
Duel start

Eldrian didn't know what to make of how things had turned out. He had thought this would be a simple duel -albeit with no holds barred- between him and Levana to determine the ownership of the fort. Now it had turned into quite the spectacle. 

Luckily, there weren't any other players or it would have been even more embarrassing.

Solvi and Sofiera had created a stage for them to fight on. Falling off wouldn't disqualify anyone, seems they just felt the surroundings would be destroyed if the two didn't contain their fight. Naturally, like the walls of the forts and towers they had created, the stage was quite sturdy. 

Myropsis, on the other hand, had created a viewing area. At a distance of around twenty meters from the stage, she had set up multiple barriers to keep the effects of the duel from reaching them. Poor Jade, however, wasn't going to be included, her power getting in the way.