
Assessing the damage

Eldrian woke a few hours later, finding a peaceful glade welcoming him. The soft sound of flowing water and rustling leaves seemed to belie that things were perfectly fine. 

The absence of anyone nearby, however, told another story. Leaving someone in his condition unattended clearly told how serious things were. 

Of course, Eldrian was a player. Even if he died, things would be fine. Still, the lack of care couldn't be as simple as that. Those of the forest must be at their limits. 

'Didn't expect such severe backlash,' Eldrian commented after clearing his head of other thoughts. He gazed at his own body, finding the situation somewhat ironic.

Ziraili had just healed the scars left by Wrath. And now he had new ones to replace them. Almost just like Wrath's. Only, instead of his skin and flesh having been burnt, necrotic flesh spread across his body from frostbite.