
Myropsis, a curious individual

"There isn't really any. I mean you have to be part of the association for at least a month before you can gain access to the spell modules. Naturally, those you gain access to will be determined by your Tier and contributions to the association." Elias said.

"That's it?" Eldrian asked, the condition sensible and in no way taking advantage of its member, at least if this was true. He had expected some sort of oath to bind him, simply having to contribute sounded much easier and less limiting. 

"Yeah, though getting in will depend on your magic ability, not just anyone can join. Though I assume they wouldn't mind letting an elf join. What type of elf are you anyway?"

"I'm a High Elf..."

"That's awesome, I am sure they would be willing to let you in and exchange spell modules if you can share tips on why you can control spells and why we can't before Tier 5!" Elias replied, greatly excited by this simple prospect.