
A Mages Lore

‘Magic’, a word that brings joy in the land of HAZAR, curses those not adorned by it, and yet a fellow thrived to prove his worth in this forbidden land, his epic remains a secret, the ones who met him can longer forget him and those who forgot him denies his existence, ‘A MAGE’S LORE’, is a story that discovers the wonders of this world and admits that the wonder of the greatest mage to ever live and the story of boy named Jah, who finds himself into a dilemma as the journey goes on, following is the first volume of the epic re-told, during the divine calendar when the uprising began and the battle of legends to reclaim what was lost, in nation of AIDEN, which led to the foundation of an anomaly, a revolution, that would change HAZAR forever, this particular book deals with the “WAR OF RUHAN” arc meanwhile expanding ones knowledge about this particular world. (Vol.1 serves the purpose for the introduction to this world, and creates one’s foundation of what comes next).

Vineet_Kumar_4355 · Fantasia
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2 Chs


"SHARP AS LIGHTNING", is a famous saying that goes around the southernmost land of HAZAR, as one travels past the borders of the main lands, the never-ending sea welcomes them to ashore the land of thunder, AIDEN, formerly part of the twin islands that are located on the south of the main lands is now an independent nation, both of these islands once shared a common ruler, but as the time passed so did the power, now they act as an independent nation with an established line of nobility ruling over them.

Sky family have been the ones in charge of this island that houses the mines of valuable magic stones, that resonates with lightning, the current ruler who resides on the throne is the mighty leader of AIDEN, King Parol Locksky, 10th ruler to emerge from this lineage of mages, following in the footstep of his ancestors that are listed below,

Late king Paul Locksky, the first of his name, likewise the first ruler of the independent AIDEN (previously known as Footspring), who married the princess of Valraden the late queen Riad, passing the torch to their elder son and the second ruler Late king Kay Locksky after dying at age of 68 and 56 respectively, Kay Locksky the only one of his name to take upon knighthood before he sat on the throne, long after his time he married to a women of common descend whose whereabouts were never known, who bore him a daughter and a son, some believe that it was during his time in Lionsgate where he took upon his duties as a knight, who later died of heart attack, at the age of 46, succeeding him was his younger son Paul Locksky II, who lived a moderate yet composing life as an admirer of music and paintings, who later married the youngest princess of Valraden, Kiara of the house Longwood, who later gave birth to two sons and 3 daughters, and both of them had last of their breath, together in the palace at the age of 58, passing the throne to their first born Pavel Locksky, who later stepped down from the throne and passed it to his younger brother Azeal Locksky, one of the sharpest minds to have come out of this particular lineage, some of his accomplishments includes the book titled, 'SORCERY OF TODAY & WITCHCRAFT OF TOMMOROW', that introduces 100s of combat related spells that to this date are hard to master but the most notable of them being the 'Neus Desh' chant that includes all types of combinations including the intonations 'Phras int hoit rakt', he married the princess of Raden, Hestia of the fireside, who later bore two sons, Azeal died during an internal conflict at age of 39, leaving Hestia with her two sons Beryl and Fionn, the legendary twins who brought glory to AIDEN during the conflict between AIDEN & LIONSGATE, by defeating the great king Viktor Braveheart, and establish the peace treaty between these nations, of the twins Beryl was the one who inherited the throne, later on his life he married the princess from Lionsgate, Selene Braveheart, who later gave birth to their only son, and passed at the age of 59 and 48 respectively, the next heir of the Locksky family was the most notable of all kings to ever live, king Zeraf Locksky, the first of his name, the founder of the greatest school of sorcery within the entire nation of AIDEN, 'MAGUS', the only ruler to push the narrative of 'Equal Education', he wanted every person to know the basics of magic for their own good, not only that but he's also one of the 3 founders of the great academia in VIDHEN, during his 30s he brought up the idea to establish a fully centralized mages association within AIDEN, but was never able to implement it, reason being the non-agreeable terms that dictates that a separate entity was allowed to make provincial decisions, which was not well received by the Lords who wanted control for themselves, despite that he always made sure that not a single problem would go unresolved, and he was the first ruler to advocate for the rights of HABINS, giving them basic rights and access to education, he made numerous reform in the economic structure of AIDEN by introducing new regulatory taxes on the people above a certain limit of wealth, and relaxations to those who couldn't afford it, his righteousness was what made him popular among the masses and his ruling era was termed as the, 'Time of the King', The Golden Age, as AIDEN for a point became the hub for trades and exchange when it came to the mines that were filled with valuable resources and in his honor a grand statue was built that currently resides in the center of MAGUS, he married an ordinary mage from VIDHEN named Lluvia Glass with whom he had 4 children, 3 girls and 1 boy, most of his time he spent on reforming the education institute all over the continent, making him the face of AIDEN for the rest of the world, in his late years, he spent most of time with his family near the garden in MAGUS, he passed at the age of 67 of natural cause, and soon after his demise, in less than 2 years Lluvia passed at the age of 56, the next one to take the seat on the throne was the middle child and the only son, Dion Locksky, in contrast to his father who was more involved in the politics, he paid no attention to such matters whatsoever, he would often attend the assemblies but would not care for it, the only thing that ever excited him was the lightning magic, in which he's considered the second strongest of all kings, at the very young age he could easily manipulate lightning, and perform small scale spells, he was truly a prodigy, one of the two family swords, 'INDRA' that was passed down from generation, saw a good use in his hands, he used that sword like no one ever did, he could throw flaming spells from the very blade that could tear through the landscape, at his time, he was the strongest living mage on the entire continent of HAZAR, until he died fighting for his nation during the war between AIDEN & RUNE, his sacrifice was enough to fuel the fire of nationalism among his warriors that kept fighting and finally manage to hold their against the strong mages from RUNE, during his final breath, he asked the commanding officer of RUNE to take a good look on his nation,

