
A Monstrous Wendigo Contracted by a Reincarnator

A newborn Wendigo, the last of his race wakes up in a cave. Contrary to others of his race however he was born a bit... different. Where his kin was [Frail], he was [Resilient]. Where his kin was [Small], he was [Giant]. Where his kin was [Weak]... he was [Strong]. Being bigger and stronger than others however did not mean he inherited nothing. With a mind so strong no one could access, and a body so tough he did not register most things he was a [Juggernaut]. He eventually meets a reincarnator who offers adventures in various worlds in exchange for contracting to them as a familiar, however... Is it really bound at all? How long can they entertain the beast enough to stay docile? Is the world ready...? [Hello potential reader, just a few disclaimers before you read. First off, I'm going into this with nothing planned out so I'm not sure how this will progress if at all. Secondly, I have no prior experience in writing so if sentences are structured weirdly or the grammar is subpar, sorry for that. And thirdly, this is literally the equivalent of an 'impulse buy' in story form, so don't expect a stellar near flawless story, this is just something I've been wanting to try for a while as I've read alot of fanfics, no idea how this is gonna go. Also some things that will NOT be included in this story: The MC or anyone close to the MC being mind controlled/possessed. NTR (honestly undecided if romance will even be a thing as I want the mc to stay in monster form). The MC will probably also have a pretty smooth journey as he will probably be pretty OP so if you don't like that... sorry. PS. This is probably pretty obvious but I own nothing of what I write... except the MC I guess? If you see anything you recognize I probably don't own it, thank you!

Immortal_Orca · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 1

(A/N: Just some things before we start, this is the world of DxD, I also don't know if canon will become relevant or not as I haven't planned anything but there will also be some things that isn't really 'canon' so... just think of this as AU. I also don't know 'Everything' about the series itself, but I felt it was a good starting world as even if the series is focused on fan-service, pretty much anything can fit into it as it's not really confined to anything other than 'supernatural' which makes it easier for newbie writers. There will be eventual multiverse travel 'if i don't give up before that', thank you for reading!)

The Underworld, filled with various races most dominantly Devils and Fallen angels having settled down ages ago. However that's not where our story starts. Located in a separate dimension no one knows the creator nor boundaries of the beasts rule. The Devils having stumbled upon it long ago has used it as a scouting ground, looking for various beasts to form contracts with thus naming it the [Familiar Forest]. It is used mostly by young Devils looking for familiars to help for various reasons, helping with chores, scouting or just company. The older devils however see it as just that, a place the younger generation can get some quick help. However, much deeper into the forest there were beasts much more terrifying than they could imagine, was it a mistake not exploring it properly?

Deep into the forest in unexplored territory there was a cave, it wasn't the biggest but the creature inhabiting it found it enough. No creatures were currently near as the cave radiated a certain atmosphere of dread, not enough to catch the attention of a stronger predator, but enough of a deterrent to smaller ones. Just outside of the cave there was a lake, surrounded by foliage, trees extending into the sky casting shadow down on the area, creating a gloomy aura around the area in the otherwise luscious forest.

Deeper into the cave a creature was currently resting, it wasn't the biggest but that could be attributed to posture or age. It would be hard for most to believe it was born not long ago from a race most associated with the mind, terrors of the night and dreams, a Wendigo.

Compared to others of his race, this particular Wendigo was a bit different, with the head resembling a narrow deer skull with sharp teeth for ripping flesh and a pair of giant jagged horns jutting out from it's sides it cut a menacing visage. It's upper body was thick with robust muscle down to it's waist usually in a hulking posture just accentuating it's silhouette. With a giant right arm used for either crushing or shielding. A lithe left arm for faster more precise strikes did not however mean it packed any less punch. A lower body covered in just as bulky as it's upper body with strong legs ending in giant feet giving a feeling of stability. With a body filled with rippling muscle and tough fur it was a match for most beasts even at it's young age.

Opening it's eyes the creature blinked slightly until it's sight cleared, standing up with a grunt resembling a deep rumbling the creature lumbered to the entrance of the cave. Now fully stood up even while naturally hulking the creature was revealed to be about 1.70m while not the most impressive, the creature was barely 3 years of age. Having woken up in the cave alone with no knowledge to speak of the creature had to figure out how to operate in the dangerous forest by itself. Now 3 years later aided by it's rapidly maturing mind from it's heritage and a naturally strong body the creature had gradually polished it's abilities to hunt, instincts in battle, observation for tracking and it's natural senses such as sight and hearing.

"Mn..." Letting out a low rumble the creature emerged from the cave, feeling around the creature determined that it was somewhat safe. Having a run-in with any of the stronger predators was something it didn't want a repeat of, even if fighting was fun, getting hit so hard your left horn went skewed most certainly was not. Even if for some reason it healed pretty rapidly from every battle.


The creature gradually wadled into the forest at a sedated pace to look for food, the occasional gruttural noise of a grumble the only warning the various creatures got to get away from the unnaturally silent giant.

'Hahahaha, finally!'

The sound of joyous laughter, (or the equivalent of which) rang out through the forest, the source being an unnaturally colored beast resembling a sheep. Being pink, the 'sheep' was not very well suited for the forest where most creatures did NOT want to stand out. Seemingly pinned on it's back where the sheep could not see was a piece of white cloth which the word 'Idiot' had been scribbled on with a sharpie.

'Finally, I just knew it was real, jumping in front of Truck-kun was so worth it! This is it! The beginning of my journey to getting a Harem full of beauties and power!' So lost in delusion the sheep didn't realize that what came out wasn't words but 'bah's' and what it thought was a typical 'starter forest' wasn't very... 'starter' friendly.

'Okay, okay... hmmm, fuu~ Breathe in, breathe out... don't I get a meditation skill or something?'

The sheep breathed in and out with a exaggerated motion before it's face seemingly scrunched up in displeasure.

'Whatever, first things first. Let's do what all of my brothers and sisters across the globe has wanted to do atleast once, hmm fuu~...'



'What the hell! Where is my system, that beauty Goddess said that she could grant my wishes, was she lying!? She didn't even want to join my harem!' The sheep started jumping on the spot, it's fur somehow turning red shaking in what seemed to be rage.

'Wait, wait. Maybe I just said it wrong...?' Seemingly calming down slightly the sheep looked a bit pensive as it's fur gradually turned back to pink.



[Name: Chub D. Akatsuki]

[Titles: Reincarnator, The Gullible One, Sheep]

[Age: 1] (25)

[Race: Demon Sheep - Pink]

[Strength: Low-Human]

[Skills: Blank, Observe, Can't Catch This(locked), Mental Protect, Inventory(Small), Map, Growth, Special Snowflake(locked), Immortality(locked)]

[Equipment: Idiot Cloth]


'...' The sheep stared at something in mid-air for what seemed to be several minutes blankly before starting to shake, the red fur seemingly returning with a vengeance. The sheep seemed to be on the brink of fainting when it looked into the sky with a burning hatred that seemed to promise pain...

"Baah!? Ba, ah!? Bah!?"

'What the fuck is this!? I know I didn't specify race, but what the hell!? Do you think this is funny, huh!? Just you wait I'll climb to the top eventually! I'll come after you 'Goddess' and I'll force you to join my harem, you hear!? Just! You! Wait!' The sheep screamed for what seemed to be hours on end, eventually attracting a certain predator on the way back to it's cave...

I have no idea what I'm doing :)

Also, this guy isn't the one the MC is making a contract with.

Immortal_Orcacreators' thoughts