The biomass and prayers were stacking up as well. However, a black sheen on the horizon caught his eye. A familiar scent hit Zack's antennea. The ants had returned.

Hundreds of six-legged carapace-covered menaces marched through the Flower Forest. They marched in one direction, towards Zack. At the front of the army, a dozen large ants as big as Zack marched forward. Aphids stilled, bees flew off, and Zack froze. He needed to escape.