
Facing the undead (7) - Invasion and creation

The chains swung and swung, each swing sending earthquakes through the world. Banging so load it would turn anyone deaf. Luckily, this was all in Eldrian's mind. But the sounds drove him insane, and the earthquakes tore through his soul.

Eldrian wanted to rush out to stop the chains, but again, his gut warned him. His only chance would be within his soul space. 

So he endured. 

He endured the terrible feeling of having his mind invaded. The venom soon making itself present everywhere. A type of viscous miasma seeping through the cracks that the chains created.

Endless it seemed, and with each swing of the chain, more and more forced itself in as the ever-expanding cracks in the barrier edge to this world. 

'Can't you do something?!' Two shouted, desperate. The amount of vicious miasma kept increasing, and while it moved slowly—like lava. It inches forward incessantly.