
A Mages Lore

‘Magic’, a word that brings joy in the land of HAZAR, curses those not adorned by it, and yet a fellow thrived to prove his worth in this forbidden land, his epic remains a secret, the ones who met him can longer forget him and those who forgot him denies his existence, ‘A MAGE’S LORE’, is a story that discovers the wonders of this world and admits that the wonder of the greatest mage to ever live and the story of boy named Jah, who finds himself into a dilemma as the journey goes on, following is the first volume of the epic re-told, during the divine calendar when the uprising began and the battle of legends to reclaim what was lost, in nation of AIDEN, which led to the foundation of an anomaly, a revolution, that would change HAZAR forever, this particular book deals with the “WAR OF RUHAN” arc meanwhile expanding ones knowledge about this particular world. (Vol.1 serves the purpose for the introduction to this world, and creates one’s foundation of what comes next).

Vineet_Kumar_4355 · Fantasy
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Temple of Truth

Lekhim, Lecur, Lezure.


I wander alone, in the midst of this dome,

Searching the truth that was unknown,

Taking a stick, with no more risk,

This endless loop continues to exist,

Asking myself, what do I do?

All I can hear are the same answers once I knew,

I've lost all I had, but this pain still lingers like a poisonous thread,

The answers I sought are now in front of me, so close yet so far,

Waiting for him to set me free, to remove the curse that binds me to this tree,

The mage of all, the mage of none,

The one who seeks, the one who reeks,

The one who controls the origin of all beings,

But for now, the hope is gone,

Until the torches shine on this darkened sky,

Setting aside the marks of common and unknown from this world of cries,

I'll continue to wait, within this abyss of disdain,

As I pray my words fall apart, leaving behind the noise of this teary rain,

This endless pursuit will come to an end,

If someone waits on the other land,

Sins will lose their burden, false hope will no longer be a farce when the day this heart would've found its path,

I'll wait for his return to make the amends

and see him off to a better end.


Lekhim, Lecur, Lezure.

Here, I was lying down yesterday, holding the same boring staff walking through the same boring mountains, coming back to the same boring place,

It's been over 1000 years now, the curse still runs strong as ever, it slithers down my throat like the never-ending pot of poison, killing me every day, and at the same time it makes me feel alive, before I crossed this road, I had one path, one job, one life, and now I have countless of them, was this what I wished for,

Running amok the path ahead of me, I can see the light and yet I'm never going to reach it, was it my salvation to live like this, in this garden of sins, burdened by my own thoughts, are these dreams or reality, I see no difference and yet if it was one, I'll prefer the later, a decision can change one's life, but I never knew the hell it creates, I've given up on life, or maybe I'm already dead, how long has it been? I don't remember, I don't know where I came from, what was my name, or more importantly what is a name, does this even concerns me now, probably not, than what is it that I'm after and why am I here?

As I close my eyes I can hear the chime not of birds but something bigger, something no one believes it exist, something only I can see, something only I can control, something I don't care about anymore, maybe I'm finally losing it, never thought I would go crazy but now it feels like a relief because no sane person can do the things that I did, mmmhhhhh,mhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,mhhhhhhhhhhh,mhhhhhhhhhh.

Chapter 0- FATE

Thunder strikes...!

"It's going to rain today again, where's Jah?? He isn't playing outside, is he?", Rob said, half drenched, it was his day off yet he was out looking for herbs, he had been a botanist for quite a time now, working for a small herb store, not a common job to be found by the likes of him, plants have always fascinated him, whenever he had the chance, he took upon himself to find new herbs or maybe just research on the pre-existing once and so he was back from one of his countless adventures,

"don't worry, Rob he's out with Marie", May said, her brown dress caught his attention, not a fancy one just an ordinary peplos folded down over the belt to make it appear as if it was two pieces of clothing and top of it was a himation wrap, as she welcomed him, offering him a towel,

"What do you think?", she took a pose as if she was one of the models in fancy paintings all over the town,

"I don't see the difference", he said shrugging her off,

"mmmmmmmmmm", her eyes became dull as the response she received,

"Ok, ok, calm down, I have to say brown does suits you",

"Right, Marie said the same thing, it was quite a bargain tho, 10 bronze coins, do you believe it?",

"that's not bad",

"Here look, I got one for Marie too but don't tell her, I'll surprise her",

"Quite a fancy gift, I must say, are you trying to be mother of the year cause in my books you've already won", she nodded affirmatively, and proceeded to boil the hotpot for some tea,


"For how long, they've been gone?", Rob asked as he wiped away the water that drenched his hair,

"Since morning, last I saw them was during breakfast",

"I told you May, not to let them go out after sunset, you very well know how the conditions are right now it's no longer time of the king",


"Dear you stress a lot, I told you they'll be back soon and also today's the 'Silent Day',"

"Ahhh!!!!!!, but still, you know May I cannot stop worrying, I'll go out to look for them you keep the lamps on",

