
Meeting Sofiera

Sighing, Eldrian complained that Myropsis was acting childish. When he got no reply to his complaints, he finally decided to go do as she had mentioned.

"Fine, be like that. Ceph, please stay here while I try to figure out where to go."

With that, Eldrian left in search of someone who might be able to help him. Without Myropsis's introduction, he suspected it would be a challenge to meet the association's leader, so he activated a few of his titles. Specifically the hero one, certain that should get him an audience.

Indeed it did. 

It just took asking one of the receptionists and mentioning for them to use Observe to see his qualifications. 

"So, you are the elf everyone is talking about?" An elderly centaurette asked after excusing the receptionists and closing the doors via magic. Eldrian noticed that she had even activated some sort of array on the doors.