
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasy
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127 Chs

ch 69

Me:"If you really cared then you would have mentioned the maids when I brought them to the mansion" as she guides us to one of the dining rooms

Melissa:"Yes, but at least you were more discreet with them not openly kissing them in public people will talk and I need to at least pretend that I care otherwise it would affect my reputation more than it has"

As we're all seated the servants brings lunch before we continue our discussion the entire room is locked down to prevent people from listening in on our conversation while I don't intend to talk about anything significant it is just procedure for the servants to activate the mansion's security measures when dinning with important guests although the mansion already has such arrays around it this is just another layer of protection.

Melissa:"Now that we are all properly seated I do believe introductions are in order"

Me:"Where are my manners Melissa this is Angela Griffin the only family in the empire to successfully produce Griffin knights generation to generation and her family is the natural enemies with my own and the impressively proportioned young lady next to her is my favorite cousin Elizabeth; Elizabeth, Angela this is Melissa Verde my fiancee"

Devon:"I hate to be rude but aren't you forgetting the rest of us?"

Me:"No, I just don't want to share their company with you as both delegations have already been involving themselves far too much with my maids that I don't have them at my disposal I'm afraid that if I were introduce them you would overly involve them too"

Crystal:"What do you mean by that we just want to reignite Lucy's love of her country before she was wrongfully enslaved!"

Elrond:"Exactly! How can we ignore our fellow country elves suffering under human oppression especially those uniquely gifted under your rule even if only half human your just as bad as the rest!" his statement shocking only Angela and Elizabeth the rest of us are used to it already

Aranel:"I want to point out that he doesn't speak for me"

Me:"Well his statement is false as I am no longer half human" the whole room becomes quite

Aranel:"Does this mean you became a full spirit? Because you still appear to be physical don't tell me you become half god" with a hint of worry in her voice

Me:"Don't be ridiculous I'm half titan now" pin drop silence continues for a few seconds before everyone begins asking questions before I hold up my hand for silence before pointing to Melissa

Melissa:"Since when were you a titan and how come you only mentioning it now!?"

Me:"Since before I helped princess Margaret become a demigoddess and because the hooligan called me human in a derogatory fashion" Elrond was about to say something before Devon covered his mouth

Aranel:"How did you help princess Margaret become a demigoddess?"

Elizabeth:"And how did you become a titan they are extinct aren't they?"

Me:"The answer to the first question is a trade secret as for Elizabeth's question it's because I met a decedent of Hecate who would like to work with those here to overthrow the gods but back to my dilemma both delegations have been hoarding my maids Elrond keeps trying to get himself engaged to Daena and Devon is trying to recruit Mora meanwhile the beast delegation keeps trying to to do the same thing with Lucy who hates the beast empire but only plays nice because I asked her to she keeps asking for permission to maim one of you so you will leave her alone (not true she keeps asking for murder)"

Melissa:"How can you just gloss over such important things as if it's something minor and continue forward with your petty arguments?!"