
A smooth start

With this message, Judith along with a few other players who focused on full damage builds snuck closer to the cave entrance. Once they were just a few meters from it, they quickly rushed in and killed all the goblins that were close to the exit.

Doing as much damage as they could in this charge. 

As soon as the goblins started to realize what was going on and reinforcements started to arrive, the players retreated. Pulling the goblins out of their cave. 

However, no spells or arrows were launched once this happened. 

Instead, the players waited for the goblins to commit to the counterattack. Therdul's team of heavy warriors joined the fight once the numbers of goblins became too much and more and more hobgoblins appeared. 

Hobgoblins are larger than the normal variety of goblins and can learn some basic skills up to Tier 4. They are similar to a human of a similar Tier, but with lesser intelligence. Still a far cry from a goblin knight.