
Quest completion

This training hell continued for two more days, and on the third Eldrian finally came to a realization that allowed him to cast even while pressured to the point that even finishing a thought was hard. 

Seeing Zamia's fist coming for his chest, Eldrian didn't fight his fall nor try to twist his body to dodge. Instead, he thought of a single thing. Using wind to push himself away. 

He didn't visualize how, he didn't even control his mana. He just had this idea, and he wanted it to happen. And it did. 

Hearing his wish, his mana acted. Forming a ball of wind at his side. Sending him rolling on the dirt. In no regard was this graceful, he was covered in grass burns and had even broken his arm from the force of his landing.

Yet, it had worked. 

He had dodged her attack (granted he had hurt himself more than her attack would have), and he had managed to cast a spell despite the pressure she placed him under.