
The hidden darkness

"What does he want?" Eldrian mumbled, turning off his PC and heading over. This time his appearance caused barely any disturbance, only a few looking at him in passing.

Knocking and waiting for the go-ahead, Eldrian took a seat in one of the chairs. 

"Here you are," Joren said, sliding his tablet over. 

"What is this for?" Eldrian asked after taking a look and seeing that it was a contract. 

"For your sister's headset. We will be sending it over in a few hours, however, you need to sign for liabilities."

Eldrian nodded and was just about to place his finger onto the indicated place to 'sign', then he realized what that meant. "Do you think she might also experience the troubles I have?" 

Joren smiled and shrugged, "We have no idea. It is possible that there is something special in you, something we have failed to find. This can also be present in your family, so we need you to agree to the possible risks."