Saying the following words he passed on the battlefield, "Behold, this is my glory, this is my pride, this is AIDEN, we are one, if one us falls, two of us are back on feet, if one of us dies two of us kills, we might not win this battle, but one thing I can say for sure is, we won't be the one to lose it", he was the ultimate leader any troupe could have asked for, after his demise, the war came to a conclusion, and both the parties settled for a truce, his son Zelrich Locksky was the one to follow his footsteps, he was a strong mage with a knack for politics, he admired his grandfather more than anyone, also was the one who built the statue that became the center of attraction within the boundaries of MAGUS, he later married to the princess of Valraden, Artemis of Longwood, who later gave birth to his only son, Parol Locksky, and both of them passed not long before Parol came of age, as of now the current ruler, Parol is the first of his name, and also the strongest of all the kings to have come before him, skilled in almost all types of combat, and holds a torch in the department of long-range attacks, even so some might even consider them as the strongest of spells in the entire continent of HAZAR, also being the part of mages association brings more firepower in his arsenal, as being one of the blessed ones, to clear the 'TRIAL' at the holy Temple of Truth, not only this but also the second most proficient user of the family sword, 'INDRA'.

Parol married the princess from Valraden, Aria, and have 2 children, a daughter and a son, later being the younger one.

Aiden has been among the strongest of nations in all of Hazar, the mightiest of kings have emerged from this land, the epic of Locksky family has just begun to unfold, as the current ruler takes the legend to another pinnacle of glory.

Lying below the main lands, this island of a nation, is big as the entirety of Lionsgate, stretching from, east to west is the wide ranges of hills that makes up 70% of the total land, hills that soars high touching the sky that brings down the wrath in form of pulverizing lightning is the sigil that resides on every flag of this nation, depicting the valor of sky family to control the skies to bring down the wrath of the gods, the entire region is divided into 7 states, RUBIN, BAEL, BURKEN, RUHAN, ARSIA, HESIN, RYHON.

ARSIA, being the capital of this nation harbors the city enclosed within the hills, that houses the royal palace, IONIA, named after the first ever lightning magic spell that came into common using, as one passes through the valley that harbors this beautiful city one can see the giant walls that surrounds it, guarded by more than 1000 soldiers at each of the 10 gates, the walls are laid out in an elliptical fashion fencing the city, every person from AIDEN is allowed to enter the premise, to certain extent, Habins are the ones with most of the limitations, but people that do not belong to this nation are not allowed to enter the premise without a written order that is issued by the foreign relations department, if one fails to produce the required document is seized at once, or even executed on the spot, behind the walls, straight goes the path that leads to the numerous steps directing towards the great palace, built out of fine marble and limestone is the building that stands atop the steps, crafted by the finest of RIAS from the nation itself, normally it is always calm around here, unless it's a festival when the entire palace and the streets of ARSIA are decorated to the fullest, but today is no such day, on the contrary the front gate of the palace has become a hub for the folks of this city, as they see a group of people, with tattered clothes, some of them even have severe burns, making a ruckus outside the palace.