"Just be careful and make sure to bring them back and don't be harsh on them",

He left the house, with water dropping down ,only thing he had on him was the plastic sheet that was wrapped around like snake on sandalwood tree, "thhhhh", the falling sound of drops and the rustling of wind was an unusual sight as it was the season of spring and to rain out of nowhere was what had not only him but also the farmers not prepared , "oh well now I am sure one of them is definitely going to be sick , I know May told me not to scold them but I'll give them an earful", he spoke to no one in particular, as he reached the crossing which leads to the entryway of the village, he continued to look for them but an unsightly scene manifested in-front of him, he saw a group of girls heading towards the village all soaked, some of them were covered in blood, as he got close to them…., a familiar face grabbed his attention, a moment ago he was looking at the group but now , the only person in his sight was this familiar girl ,

"What's this, why is…, Shai!!! What is she doing with them?", he questioned himself, the situation in itself was a weird one you don't see people running around covered in blood, let alone be on this particular day, he looked at them, all he saw was someone who's lost the will to live, their eyes seemed lifeless like someone sucked the soul out of them, the terrifying faces that screamed of pain were enough to silent his urge of interrogation, but still he forced these words out of his mouth,

" Shai what happened to you???", and to no surprise, no reply, as he expected,

she looked into his eyes like she escaped death, he could sense the fear they had, none of them wanted to talk, all of them seemed traumatized, he could tell they'd been through some rough time, but still he kept his calm and asked her again,

"What happened Shai????,",

none of them responded, he saw them leaving, Shai was his friend's daughter he felt a sense of responsibility towards her, to make sure she gets home safe.

"I'll check on those idiots a bit later, for now all of you go back to house, Shai let's go back to your place",

she kept quiet during the whole time, after reaching her home, He went back to look for Jah and Marie.


"The god who maintains grace over us, the all-mighty Leaders who protects us, the land of AIDEN which blesses us with its blessings, in form of magic, I, St. Grey Lackford of Lackford family blesses the people who are with us, may these blessings remain forever and nourish our magical kingdom."


"May the god bless us and all his children.",

"Look at those idiots spouting nonsense of their weird magic prayers, I don't believe these fools actually believe in God, if it was for me, I'll be sure to teach these people a lesson",

"Don't say it out loud Jah, if they hear us, they'll be sure to kill us and if they found out we are Habins we'll be killed for coming out here in their holy temple",

"Don't worry, no one will find out, we're here for the free food, just going to eat and leave, at village we never get to taste such tasty food, so just relax and don't freak out",

"I know, I won't freak out I'm just worried about you, idiot"

Thunder strikes ....!!!!!!!!!

"Ah man the food was so tasty, I'm going to take a good nap when we get back home, I know, I hate they get all the good stuff and we're left to rot in corner where nobody gives a shit about us people, if there was a 'God' he won't discriminate like they do with us, if only I had one of those cool magic powers like the leaders, I would've taught these people a good lesson".

"I hate to break it to you but we are not same as you think, they are superior to us Jah that's why they look down on us we can't use magic neither we're of royal blood, we are at the bottom of hierarchy",

"Don't speak like that Marie, I hate it when you accept us some kind of untouchables, as those people do",

"I'm just speaking the truth, we are what we are, nothing can change the truth, I know it hurts but I also don't want to live like this, but there's nothing we can do for it, these people can build stuff in an instant, kill people in an instant ,can get whatever they desire , meanwhile us we're left to do the menial tasks to survive we are jus..... ", I interrupted her,

"I know what you mean but one day I'm going to change it all," I said,

"Oh, are you, and how are you exactly going to change it all please elaborate Mr. Jah???",

"I'm going to join 'TAIMS' one day I'll make into their ranks and fight for equality of our people".


"Ok, ok Mr. justice we'll see, but let's head home right now otherwise dad will take away our remaining freedom".

Thunder strikes...!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Look there Marie",

"what's going on?",

"It looks like some sort of tornado over there"

"We must head home, as soon as we can Jah it's getting dangerous",

"I know let's go", suddenly my body stopped, LEKHIM LECUR LEZURE..., these words why am I hearing them all of a sudden why? why? why? why? my body ran towards the cloudy storm surging with lightening, without any consciousness my body won't stop, it kept moving forward,

"Jah where the hell are you going!!!!!! Jah, Jah.!!!!!!!!!! ",

I heard her shouting my name and still my body refuses to listen, I want to go near that light, it's like my body won't stop moving, I lifted my hand pointing towards the clouds suddenly a stream of thunder reached for my hand, it was almost unbelievable but it was like my hand was grasping onto it, light that I saw coming towards my hand felt like a breeze, so beautiful yet so terrifying, what is this? why is it coming towards me ????? Suddenly the breeze was no longer soothing , it hurts now, my hand,

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!, my hand Marie help!!!!!! It hurts it hurts so bad",

I saw Marie running towards me "you idiot I told you not go over there oh my god your hand's bleeding, come here, let your shoulder over me, we need to head back home quickly",

she picked me up on her shoulders and ran.


I hear someone's voice, "dad",

"What are you both doing here and what happened to Jah, why is he bleeding?"

"We we're just (panting heavily) heading back home and suddenly a bolt of lightning struck him",

Marie let out those words while crying, she was exhausted after carrying me and she felt terrible like it was her fault I got hit by it,

"Don't worry he'll be fine for now let's head back home quickly so we can get him treated",

Dad took over now and carried me back to home, but the thing that troubles me the most was, even after such a bolt hit me my hand doesn't hurt anymore, it felt like it never happened.

(I never knew after that day our lives are never going to be the same and the me of the past will no longer be the me of today).

please take a look.

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