

Eldrian started attacking right as his hand grasped the greatsword, giving a wide swing to allow himself some room. But the goblins did not care, they charged at Eldrian with no fear. Using each other's bodies as cushioning to allow them to get at Eldrian.

Eldrian felt a piercing pain in his leg even before his swing finished. Desperate he used Accelerate, an agility boosting skill that gave him a short-lived agility bonus of 20 points, basically speeding him up by 20%. This extra speed allowed Eldrian to dodge all the incoming strikes he saw, but this was not enough as he felt a new strike on his back.

As Eldrian felt the hit he was grateful for the armor Old Sword had given him, it had likely saved him just now. He also realized that he could not stay in the middle of all the goblins, as such he focused on breaking through the encirclement while Accelerate was still active.