

"Why do I care? Why do I care!? Because she was a friend!" Eldrian shouted at the top of his lungs, furious at her neutral attitude. Even disdain would have been better. It would have told him that she regarded them as something.

This neutrality caused him to feel like she did not even see them as people. He actually preferred the nobles and their arrogance and toxicity to this. He could fight them, fight their idea, could he do the same against her?

No, if he did it would not change her belief and only get himself killed.

"How can you care for humans so much. They die so quickly."

Hearing this, Eldrian felt defeated. What was he to say to that? It was like trying to convince a fanatic that they were wrong. There simply was no way to converse with them. They would never understand your logic and words.

"Do not follow me!" Eldrian now just wanted to get away from her. Hate growing in him.