
Looting in the undead city

"Oh, good catch, Two." Eldrian commented, grabbing the pouch from the skeleton he had just killed—now just a bunch of collapsed bones on the ground.

This used to be one of the lower undead who was sentient, and in its pouch were a couple of golds and, more importantly, two tiny mana crystals. 

They were both only as large as nail, but they still contained over two thousand mana within them. Perfect for smaller novas to cause havoc or kill someone before they realized how dangerous Eldrian was. 

And, with this discovery, Eldrian started targeting the sentient lower undead. They were weak and easy to spot, since they were generally the leader of groups of undead. And with Eldrian's sight, he could identify their weak points and kill them with one strike.

Thus, as Eldrian made his way to the library—which was actually one of the many schools for liches and other research driven undead—he collected some bounties.