
Clelb appears

"What just happened?" Terlas asked as everyone returned to the platform.

The goblins were now all hiding so they certainly could not follow the old plan. Everyone also wanted to know what they just saw. Unable to process that such a weak-looking creature could cause so much destruction.

Eldrian turned towards Cephaphyr, "He showed me what he is capable of." Eldrian said, feeling this is the only thing he could do to explain things. He still struggled to link the line of dead goblins to this little Alicorn. The two things felt like things that should never be in the same sentence.

No one replied to Eldrian's statement. They did not know what to say, they knew that the grown Alicorns were strong, but to see this little one do so much more. Almost more than what took them an entire day, in just a few minutes. It destroyed the pride they had as elite soldiers. Especially when they realized that that was without using magic.