"HELP!!!, Lord Parol, please help us….", they say as more people gather around the palace,

"Somebody, please listen to us !!!!, Please lord Parol help us!!!!"

"It's TAIMS, please, somebody, our families were burnt alive, please, lord Parol help us"

"What's all the noise for?" a sturdy voice came from a figure of a warrior who was built like a fierce battle machine, tall, big muscles, black hair with his infamous sword 'KATAR' was none other than the captain of Aiden's army,

"Captain Jack, these people are from Ruhan" said the guard with an anxious voice, "Ruhan, what are they doing here?"

He asked in a casual manner, but he could hear these people rant TAIMS again and again, he could easily tell that they were all mages due to their clothing, it was a group of more than 50 people gathered at the front gate, most of them were elderly to middle aged guys, he glanced at the guard to give him explanation for all this commotion,

"Sir they're here to seek help from lord Parol, they say that their town has been infiltrated by TAIMS and they've captured the sanctuary of their town and has taken charge of all the mines",

"TAIMS!!!, my lord won't be pleased after hearing it, he's already been through a lot during past few days, the meeting of all leaders in capital was no success and now this", he spoke in a soft voice, making it unclear for anyone to hear.

"I don't think lord Parol should be distributed by such trivial matter, we'll look into it", he replied with a calm voice, showing that it was no big ordeal because at the given time number of rebellious groups were on rise, he seemed comfortable as he had already received a numerous complaints in the past.

"Sir there's a bit of pickle" guard whispered in his ear,

"According to these people the one who attacked them was none other than Zerich ",

"Zerich the great combination magic user", it's not a household name you hear , he was shocked for a moment his body couldn't move because the person they described ,a guy with a left scared eye, golden hair, the uncanny sign on his right shoulder, wielding his famous axe, every detail he heard made it more sure it was him,

"Once who fought alongside the great leaders, a skilled mage and a marvelous warrior, but one day he turned against the kingdom and along with some rebellious people formed this organization called TAIMS, but why is he here, the drama at leader's meeting and now his appearance this all seems too good to be a coincidence",

he tried to figure out the situation, but his body showed a sign of uneasy ness, he tried to keep his composure, because hearing such name was no small ordeal,

He asked the guards for more information

"Do they know exactly how many people were there?",

"Yes, they say it was a group of more than 40 people ",


"don't tell me they've gathered some sort of giants", how can few people cause this kind of ruckus, he was astonished for time being, "What kind of skilled mages these guys have or maybe they have them, but I don't think they can have those people they're exceptionally rare and I don't think there's any one on this island, I'm just overthinking it, it can't be...…" he kept mumbling, like he was caught off guard,

"Don't worry I'm sure lord Parol will resolve it",

He spoke in a calm voice, he couldn't show his concerns in public, suddenly he heard guards making announcement, "king's here",

"All hail the mighty king"

"Get aside, the king, leader of AIDEN is here to address you all "

King of the AIDEN , the leader of this holy land , came forth, his face was no less than of a god , his white and blue robes made him look like a real angel, long white hairs, the gaze of an eagle, the crest of locksky family on his chest, carrying his holy sword 'Indra' with him, surrounded by a group of guards he came forth near the balcony of his castle, view from up there was pretty clear, one could see the entire land surrounding that area, he looked towards jack,

"Why is there such a commotion? captain Jack" Parol asked, with a stern voice,

"My lord these are the people of Ruhan, who've come here to seek your help",

"Help, am I their servant, you know I've got bigger issues to deal with not to mention the ordeal that took place at the Loire* is still bugging me and now this",

"Sorry my lord I would've not bugged you for this trivial matter but we've got a serious issue "

"What serious issue, are you listening to me, I'm still not done with work at capital and what problems do these lowlifes have, is there not enough food or are these Habins? " ,

"No, my lord these are the people of mage society, they came here because TAIMS has captured their city and has ceased command over that area",

"TAIMS those filthy creatures again, how long are they going to stick around and even if it's them I think you are more than capable of handling this situation or are you not captain Jack?"

