
Changing tides

'Have, to, now?' Virksi asked, still struggling to form the words. Though he was getting more fluent. At this point, Virski sounded like a hermit who hadn't talked in ages and struggled to remember how to. 

Then again, telepathic communication didn't exactly use words in the conventional sense. It could. But for talking with Virski, Eldrian had to convey concepts as they were, not with words but with what they meant. 

It was a little tricky, but it was doable. After all, the mind worked in amazing ways. Give it some information, and it could fill in the gaps on its own. And this wasn't limited to just the mind of humans. 

'No, but I want to hear what you want to do going forward.' Eldrian replied. Trying his best to convey his worries and that Virski couldn't always follow him everywhere. He would often need to stay behind, as he did this time.