
Four daggers

"Do you think this would be effective against the undead?" Vivian's asked, her focus was still to prepare to go and release her dad from undeath. Eldrian had confirmed for her that he was still in the fort, though Eldrian couldn't gain any more information from his map. 

This had been both good and bad news, as it meant he hadn't been converted to an undead, his race hadn't changed at least. However, it meant he was likely under some sort of restraint and highly likely in pain. Which made every day spent here all the harder on her. 

Yet she couldn't be rash, Eldrian had also confirmed the exact number of undead. While the lower undead weren't a problem, there were a few dozen Tier 5 unwilling and higher undead, plus four Tier 6 higher undead. 

It would be no small task to kill them all. She knew this well.