
The situation

'If Diades falls, then Ganalin will be the only thing between us and the orcs. And there isn't much geographically between us after Diades. Pediades already fell, they would not even need to destroy the other two small cities for a clear path... They are too far to the north...'

Granted, the city of Juzna was only a few hundred kilometers from Ganalin and launching counterattacks from there was completely possible. Thus it wasn't certain if the orcs would prioritize it or Kynigo. 

Both would be able to support the other, though if either had the capability was the true question. 

Regardless, raiding bands could no longer be stopped. Even if Diades stood, as long as it was surrounded it could offer no assistance against raiding bands. 

Naturally, or maybe not so easily the orcs could come from the south. The lands were that of The Encroaching Border and the Vrikolas Drylands. It might be of a condition that the orcs found unhospitable.