"My lord some of these people claim they saw Zerich commanding the TAIMS unit there ",


this name, it got him off guard, his eyes were wide open, he stood there for a moment without any response,

"My lord, lord Parol",

"Yes, yes I'm listening what about it, are they sure they saw him",

"yes sir people gave the description that matches none other than him, a guy built like an warrior, scared left eye, and he matches with our information on him, and I believe he is the only person brave enough to invade your territory, otherwise TAIMS doesn't have much of unit here in AIDEN, unlike the major land they don't have enough people who can form an army to plan such an attack",

"I see , so what do you think we should do captain?", he asked him softly yet in a terrifying voice like he wanted him to spell out for him to massacre each and every one of those bastards, Jack was able to see the look on his face, he seemed like a child who just got his wish fulfilled, the only time he have seen him this excited was during wars where he'll show his true colors and kill thousands of people like it was a joke, he took a deep breath and told him what he wanted to hear ,

"Sir I think we must attack them as soon as we get a chance and eradicate this filth from our nation",

"Very god captain, we must do what must be done, gather a small unit of soldiers and get the horses ready we'll March towards Ruhan and rightfully take what belongs to us",

"As you wish my lord" after hearing the order He left to talk to the soldiers and army generals to make necessary arrangements, while lord Parol addressed the people.

"Do not fear my fellow mages, I, lord Parol the rightful king and as your leader will bring you people justice, TAIMS and any other organization that tries the disrupt my people must know what pain and suffering feels like , I promise to all of you that I with my divine powers will bring each and every last one of them down and I'll make sure that after they are taught a valuable lesson nobody try to mess with my kingdom, so rest assured ,you will be given justice, this reminds me of my grandfather, you all know him, his valor was enough to strike fear among the masses, back then a certain kingdom tried to destroy us, but they should've known better, we sent them back from where they came, likewise ill pulverize each one these bastards that have dared stepped in my kingdom".

"All hail Lord Parol, long live the king "

"All hail Lord Parol, long love the king"

"All hail the locksky family, long live the king"

Chants roared around the palace, Jack was in the weapon and artillery section and still was able to hear them,

"King must be pleased to see all these people chanting his name",

"Captain Jack, we've made possible arrangements only thing left is your verification", said the soldier,

"Ok I'll look into it, 20 fire mages, super skilled in long range attacks, 30 lighting users "our specialty",

"I don't think we need any more of mages these along with king and me should be enough to eradicate TAIMS and Zerich",

"I've never had the pleasure to see him in action but I've heard that he's a skilled combination magic user, finally I'll be able to see myself what a combination magic user can do, nevertheless one thing I know for sure is that nobody in the land of AIDEN stand a chance against lord Parol, he can destroy all of them if he uses his divine magic", he said to the guard standing right next to him,

"You ready Reiji, its time for you too step up and show the king what you're made of" he said to the guard standing upright holding the armor,

"Yes SIR, I'll give it my all", Reiji said a bit nervous but confident as a whole.

"I've checked all the information, now all of you gather together at the front door",

"YES SIR"!!! ,All of them looked energetic, only thing left was now for the king to arrive

In the district of Ruhan

"You're a good person don't believe what anyone says otherwise, why I keep hearing your voice ? , these lines ,"You're a good perso….." , he's dead but I still hear him , a part of him never died within me , I can reach out to him , I'll protect him ...…..I'll protect him .....I'll protect him", memories from his past, began to resurface, kept speaking to him again and again while he was in slumber after capturing the mages association sanctuary of Ruhan village ,

He along with his companions were staying near the sanctuary, built out of wood, with excellent furnishing, as it was supposed to be property of the mage's association of the village of Ruhan, a figure of a shady looking guy walking up the stairs, heading for a particular room,

"DOOR SLAMS!!!!!!! "

"Zerich! Zerich!!!!!!, do you hear me wake up sleepy head", said the person dressed like an assassin, hood over his head, a shirt which was worn out, carrying multiple blades, knives in his trousers, standing near the door, calling out Zerich with loud voice,

"it's time to kill some royal blood, I'm so pumped",

"Uhahhhhhhhh... Raik you're more than excited, let's not lose our composer, let the moth come to the fire. I've waited for this time my entire life and now finally I'll make peace with it",

"I'm waiting, come to me Parol, your last breath would be before my eyes", he muttered with anger.