
What is ANW?

Myropsis looked at Eldrian with worry, her dad and Tovack stood to the side sharing a knowing look. Their expressions were ones of curiosity and wonder, and a bit of amusement seeing the young centaurette's panic. 

Eldrian's condition seemed to be far better but neither of them could imagine what was going to happen next.  When Eldrian started absorbing mana at an insane rate again Myropsis became flustered and the two laughed at her cute actions.

"Myropsis, it's okay. He seems to be in control this time." Her dad said, she nodded but her worries did not disappear. After spending so long together, exploring the wonders of magic and learning so much. She was shocked at how close she felt to Eldrian, at how worried she was at this moment. 

Each time his face distorted in pain, her heart would ache just a little more. And as his face returned to normal the vice squeezing her heart slowly loosened its death grip.