
A weight lifted

Eldrian woke from this dream-like experience with the memorial flower giving light to the now dark room, night had arrived. A massive burden had been released from his shoulders. Standing straight under the lesser weight, Eldrian smiled as he marveled at his creation. 

Somehow, he knew that this was beyond what he should have been able to make. It was similar to how he had made the mirror, he had laid the foundation and then prayed that his end goal would be reached. But the results were so much more magnificent than that.

Eldrian felt confident that he had made a masterpiece. 

"It's beautiful," Myropsis mumbled as the memories slowly started fading above the flower, as the light retracted into the memorial flower and the petals even slowly moved to close. Encasing the crystal as Eldrian removed his mana from it. Deactivating it. 

"Can you try it?" Eldrian asked, indicating for Myropsis to step forward.