

"We're here. I know you are in no state to consider matters such as work and your studies. Unfortunately, we have to go through some steps to officially declare you fit to leave." Gengxin said as he led Eldrian into the reception building of the complex. 

"A few people want to talk to you. Some want to ask you questions, others want to give you offers. Remember that you do not need to mind them right away, but do try and consider what they say."

"Can I get a headset?" Eldrian asked, causing Gengxin to miss a step. He had assumed that Eldrian would care little with the news he had just gotten. But the little Eldrian cared was too little. Gengxin knew of no other person who would not be curious upon entering Miracle Corporations' main headquarters. Sure him not wanting to talk to anyone was expected, but he only lost a friend. A new one at that. Gengxin did not understand why Eldrian was so upset.