
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasia
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127 Chs

ch 68

It has been a month and a half now and I can't turn my head without seeing some posters or holographic display with princess Margaret announced as the celebrity imperial royal that is the talk of the entire empire and hushed rumors that she should inherit the the throne which has put immense strain on her relationship with her siblings vying for the throne as she previously claimed to have no interest especially now since the third prince Stephen's faction was recently gaining traction until the announcement of her becoming a demigoddess derailed the entire operation and any imperial noble that was thinking of joining immediately pulled back support and all those that abstained from the fight for the throne became more involved putting all clear front-runners in question.

Anastasia Walker was in hysterics when she first found out about princess Margaret becoming a demigoddess especially when she learned from me that she possessed three divinities it took long time to console her and even longer to convince her that she was in my control and now was the perfect time to recruit people to our side while others were distracted with news of Margaret's accession by recruiting those deeply involved with the criminal underbelly of the empire using her domain to see who was loyal to the gods and who wanted a change.

The delegations have mostly become more introverted with the appearance of a new demigod especially the beast people as some from want to reignite the flames of war using princess Margaret's accession as an excuse stating that the gods will it to be so especially the hardliners of the clergy who demand that the emperor hand her over to so she might become a high priestess and lead a crusade against the beast empire to exterminate them from the world to make world pure for their gods but I forced her to speak out against such ideas which put a temporary halt on those in the clergy although some are still making moves behind the scenes.

In order to find some form of relief and just for fun spit in the face of an old family enemy I used my dreams to contact Angela Griffin and asked her bring my cousin Elizabeth as I have grown to miss the two of them (actually the delegations are constantly pulling my maids away because I told them to play nice and now I am bored) hearing this Angela first worried how she could get in contact with Elizabeth then how she would receive enough time off to come meet with me I took care of convincing Elizabeth who was just enthusiastic to hear from me and as for time off I used one of piggy's connections to force her family to send her to the academy to serve a student who is their families imperial backer but in reality she is coming to serve me.

Upon their arrival there is a commotion as no expected to see one of the famous Griffin knights in the academy as they landed in front of academy on the back of a Griffin leaving even the delegation speechless as griffins only exist in the empire and the sky islands of the avian floating archipelago.

Angela:"It has been too long since we last seen each other face to face!" As she runs right up to me pulling me into a hug and kissing me leaving everyone stunned including Elizabeth who only knew she was to arrive with Angela

Me:"What happened to the shy girl I met at that party?" I say with a smile causing her to blush a bit and her griffin glares at me and I can tell it knew I am evil so it automatically hates me

Angela:"We talk every night it would be strange if I wasn't so close to you"

Elizabeth wisely decided to keep her mouth shut throughout the entire exchange after she lead her griffin to a stable we returned to a private mansion the Verde family had constructed after the announcement of Melissa's engagement with me which is our new residence with again both delegations in tow where I am greeted by my lovely fiancee.

Melissa:"Isn't it too bold to bring your mistress into our residence before we are married?"