
Biting off more than they can chew

Eldrian was keenly aware that what he was doing was quite dumb, however, he wanted to test himself. Attacking from afar with magic would surely be smarter, or even better, using a cannon to blast the orc warriors' hiding spot. 

Unfortunately, thanks to the fact that the two had not run into any troubles thus far, they had slowly gotten overconfident. Assuming an orc warrior to be similar to the normal orcs. 

Where the orcs were akin to unwilling undead, the warrior was more like a true higher undead in power level. The two, unfortunately, were not aware of this. And they were going to learn it the hard way.

As Eldrian ran around the corner, the sky appeared even more ominous as it turned to a dark red as the sun disappeared behind the horizon. Thunder cracking in the distance.

A good way away, Silver shivered as chilled ran up her spine. She didn't believe in fate or anything, but seeing the sky she felt like something bad was coming.