
Progress of others

Before logging on after classes, Eldrian first had a look at the forums. As was normal for him, having been his routine since he started playing A New World.

Today he found some surprises. The first players had finally passed single digits in level, with another having followed close to the first. They were now both dominating the global level rankings as level tens.

Eldrian sighed as he saw these updates, realizing that the entire level he had gained did not amount to much. He was still only decent in his own empire. He was around top 10 in Phallos and top 200 in the entire Empire.

This was not the only surprise Eldrian found. One of these two who had reached level ten had also reached Tier 2. This player called Diablo explained here how he had managed it, contributing a very large factor of his success on his equipment.

He stated that if not for his Tier 5 breastplate and Tier 6 weapon he would have never managed to beat the Tier 2 beast alone.