
Phoenix Division coming to help

Standing up after having meditated Eldrian wondered how the tournament was going to be held. He knew that Vivian would soon be forced back into fighting, as she had mostly recovered. Which meant he could no longer just sit out and wait. 

Heading to his PC Eldrian browsed the forums in hope of an answer, finding that it was quite simple. At least for the first few (and most) matches that would be held in the game as normal. 

They would be given a timeslot according to their time zone. With allocation made to both teams to ensure they could join the matches with ease. 

'So the game won't be paused again,' Eldrian sighed as he came to this conclusion. Turning around and joining the others for their daily matches. After which he headed down and waited for Erik to arrive. 

"Are you sure this is alright?" Erik asked as he clambered out of the car, quite shocked that Eldrian had actually pulled it off.